Luna Hatzel on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 21, 2022

32 thoughts on “Luna Hatzel on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I have a friend who's the only child of Indian parents. He moved to the US for college and then work, great guy. He met a wonderful girl (who happens to be white) and they fell in love.

    He asked her to marry him and they setup a date for the wedding. His parents threatened to disown him, his extended family called to tell him he was destroying his family and that his mom had to go into therapy. They told him that she was not right for him because she is a little on the bigger side and apparently 'not good enough for him'. He did not budge, he loves her and that is that.

    They got married, a few months later she got pregnant and when the baby came his parents relented. Not everything is fine now but they're working on it with his parents. He won't take any drama and won't let anyone hurt his wife.

    He's quite awesome.

  2. I’m an Indian immigrant who is currently dating outside my race. This guy is wrong for not being open and telling you the truth. I come from a family where everyone would be ok with me marrying her. I introduced her to my parents and they really like her too. This might not be common, but it is real and I have atleast 15 other friends from India who have done the same. Most of them already married outside their race. Sorry to hear about this OP, best to move on, you will be fine and will find the right person soon.

  3. Hello /u/throwaway77357,

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  4. If this is something you want, you need to say so. But you also have to remember the dude is running a business.

  5. Your post is incredibly judgmental and frankly, overstepping. Who are you to criticize someone else’s interests. Many would equate gaming to a child’s hobby, but somehow in your mind it isn’t?

    My husband and I have had similar issues with hobbies that are very different. We worked together to find new hobbies we both like. We still enjoy our own hobbies, but devoted time to trying new things together to find ones that were mutually enjoyable. It was fun. There were many that we would never do again, but the initial experience of exploring it together was fun.

  6. How delusional are you people? Benadryl is maybe the most commonly used deliriant and pretty much causes you to go into a psychosis (which is apparently enjoyable for some)

  7. Yeah, if the guy is married but contacting me and saying these things, I would probably cut him off. It isn't your job to be an outlet for his negative emotion toward his own marriage and it is overshadowing any sort of professional or platonic friendship we may have been able to retain. Even if he wasn't married, you do not have feelings for him and these advances are inappropriate for the relationship you now have with him and can create uncomfortable tension. I think letting him know if you do this would be a good step, just so there is closure on his end and he isn't questioning where you two stand. It isn't your job to worry about his questions concerning med school anymore; he is a grown man and obviously a pretty intelligent one if med school is on the table. I am sure he will be just fine. Put those people behind you!

  8. Every other task will have worse consequences if he forgets. If we miss a doctor's appointment, we get charged $50 for a no show. If a bill doesn't get paid we get a late fee.

  9. You’ve got baby fever (it happens) and you’re happily infatuated with your lovely new bf. It sounds like you recognize that practically a baby right this moment is not a good idea, and it’s more of a daydream right now. I don’t see a ton of harm unless you are truly fixated. What happens when you let yourself acknowledge this feeling and give it some space? Do you spiral or does it help you to acknowledge it and let it go?

  10. All of her friends who think you should be the one to talk to her and help her with her addiction are welcome to do exactly that. She brought crack and a homeless man into your house and has been for awhile. That was a dangerous thing for her to do.

    To be clear, you can't fix her addiction. You aren't responsible for fixing her. She has to be the one to seek help and you contacting her won't be any use for that. Block her friends.

  11. Like i already wrote in the post and a different reply, – he was the one to friend zone me basically. He’s the one who told me that he loves me as a best friend and that he’s not interested in anyone at all. That’s why this is so confusing and bothersome when he reacts that way, because since he does not like me more than a friend, there’s no logical reason for him to be bothered and have that type of “jealous” reaction when i talk to other guys.

  12. You seem to believe you have a choice of staying with a woman who is awful to you, or being alone forever. That's not the case. You would definitely be happier without her because you wouldn't feel the burden of having to look after her and put up with her nonsense. You would definitely be happier on your own, working on yourself and doing whatever makes you happy. And you could be happier with someone else.

    Never stay with someone because you don't want to be alone.

    You don't owe her anything because she probably won't cheat- not cheating on your partner is literally the bear minimum you can bring to a relationship.

  13. If you going want to lose the relationship then you're going to need to see a therapist to deal with the abuse if you aren't already.

