MiaMikova online sex chats for YOU!


15 thoughts on “MiaMikova online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yes, but OP would need a minimum of 500,000 USD in investments for Fisher Investments to be interested in OP as a client.

  2. absolutely. it took my bf some time of me actually sitting down to express I AM trying to work on it all, but something else might be wrong and I’m trying to figure it out and I needed him to be there for me while I did try.

    I’m not sure how you two talk, but maybe he thinks you aren’t trying. or he currently doesn’t know the correct way to help. have you told him how you need support?

  3. Lying is lying. Lying is associated with cheating. You knew what her issues were and you went with the worst possible decision to feed into her insecurities. It’s up to her if she wants to stay on. It would probably be best if she were single and work through her past trauma with therapy. You were no help. She is not ready for a relationship, especially with someone that blatantly lies to her.

  4. You are not in the wrong for not texing a lot, per se.

    The most wrong thing i see in your post is the implications that wanting to text frequently means you are/want codependency.

    You could be incompatible, but this issue alone, if you can both communicate well about yoir reasoning and try and see each others pov, doesnt mean your relationship is doomed.

    People date others with different communication styles all the time. It absolutely can work out, but yall need to talk about it. In a “lets both see each others side, then decide together what we want to do. (And probably check back in w a similar convo in a while)” way. Hell even couples counceling if you want.

    But you arent wrong for not naturally texting a lot. And they arent codependent for wanting that.

  5. That’s a lie. You have to stop lying. False hope is not great potential. It’s fantasy.

    You would not be posting if it had great hope.

    Your lack of self honesty kept this going 2.5 years too long. You could have been with someone with real prospects in that time.

  6. No, you’re not being toxic. You know that other men will be there and most likely try to make a move on her. Meanwhile she’s probably all dressed up when she goes out. That in itself is attention seeking. It’s a respect thing. If she can’t respect your wishes, then you may need to rethink your situation.

  7. I don’t think she knows what she wants, I may have come off wrong in my post. I want what we have right now with effective communication.

  8. This feels like this might be against the law. I would look into the laws where you live! but disclosing medical information like that seems illegal. If it is, I would message her or even better if you know a lawyer or cop have them message her to cease and desist telling people or she may face charges.

  9. She wants you to fight for her and other bs. Basically wants you to chase her and fight for the relationship. Stand you ground. She wants out- “OK. Bye” don't simp.

  10. That is very doubtful since you want to be remarried quickly since you think you are such a catch. All of your comments just says that you and this man child have the same maturity. Hopefully you don’t ruin your kid with your choices.

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