Mia-hot-cum1 online sex chats for YOU!


mia-hot-cum1 chat

Date: November 24, 2022

25 thoughts on “Mia-hot-cum1 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. The frequency really depended on where she was in her cycle. It was at least once a day, usually twice, and when her hormones were revving up each month, it was 3 but that's where we capped it. It helps that she was easily orgasmic, so were talking 10min tops if it was just me holding her.

    Everyone's appetite for physical touch is different, but I literally cannot get too many cuddles.

  2. Seems that the two of you didn't talk about this enough. Talk to her again! Ask more questions and explain where are you coming from. Sometimes people are open to the idea of open relationships but it doesn't mean that they absolutely need one or that will not be happy in a monogamous relationship

  3. What? Being more tempted to drink more after a couple of beers is not alcoholism lmao.

    Like he said, that’s very common here in the UK. Going out with the intention of a couple but ending up on a night out. It’s called having fun

    OP’s boyfriend should’ve communicated to her what he was doing though

  4. Because with how you talk about your boyfriend, it didn't sound like he did the traditional education and career path, which is okay.

    Your boyfriend deserves better than you crying to internet strangers that he doesn't have money. You may have to earn a living yourself but you come from money. You can't deny that. You have benefitted from your privilege.

  5. Your family is absolutely correct. He's a mean drunk, he's abusive, he's ridiculous. He's not good for you. And fixing him is not your responsibility.

    You'd be a fool to stay in a relationship with him.

  6. Do you bitch about your period with complete strangers? Cause that's what OP's sister's girlfriend is to OP. A complete stranger who just happens to be dating her sister.

  7. than you should move forward and get on with living your life, there is more than “One” out there for everyone.

    I hope you find what your looking for and enjoy life to its fullest

  8. Yeah I apologize for putting words in your mouth but I thought I got the gist of what you were saying. Glad to see it was the case.

    For me the humbling moment was Statistics, haha. Though I did complete my MA eventually.

  9. Just for some more insight, I've never been in a relationship or even skated someone out before due to a variety of reasons, so this was my first rejection.

  10. Really, I was asking for advice and/or solutions on how other people dealt with their differences. Maybe I should've been more clear. I am not changing my stance on prenups, but some people were able to give me solid advice without putting me and my character down.

    As some others have said, marriage is not an end all be all, and while we may not be able to agree on the terms of marriage we can continue to remain in a loving relationship.

  11. I don’t have problems with porn. But when you watch it, you’re watching REAL people. Books are 100% fantasy and imagination. Also, the porn industry is inherently harmful. Obviously not all videos are done with coercion and trafficking, but many are and it’s difficult to find out which it is.

    Also, I read a lot of smut. It’s fun to read the things I’m reading, but it doesn’t mean I actually want to get railed by a bunch of criminal bikers at once. What you want to fantasize about and what you actually want to experience can be very different.

  12. I’m genuinely trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. I like him a lot he’s the best guy I ever been with. We just click so well. So if I’m going to respect his boundaries what’s the issue?

  13. I’m sorry you feel betrayed. I’m also glad that she’s close enough with her mother that she can share her pain and fears. That’s a real gift. Maybe you can see it a bit through her eyes. She needed her mom and she’s lucky enough to have a mom she can go to. I hope you get past this.

  14. I hope your kids are girls so that at least the world will eventually get 2 new strippers and/or pornstars. If they are boys than we will just get 2 new abusers and criminals. JFC why do all the idiots keep reproducing?

  15. Doesn't it seem a bit controlling that a FWB wants you to stop talking to someone you like? He's a FWB, not your boyfriend that he has any right to tell you this. It sounds like might be jealous that you might be moving on from him. I wouldn't entertain this request.

  16. he's saying i hang out with the wrong ppl, and my commitment doesn't look strong.

    he fucked two women.

    you leave him. seriously. you block him on everything and understand that he is not right in the head and the longer you stay with him the more bad things he'll do to you and tell you it was your fault.

    you get out now.

  17. Everything is as ok as you let it be. If he wants a butt plug with a raccoon tail and you like that, then it’s ok. If you don’t want to send him pics at all that’s ok too.

  18. we both really love one another, but I want her to have better.

    Okay, we need to build this from the ground up.

    The first problem you're having is that you've watched too much television. You always see people cheating on each other because there's no reason not to; and even more than that, you see the love triangle. “Oh, man, I can't choose between Alexis and Bryce. I mean, sure, each of them has a different actor, they're not being played by the same person or anything, but that doesn't matter and it doesn't help me choose between them because fundamentally they are the exact same person! There is literally no difference between two different people!” This is how mass media likes to portray romance: as though everyone is completely interchangeable.

    In reality, this is not true at all. In reality, relationships take place between people, not bodies. The reason your girlfriend is dating you is not because you just happened to be the only one who asked her out: it's because she's looking for a very specific combination of personality traits, and, thus far, you're the closest she's found to having that configuration. Your prior sexual experience, your body, your conventional attractiveness, do not matter, because that's not why and how she's judging you. That's also not what is going to make her happy. At the end of the day, bodies are wrapping paper. At the end of the day, sexual experience can be learned. (In fact, it has to be learned, since every person wants different things.)

    So if you truly believe that she's settling for you, that means you don't respect her or believe she's capable of knowing what she wants.

    If you do respect her, then smile and accept it at face value. Part of being in a healthy relationship is not looking the gift horse in the mouth.

  19. So you met this escort, paid her for sex, then gave her your number to chat, and caught feelings?

    Kinda sounds like you were desperate for any female attention, and she might have caught on to that and tried using you to get a green card and move to the US, which fell apart when she realised you wouldn't follow through. Am i missing a part?

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