    You should also look at improving your lifestyle with regards to health as that can have a huge impact on libido and mental health. Get some kind of exercise daily, whatever you enjoy the most and is most convenient. Eat more fats and proteins than carbs or sugars with fewer processed foods. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule even on your days off. Minimize or eliminate overly stimulating/potentially addictive substances such as drugs, alcohol or anything else you use to avoid dealing with feelings head on.

    Frankly, if you don't deal with the causes of your low libido then you're going to have little chance of maintaining a healthy romantic relationship with anyone.

  14. Lol OP has a post up, text message between her and her sister, she thinks that sister is ok with her continuing to see this guy. ??‍♀️

  15. In scenarios like this, you could get opinions from a thousand different women saying they don't care and it wouldn't matter – the opinion that matters here is the one your girlfriend holds.

    She is allowed to not want to be in a relationship with someone who does something she finds objectionable. You can either decide that you like being with her more than you want to like photos of models on social media and agree to stop doing it, or you can decide that it's something you feel strongly about and leave the relationship. She's not wrong, you're not wrong, you might just be incompatible.

    Personally, I think liking photos of other people on social media is a stupid hill to die on. What's the point? Do you really need an instagram model you've never met to know you find them attractive?

  16. How do you know that she “definitely” knows about an unspoken rule? I agree most western women probably do, but I wouldn’t take it as 100%. Get your fiancé to find out if she’s ACTUALLY planning to wear this dress – if she is, then he can handle it, and explain why it’s rude. If she doesn’t budge, let her do it and embarrass herself, but there’s a couple of things that might avoid a big situation.

  17. I know still I’m going to tell you something my dad told me. No one who is sure about you will ever make you feel like they are unsure.

    Disengage. Find someone who is sure about you. You deserve nothing less than what you give to other people. You’re giving her more than you get back. It’s a shitty deal. Why would ever allow yourself to accept less than you deserve?

  18. He’s doing the right thing. He didn’t have a good relationship with them ever. Not if they would treat someone he cares about that way. The problem is not that they don’t respect you. It’s that they don’t even respect HIM.

    Don’t leave him over this. Even if you did, the problem would still be there. They would still be racist to others and disrespectful and controlling to him.

    Even if you left, he could not date anyone else they did not approve of.

    I won’t say “you found a good one”, because I don’t know anything else about him. But I will say this is a huge green flag. Don’t feel guilty. You did nothing wrong. You are as valid and beautiful as every other human on the planet. You deserve respect. We all do.

  19. The cat wasn't her father's cat. She adopted the cat after her father died.

    Benji brings her comfort and companionship, which is why we have pets. If she believes her cat is linked to her father's soup, that's fine. She's doing no harm, and unless it's interfering with her life and ability to do things, it's fine. She gets comfort and an animal gets a loving companion who will take good care of them.

    She needs to report the theft, get Benji back and divorce her husband. If my partner got rid of my cats (he wouldn't, he loves those fuzzy assholes too), then I'd be getting rid of him. Anyone who treats an animal as something they can just throw away, especially when it's not theirs, is a completely garbage person. He doesn't respect her, he doesn't respect animals. And he's a selfish asshole who's jealous of a fucking cat.

  20. Lol “expensive piece of hardware” that really is one of the most expensive things I own, that I’m constantly leaving everywhere?

    One time on vacation in Daytona, my brother and I saw something glowing out of the waves as night. We both ran in to retrieve whatever it was. It turned out being this woman’s brand new iPhone that she had just gotten 3 days ago. We managed to track her down to return it. Luckily she didn’t have it passcoded. She said she had been standing in the waves earlier, listen to music on it when it fell out of her hand and she looked all over for it, never expected to see it again. It had some water damage but at least she got it back. I am surprised that there are actually people who exist who think these things don’t easily get lost or misplaced.

  21. Are you not OK with any casual drug use or is it just specifically because he seems to be using it in a way that’s problematic?

    I’m a woman in my late 40s that has ADHD and I did plenty of coke in my slightly misspent youth because of the way it calmed me down and let me do things like a “normal” person. Sadly, it took me another 20 years to figure out why it made me feel that way.

    It’s simply too dangerous to do coke now because of the risk of whatever it’s been cut with. That would be my immediate concern in this situation honestly.

  22. You two don't sound compatible. Find a woman who isn't an emotional wreck that is more compatible with you. You will be MUCH happier.

  23. A relationship takes two people. This sounds like you are doing the taking care of and all she is doing is taking. Think carefully about marrying someone who treats you this way.

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