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msyvette1970@xhlive sex stripping with Live HD


64 thoughts on “msyvette1970@xhlive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. I really don't undestand your mom's emotional abuse, I too think she did this on purpose.

    At this point, I would be planning an exit, I know js not common for hispanic kis to leave the nest, but you need some separation.

  2. Here is that “recent fling” thing again. This sounds hugely important. Everyone is just telling you “be yourself, be confident,“ when the answer maybe ought to be “find a girl who isn’t into other people.”

  3. That’s the first thing I told him. That it seemed he just needed something or someone to be angry at. Regarding being happy at the effort, I can say that I wasn’t happy but it was literally the most effort that I’ve gotten in so long. Everything you said, I agree with. I keep telling myself that it’s addiction to gaming because usually when I’m in a good mood, he starts to get it one too but it’s nude for me to tell.

  4. Nothing sketchy my man!!! If I'm honest, I'll pick the lock but only if i need something and i always respect him and let him know! It's his time for privacy for goodness sakes!! He can do whatever he likes!! (Within reason lol)

    She's tripping if he has to have it unlocked they got kids and he's a dude!!! Your not doing anything wrong!!

    Infact i would find it weird if you didn't honestly!! Maybe me?!?!

  5. Reach out for support from They specifically council to straight partners after their spouse comes out as gay.

  6. My dog was “on sale” from a nearby shelter because they were overcrowded and had marked down the adoption fees to $45 for most animals and $15 for those on the euthanasia list.

    She is awesome but she has been the most expensive dog I've ever owned, because of her breed and personality and having to buy extra durable toys, a high anxiety crate because she destroyed the other ones, and now planning on offense that would rival a maximum security prison because she can jump the 6 ft one and climb the 10 ft kennel fence we built inside as an alternative.

  7. Hello /u/Confused_BF19,

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  9. Unfortunately, narcissists & abusers are very VERY good at hiding their true selves. You only see what they want you to see. And as long as things are going their way, they appear to be fine.

    But once they lose their control over their victim, they become toxic. They spiral. When their victim breaks free, they try to regain control by painting themselves as the victim. They claim that the other person is unhinged, they have lost their mind, that if they became violent it’s because they made me… all of the things you are hearing now.

    The fact that you missed it, doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t mean you are to blame. You were a victim of his manipulations. You saw what he wanted you to see.

    If you decide to stay out of it, and refuse to speak in his defence, you need to prepare yourself for the fact that he will likely come after you too.

    Look up Rowan Baxter (I despise that name). He was also seen as a devoted father, respected member of the community etc. Many people wrote off his increasingly unhinged behaviour as a man desperate to save his family… didn’t end well for his family.

  10. If you know you didn’t treat her right and you want it to work, it’s on you to show her that you can be better. If you don’t replace those bad memories with good ones why would she want to be in that relationship. Admitting you weren’t a good partner and apologising doesn’t actually fix anything, it’s just the right thing to do. She knows you won’t be there for her. You can either prove her right or suck it up and prove her wrong; in other words put the work in. Stop complaining and asking for timelines or forgiveness etc. Just work on being a good friend to her and being a good father.

    Or don’t. Up to you.

  11. I totally agree. I couldn't be buddy buddy with my dad and his affair partner after they did something like that to my mum.

    I would be really upset on my mum's behalf. People are really diverse in their thinking I suppose. But I hope I never experience anything like this. It sounds heartbreaking

  12. Is there a reason you can’t take these feelings of anger to the counselor and work through them with your wife with the counselor as intermediary?

    I think it’s okay that you are feeling the anger, as a backlash to the shock and loss of trust that she has inflicted on you. I saw your comment where she went as far as discussing her feelings with him and him admitting he reciprocated, before pulling back (one hopes, though personally I would be a little skeptical that she’s telling you the whole truth there. The need for confession and making it up to you suggests a level of intimacy that goes far beyond developing a crush. If it were your garden-variety crush she should have been able to deal with her feelings and reestablish appropriate boundaries without burdening you with this. The fact she needed counseling help is a sign of the magnitude of the problem, and therefore indicative of the level of concern you’d be justified in feeling at her betrayal level, including the follow-on feelings of hurt and anger. It probably would be instructive for her to understand how deeply this wounded you.

  13. I would get comforted by winning the next game lol. Just baby talk him like “awww don’t be sad.” Give him a hug while baby talking him.

  14. Saw your comments. You call that boyfriend? I think you meant sex toy. He’s not worthy for you.

    Find better guys!

  15. Yes I read that, and the point was the bf believing in the stretch out myth. That’s why that person brought up dicks. Your wife and whatever reputation she acquired as a result of banging 100 people has nothing to do with an argument that using dildos too much stretches you out. It is irrelevant to me how many normal guys believe in the stretch out myth either.

  16. I think if it was a straight couple there could have been a possibility, but it really all depends. With gay couple you can get in trouble lot more quicker. If you go and Google the search terms I said in the post you will see exactly what I'm talking about. And back in October, I was looking at gay couple in science class. In that class we have a co-teacher who sits in the back of the class. She saw my screen and said “you know I sit back here and I can see your computer screen. If I see that again you'll be going to the office!”

