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LukeLouHarveylive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


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Room for on-line sex video chat LukeLouHarvey

Model from: za

Languages: en

Birth Date: 1988-04-12

Body Type: bodyTypeAthletic

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorOther

Eyes color: eyeColorBlue

Subculture: subcultureHousewives

Date: September 19, 2022

68 thoughts on “LukeLouHarveylive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. It’s not wrong.

    You can still love and support through it. But if it’s what kills the romance side of things for you, that’s completely reasonable.

    If that were to be the case, you can still be supportive as a friend.

  2. Agree with this but don’t go first… do it together so he doesn’t see as the therapist is just on your side. I think there is a convo with him how counseling really helps each other get a toolset to work with each other.

  3. Run, Run now. Don’t have unprotected or any other kind of sex, just RUN TO THE HILLS. YOU ARE WAY TOO YOUNG TO MAKE THAT KIND OF LIFE COMMITMENT!

  4. Men typically don't text first. But the late response are a real issue. Especially if it's that far after work hours. Sounds like you are not a priority to him and you might even be a side peice or in his rotation.

    I would bring up how it bothers you and see what he says. There is a small change that he is just not aware but probability doesn't support this.

  5. I will say the “ options “ you think she has are all bad. Vasectomy’s are reversible unlike the damage a lot of birth controls end up doing to you body and that includes more progressive methods like iuds or surgical inserts. Being a person with a vag on birth control is a lot harder than it looks and there is the possibility that it makes your day to day life more difficult ultimately. The vasectomy is a reversible surgery that doesn’t even have worse side effects than most birth control if that puts things into perspective. I also wanna say SHE MEEDS TO BACK OFF because as I’m sure many would agree it’s your body and your choice. Y’all should look into different contraceptives and their side affects so you can understand more where she’s coming from as well.

  6. I understand that but im arguing because you guys are being mean af for no reason and making it out to be like I cheated on her or betrayed her trust. If she communicated to me that she was serious about it i would have vowed I wouldn't masturbate but she didn't. Plus it's my body if she didn't tell me I couldn't then why am I obligated to tell a girl I've only been dating a week what I do with my body or why should my sleep quality have to adjust to her sexual gratification. Tbh with the way you guys just immediately jump to her side and don't at least consider how I feel about it and how I need to sleep you guys seem 100% sexist judgemental people who will jump to attack anyone if you even feel like they did something that wasn't that wasn't to 'your' liking. If you don't have anything at the minimum unbiased to say to me that would help me understand her point of view or how I could feel better about it then don't bother because your “advice” would amount to its your fault be better.

  7. This is literally the problem with people who think they want a dog/puppy. Until they don’t anymore.

    Find it a new home away from your dumbass wife.

  8. That unpleasant feeling in your chest is the one you get when you realize that the person you love doesn't respect you. This wasn't just a mistake on his part that he can apologize away, this is his overall opinion of you. He's pathetic.

  9. Not to mention, unless they spend a lot of time on 101, they're gonna have to go thru at least Grant's Pass, if not the Siskiyous.

  10. Hello /u/Inside_Market_6550,

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  11. News flash: it's 2023. There are many things that are not acceptable to say in this day and age.

    Go back to the 1950s if you insist of casually demanding oral gratification from women.

  12. Hello /u/Open_Ad9881,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  13. can we stop defending her when she literally blamed him for not accepting her half assed apology and then made him feel bad by guilt tripping him

  14. There's no cut off, it's up to the family. I slept in my parents bed until 5th grade. My oldest slept w me until about 8, and our youngest 2 kids, ages 7 and 2 also sleep with us. As long as they want.

  15. I do want this be something serious and long term because we’ve both talked about marriage after we work things out with our parents and education/work. It struck me in the wrong way when she made the joke.

    For further context, the most recent was in a groupchat with three of us (gf, me, her friend). What she said, word for word, was “(my name) do i have permission to forget about you and marry (her friend) instead ?” to which her friend replies “I’m kidnapping them, I don’t care about the answer ?”.

  16. Dude, please, YOU are NOT the problem here.

    Do not marry this woman until you go to couples therapy so she learns how to bring up issues like an adult. Do not marry this child. She isn't communicating, she's attacking you. Stop being a doormat. You don't have to fix this, it's her.

    DO NOT MARRY until she fixes this. Make it a condition to go through with it. She needs lessons on how to talk to people and treat you.

  17. I live! in a legal state and have been around weed my whole life in all forms. I used to be a stoner and used to grow. It's always around. I stopped getting high regularly 5 years ago, and I find that my attraction to someone goes down when they abuse anything, including weed. There's something about dating someone who is always mentally altered that just doesn't do it for me. I can't connect to people who are high all the time.

    I'm not saying you should quit or give in to an ultimatum. Just wanted to show there's another side that's reasonable.

  18. Get your wife into individual therapy and you two into couples therapy. Go no contact with the sister. And if the in laws want abide by the rules, go no contact with them.

  19. Unfortunately, I am accidentally breaking NC. I warned her it would happen, but ordered some things to be delivered. They have already been bought and paid for, and I set them up to be delivered in stages. Does this change anything? She knows some things are coming but not what and not when. She’s already thanked me in advance.

  20. Yeah people in psychotic breaks have a nude time knowing they’re in a psychotic break. Kinda central to the illness.

    He was going through a psychotic break, “left her” and is then hospitalized. His wife moved on. That’s so incredibly shitty. The fact she didn’t see something was wrong and is framing this as “her husband left her” is ridiculous. It’s like saying an Alzheimer’s patient doesn’t want to live! with her kids anymore because she just left the house one day.

