The best way to stop thinking about one thing is to start thinking about something else. Find a hobby or activity that will keep your mind occupied and focused on other things. Read, learn to play an instrument, research a topic that interests you.
Also, learn to be mindful of your thoughts so you can recognize when you start having unhealthy or upsetting ones. So when you do start thinking about him, you can realize it before you get lost in negative thoughts, and direct your thoughts to something more productive.
Putting her first doesn't mean you get to sleep with other women as a reward dude. Ask her if she's interested in it. Although with monogamous people, that conversation rarely goes well.
Look like BF needs to make up with his sister
The best way to stop thinking about one thing is to start thinking about something else. Find a hobby or activity that will keep your mind occupied and focused on other things. Read, learn to play an instrument, research a topic that interests you.
Also, learn to be mindful of your thoughts so you can recognize when you start having unhealthy or upsetting ones. So when you do start thinking about him, you can realize it before you get lost in negative thoughts, and direct your thoughts to something more productive.
OP says monthly rent, streaming services, and groceries
Putting her first doesn't mean you get to sleep with other women as a reward dude. Ask her if she's interested in it. Although with monogamous people, that conversation rarely goes well.