  17. If you’re embarrassed about it (which you dont need to be, but i understand it’s nude) You can just say you’re inexperienced. I’m sorry you seem to have the perspective you do, but in my opinion and personal experience, no one cares if you’re a virgin or not. You have the best sex with someone you can be open with and you wont be ashamed to talk to. Also, dont just assume that she’s not. You didnt say it, but I get negative vibes from the way you said “most women are sleeping around.” you say it wont be special, why wouldnt it? I think it is a privilege to be someone’s first. It’s new and fun for everyone. It doesnt need to be anything special if you dont want it to be, but there’s no reason it doesnt have to be. Try not to be so negative.

  18. An important thing for your sister to know:

    Guys that age who go for women that age can’t get a date a with a peer — usually because they have serious personal deficits/issues. He NEEDS the power differential created by the age gap to give him a chance.

    Being raised by your brother (who undoubtedly did his level best) probably means your sister missed out on secure adult male attachment through some crucial developmental years and is trying to regain what she lost — the classic “daddy issues” that you hear bandied about in media.

    Here’s the thing though: healthy dad figures don’t get romantically/sexually involved with daughter figures.

    This guy is very very likely bad news for your sister. Be wary of attempts on his part to isolate her from you and your brother.

  19. Get an annulment don't do a divorce. It's actually quite fucked up she didn't say anything before you out a ring on her finger.

  20. In generally when leaving people when your drinking its a good idea to tell someone for your safety and also that they don't worry about you missing. He shouldn't accuse you of cheating because you didn't tell him that you went to the bathroom though, has he accused you of this before?

  21. Yeah, I know a woman who had 6 abortions as well. She was having them because her abusive husband was trying to force her to have his child, she was desperately trying to leave him but hadn't the money saved yet, and he wouldn't allow her birth control, or to say no to him.

    I don't and won't believe that the women you reference didn't have a more complex back story that you didn't know about as well.

  22. The fantasy itself is a red flag, but more so his reaction to your response. It takes a while to see red flags when you’ve been in an abusive relationship and normalized a lot of problematic behavior. It’s good you’re asking about this.

  23. Girl you are one algorithm change away from losing your paycheck. I’m not saying what you do isn’t work, but I would really consider if you want to be doing that another 10 years or if you really think that the social media status quo is going to be the same for then. Meanwhile you got another 20+ years to have another kid if you want to.

  24. Only two things that could’ve happened.

    It’s either she went to bed first, slept. And then he came behind her and cuddled her w/o consent. (Possibly the other way around).


    Both were mutually in bed together. (If this, your ex deserves better).

    I see no other options.

  25. It’s more likely they both got trashed and hooked up or just cuddled.

    The fact that so many people are jumping to conclusions and accusing the male of sexually assaulting her is absolutely fucking heinous. There is literally zero evidence that anyone was sexually assaulted. These kinds of accusations can destroy someone’s life.

    Regarding OP, I doubt there’s anything you can do to remedy your relationship with your bf. I wish you the best and hope you find your peace

  26. Do you think his culture's spirituality (that he is not involved in) will help you establish roots? Why do you think you are more drawn to his family's culture and traditions than your own? (Nothing wrong with that but why do you think his culture (that you admit to being “decently ignorant” of) is the thing that will give you roots that you are desperate for? Note: you can't “convert” to being Native American, no matter how much respect you have for their culture.

    Are there events near you you could easily attend? Are there family members of his that are more involved in his cultural traditions you could ask about it?

  27. I would never say it like this to her or anyone else in person but wanted to try to get my feelings down as best I could. Maybe I am a jackass for looking down on sex work but don't think I could ever really change how I feel about it.

  28. Sit down, take a quiet moment to yourself, and just be grateful that you won't be wasting any more of your time on an abusive asshole who thinks nothing of controlling, manipulating and emotionally cheating on someone he claims to love.

  29. I can assure you this is 100% real and literally just occurred last night/this morning I’m looking for advice on what to do

  30. Gotta get up on the bathroom counter, then bend over and stick their head between their knees and spread their cheeks.

  31. Okay. It's nude to see what else it could be that she wouldn't tell you till your father is dead unless it was hateful or coming onto her. Especially since she already knew he didn't approve of the relationship.

  32. Stop dating coworkers.

    Go out on actual one on one dates. If you like the guy, ask him out. Plan a thing that's just you two. No friends. Movies, dinner, picnics, museums, etc.

    Keep your date to yourself for a bit. No meeting your roommate until your relationship is at the Yes We Are Dating stage.

    And talk to your friend. Let her know how you feel about the guy before she meets him. If she's really your friend she'll back the guy off. If she's really not, you can look for better living arrangements. She may honestly not know you like these guys. Or she's a boyfriend thief.

  33. My parents proposed that I just ban him from my own space and act like roommates until he can act like a s/o instead of a child and at least do the bare minimum.

    I propose you just ban him from your own space and act like roommates until you can find a new apartment.

    I really don't want to break up but it's been frustrating me for awhile now.