    His mental issues aren’t an excuse to be shitty. He does need help and to get himself healthy. But what’s the point of marriage if you won’t stick by someone when they are sick (and yeah, in many cases, being incredibly sick also comes with shitty behavior)

  21. Do you think you’re going to change a 30+ male from talking about hard chicks with his friends? Do you and your girl friends never admire and discuss nude guys??? This seems very over the top and is likely to end with him pissed you went through his stuff and calling you a psycho.

  22. It used to be saying that you shouldn’t get black out drunk was good advice.

    But now it’s victim blaming? There are steps people should take to be safe and secure in their relationship and that includes not getting black out drunk.

  23. I didn’t realize I gave off the impression I thought you had to do EVERYTHING with your partner. I was not trying to say that at all. I was saying that downloading Minecraft for 30 dollars and playing a little bit seems very innocent and like it wouldn’t be that big of a strain to do. I don’t like sports but I bit the bullet and watched the Olympics with my boyfriend because that’s his interest. You don’t have to do everything you partner wants but it doesn’t hurt to compromise every once in a while on something the really enjoy. It doesn’t seem like OP’a partner is asking them to start playing Minecraft everyday with them. Just that he wanted to build a house and give her flowers. Seems pretty innocent to me.

  24. OP you are in a tricky place. Your wife might come back…sometime in the future. When people are like how your wife described, they want to know why and how to live! happily. If the trip goes very well there is a good chance she won’t come back (at least to your current setup). When people go on a mid life crisis trip, they realize that a trip is temporary and that isn’t enough for some people. Let her go (you have no choice honestly) just start implementing protections for finances so she only digs into an account that is designated for this trip. Next make plans for both her coming back and leaving. Even if she does come back, know that even a month long trip will most likely be a stop gap.

  25. I know my mom shouldn't be involved in this but the fact that an abortion is illegal in some places of my country doesn't help and also where is legal is really expensive ,so if I was pregnant it would depend on my boyfriend's decision unless I take a loan. I've been trying to get a job for months because I don't like to be dependant on other people but it turn out to be unsuccessful

  26. it’s his choice to end it. they mutually decided to be child free. that is a foundational decision in a partnership. him taking on a child full time goes against their agreement.

  27. Okay I understand. Thank you for your input, I appreciate it a lot. I’m still unsure on how to continue because I love him so much and he says loves me too which is why he wants me to get better but you might be right about him always resenting me. Is there any warning signs I should look for to know if he truly does resent me for what i’ve done?

  28. Sounds like he’s footing the bill every time though and she just expects it, that’s not the same as what you’re saying at all. They don’t even live! together so she shouldn’t “expect” anything

  29. I'm in a relationship with a girl who is very religious. She loves sex but doesn't help in bed, I do all the work, and she will never do oral. That's what u can expect from this relationship. One-sided sex.

  30. I loved that people gave me insight into their struggles while pregnant and more importantly solutions.also liked to compare what we bought because sometimes their decision making can help your own. Some people had thoughts which helped me or calmed me down. But all in all I think the concept of 'moment of thunder because pregnancy' is misplaced. Also I don't like gender reveals especially in public places. People usually litter like hell and noone cleans up after oneself. But maybe I am also just 'not American' and therefore will never understand how you feel.

  31. Don’t involve yourself with Catholics if you’re not also catholic (I don’t care if this offends you, the vast majority of you are not good to interact with)

  32. How old is the baby ?? you two were pregnant at the same time ?? You might have reason to worry because it sounds like he is still talking up her – and deleting texts ? Why did he take a picture of her in lingerie if you were pregnant too?

  33. Wow, talk to the other friends about it. She’ll have to see it with so many saying it. She’s in deep denial. John sucks.

  34. Your situation is totally different from mine. My husband doesn’t get attention from girls.

    What’s wrong with not finding my husband attractive?

  35. You should just break up, he's not putting in the necessary effort to make the relationship work. Sex is an extremely important aspect of a successful relationship.

  36. Do you really want a friend who would so blatantly close her eyes and blame the messenger for the actions of her husband??

  37. If you break up with her, you can work less and be doing 2/3 or less of the work at home than you’re doing now. Please leave her. She clearly doesn’t want to learn to be an adult but she also needs to. It’s better for both of you if you kick her out and end the relationship

  38. Break it off. She is allowing herself to be influenced by this guy who is orbiting her and she's likely already cheating on you. You're clearly being shoved aside when she's with this guy. Do not stay in a relationship in which your boundaries are so readily disregarded. It will be hard, I'm sure, but this isn't going to end well if you stay.

  39. Since she has moved do you go visit her? Has she come to visit you? If you or her haven’t or rarely do, I think now is the time for a visit. See what her reaction is to you coming or her coming to see you. Also ask to meet this guy from her work and others she has friended there. If you get to meet him or them form your opinion afterwards. Then have a talk with her if need be. If she won’t do any of these things I would say something is very fishy. Finally always go with your GUT instincts as they are usually right!

  40. I went through this 2 weeks ago with my sister apart from the ex boyfriend part but I made it clear that I choose who she comes with. Haven't talked since but I know she got the message and is free to attend if she wishes. I'd say that be firm on the plus 1 part and deal with the other stuff after your wedding coz planning a wedding is really stressful

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