Miapatrick online sex cams for YOU!


3 thoughts on “Miapatrick online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Honestly, he could spend every night with you and go to his house in the mornings to see his son. Also, if you're going to be in your bfs life for the foreseeable future. The soon to be ex-wife needs to be accepting of you. Y'all dont have to be best friends, but cordial, and she needs to understand it's about your bf and her son. The Co-Parenting aspect needs to start now. So, these “feelings” need to be pushed to the side, and their relationship should be like a business, and the kid is the investment. Trust me, I've been there.

  2. He needs to deal with his reality. That reality is that he made a mistake and you are no longer willing to be a part of his life. You can forgive him and still move on with your life. Do not take any responsibility for this – it isn't your fault. Whatever he does in the future will not be your fault!! He needs professional help, not a relationship with you!

    You will be doing yourself and him no favors by agreeing to stay in his life. You might actually do him harm by “pretending.” You may even do yourself harm by putting yourself back within his reach. He has proved that he is willing to hurt someone to get his way. How can you know that the next time you move to leave (and at some point you will have to) he won't turn his violence on you? It isn't worth the risk!

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