    He didn't wash the dishes for an entire Spring Break…what, like 10 days?!? WTAF?

    Let me make this crystal clear to you: This man does not respect you! He views you as less than him. His grad studies are more important than you, his time is more important than you, his happiness is more important than yours.

    NOBODY is so fecking busy that they can't rinse a dish and put it in a dishwasher. It takes no more effort to drop your clothes in a hamper than on the floor. He's living in YOUR room because he's too damned lazy to clean his own and you have not gotten around to cleaning it. He views you as his mommy/maid with the free perk of getting to bang you, too! Lucky him!

    I wouldn't bother with a come-to-jeezus meeting, he's been a slob since before you met him! This is who he is. He was never taught to respect his possessions (his clothes on the floor, his paperwork on the floor, his room uncleaned, his apartment in upheaval). Nobody is that busy!

    Unless you want to spend your time teaching him how to 'adult' (thereby becoming his mommy) and continuing to remind him constantly how to 'adult' (thereby remaining his mommy), I'd suggest you find yourself a grown-up to have a relationship with instead of this son-sband (son/husband). Things will not change when he finishes grad school and gets a job. Only his excuses will change (I'm exhausted from work. I deserve time to decompress. You're home more hours than me, you should be able to get it done…you know with that less important job you have that didn't require a grad degree. Blah, blah, blah.)

  34. It’s not your fault. If one feels the other is not meeting up their expectations of something, you talk and try to work it out. If it doesn’t work out, you break up and go your separate ways.

  35. Not being sexually satisfied is frustrating and people break up over it, but it's not awful. And her sexual needs are all she talks about. No mention of his pain, worry for his health or anything like that. Which is why I say she's not concerned about his wellbeing. Otherwise she would have mentioned these concerns so she doesn't look like a selfish asshole and to get advice on how to make him understand possible health risks. I also see no mention of taking his feelings and fears into consideration. A concerned person would do that

  36. If i understood well, people host scholarship kids for money. Are you so broke you need to rent a room to a complete stranger? Or is she doing it out of her good heart?

    I am serious, how did she justify it to her status obsessed “friends”?

  37. Sometimes a huge fight is necessary.

    She's just angry at the idea of being shown up as a ' pick me!'

    At some stage, they will all find out he's his son. The longer her lies go on, the harder it will be for her to fess up.

    She's the one who has made herself look ridiculous in the first place.

    Is she expecting her husband to lie about this too, to back her up?

  38. How would we know? Was an important work trip? Does he normally not put effort into how he looks at work?

  39. So your ‘girlfriend’ bought a house and moved out and you’ve never once been to her place and she got pregnant by another man who she still sees…but you too still love each other?

    Wtf did I just read?

    Dude that’s not your girl…you really should sit down and talk with a professional because this is toxic AF

  40. How do you think she would respond if I come at it from the angle of “There needs to be an understanding of what’s disrespectful to say to eachother, and how things sound when you’re upset”? I really don’t wanna back her into a corner and cause her to cast doubt on random bs, it’s not the end of the world. I want her to share if i upset her so i’ll give her the luxury too, but it might cause her to overthink things..

  41. Thank you so much! I’ve never had to do this but this whole situation has become so stressful haha. He gave his key back when he left and my flatmates already said they don’t want him back in the house so that’s not an issue luckily, she just goes to him.

    I think I’ll take that advice about leaving it. Last time I mentioned it was a couple days ago and she told me she didn’t want to talk about it anymore so I haven’t said anything and it’s been working. She’s started talking about him a lot though and everyone just sort of listens but doesn’t really say much. I’m just so sad for her because she deserves so much more. Anyway thank you again

  42. Just break up. Ultimatums don't work, even if you get your way he'll be resentful. You're only 20, this relationship clearly isn't working. Move on to the next.

    And please forgo using emojis or whatever in place of names. It's painful to read.

  43. Well, I still haven't messaged her at all for exactly the reasons you're saying. I was trying to feel out the situation as she said she doesn't want me completely out of her life but I've been left here wondering if I was just unfortunately the rebound guy in this situation. We did more than just sleep together on video chat, we'd spend nearly 16 hours together on it on days when I wasn't working. Trying to get as much quality time together as possible.

  44. He's frozen in time to her and on a pedestal.

    eeeeyup, a perfect lovestruck kid, and not the cruel thing he became just a few years later.

  45. You need to exit stage left. She’s either really insecure about the age gap or she’s just a controlling individual. That’s a really big age gap-I’m not one to really being weirded out by a 10 year gap with adults-hell my husbands six years older than me-but an 20 year year ago gap is honestly kinda gross and I can’t imagine what a 48 year old woman would want with a guy your age. Actually I do-you’re being used sweetheart. I’m sorry but this isn’t healthy.

  46. The fact that they can not provide proof makes me think its not true and clearly somebody trying to break the 2 of you up

  47. Until he lies about not wanting more kids, then “changes his mind” in a couple years and puts all the pressure, guilt, and emotional blackmail onto her.

  48. You should have absolutely nothing to do with her. The last thing you should be doing is showing her that she can get you back in her life by doing something drastic.

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