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Room for online sex video chat missmiss2315
Model from: it
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Birth Date: 1986-06-24
Body Type: bodyTypeAverage
Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite
Hair color: hairColorBlonde
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Date: November 23, 2022
So some thoughts
You guys need to discuss this without going to personal attacks or even worse, blackmail. Tell your wife any further blackmail will result in you no longer being willing to discuss this because if you can't act like mature adults in the DISCUSSION then you ought not to be raising a child. Instead you guys really should find a mediator or therapist to help you discuss this idea as rational adults who actually love and respect each other and not like children fighting over a toy that would actually be a living breathing being totally dependent on you guys to know what you need to do to help them.
You guys can completely agree to how much you desire to on-line the next 10 years of your life with a child relying on you for EVERYTHING. The next three or so with little sleep with a demanding baby who can do nothing without your help. Giving up most of your free time to be there for them, making choices based on what is best for them, and not yourselves.
Then, once you decide just how important that choice is to making your life full, you can see what you need to do or not do to make or prevent that from happening. Have your wife get checked out by her doctor with an eye to exactly how healthy she would be in carrying a child to full term. Decide how much you actually want to work around this idea, as in would you want to track her cycle for best options? Just remove all barriers to conception and not think about it? Actually visit a fertility clinic and see what you need to do to boost your chances? There are a ton of ways to go about this, actually.
But the first step for both of you is to get on the same wavelength before this causes an issue in your marriage that kills it. That is the most important, baby or no.
So utterly gross. Sorry, OP!