Musclemama4u on-line sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 9, 2022

34 thoughts on “Musclemama4u on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Most people are only wonderful to you as long as you’re letting them have their way, even at your expense. The second you stop being compliant, you’ll then see the fake respect for you ends.

    However, this man is dangerous and as long as you cling to wanting happiness it from him, it will only keep you emotionally attached to a negative situation.

    Good Luck.

  2. So you would be like “hey girlfriend's dad, this is the Penthouse I bought yesterday”

    Or in today's terms “look girlfriend's best friend, I'm now following Sacha Grey and Riley Reid on Insta! It's the best!”

  3. I'm not reading all of this.

    You sound like a bad picker.

    And right off the bat, rating yourself out of 10 is completely childish and no real woman actually “rates” a man like that. Humble yourself

  4. As a man, I think you’re almost being paranoid. You have to think, he probably felt you would not agree with this. So obviously that’s his bad, but to defend him I would mention, maybe he doesn’t want your mom or sister there while he’s getting ready to leave for work? Maybe paying a sitter a couple hours made the most sense to him. I mean he obviously knew you would find out. If he was trying to have an affair he would have never introduced her to your guys kids

  5. Yeah I agree. Any advice when he starts projecting saying he thinks I’m not into it anymore bc im not putting in effort ?

  6. I’ve even shown him photos of me dressed up when we went out in the past as proof that I do dress nice and he dismissed it by saying “anyone can do that”

    The lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch.

    So lemme get this straight he expects some kind of HIGHER standard of appearance from you that is BEYOND the capabilities of what everyone can actually achieve??? ?

    Youre a fricken doctor, thats your skill that not anyone can do. If he wanted a super trophy wife who puts their effort into clothes he should've married Malibu Barbie.

  7. I’m really concerned at the amount of people upset that he planned a once in a lifetime hiking trip and he abandoned her???? The relationship was doomed before he left.

  8. Maybe it's because I'm a boomer (not actually, I'm 37) but I don't actually have people I'm not friends with on social media?

    Particularly not Snapchat which another comment seemed to say the post was on – that's just for friends and lovers, not family or coworkers.

  9. We arrived the 23rd and I felt totally fine, even brought work out clothes and gym equipment. I was hit like a fire truck over night. But thank you for the sage advice.

  10. When you say he might like me but not be attracted to me do you mean he likes me as a friend? I'm just confused why he'd invite me to his house alone to do his hair and drink all night if there was no interest…I appreciate you're honesty!!

  11. It's why this sub can't be taken seriously

    All of the top comments just repeat the same talking points over and over

  12. You’re insecure and not even remotely as mentally tough as you claim to be. What advice are you looking for? Get over her totally reasonable past, or let her go. There is no in between.

  13. I did already decide to go really low contact after the wedding thing, its just always been naked, mostly cause of the “i already lost a daughter” thing.. ive always been in between everyone..

  14. You wife sounds like she is in some serious, deep denial. It’s all too painful for her to face. It hurts that her father raped her half sister. This is generations of deep seeded abuse, neglect and lies. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if your wife has suppressed memories of her being abused too…which I know is naked to hear. I wouldn’t be surprised if SMF was also abused and this stems back much farther than you know. The way you describe your wife disassociating and shutting down at the drop of a hat is what happens when people experience serious trauma.

    I would highly suggest you and your wife going to therapy so that you both can learn to process everything that’s going on in a healthy way and get through this together instead of letting it tear you apart.

    Good luck OP.

  15. So… he’s bullying you when you can’t defend yourself, both with the Discord incident and with the builders. This means he’s projecting his bullying experience, and it’s unhealthy as fuck.

    He’s doing it to you because you’re “safe” – you’re married, you don’t sign his paycheque, and you’re not in a position of authority toward him. But he’s not a safe person to have a child with until he’s gone through a lot of therapy to unpack his trauma and you’ve been through some couples counselling.

  16. So I get that you aren't having sex, but there's such a lack of intimacy that you never see each other naked so that you could see that he's been shaving?

    To be honest, he's probably not cheating. He may simply want to have sex with his wife but apparently it's such a taboo subject that he's afraid or hesitant to bring it up.

    Since this is a forum for advice, here's mine…have a serious sit down discussion with your husband about restarting your sex life. The issue is far deeper than him grooming.

  17. I’ve never been so personally offended I’m a series finale in my life.

    This is exactly me. I’m a book reader as well and it honestly partly soured my love for the books. If GRRM is gonna fuck it up like D&D did, he may as well never finish the books.

    I heard Emilia Clarke was adamantly being in a naked scenes unless it specifically drove the story because she felt like they were exploiting it. That’s why she has far fewer hot scenes in later seasons.Good for her!

    After months of avoidance I started House of the Dragon, which was good but I’m not putting my trust in TV writers again ?

  18. He’s acting like a total asshole! OP, if you were my sister we’d be sitting down for a very from but loving talk about what you need and want versus what you’re currently accepting

  19. I like the neutral territory suggestion. Maybe separate places to stay so you each have your own space and only meet in public?

    Sorry to be paranoid, but I would be super careful that the final destination is known only by OP’s side up until the very end and nowhere near an easy place to take her. I could see a family/community plan to get her in a van and drive to a country where they know no one will interfere.

    You could do more virtual meetings instead of in person as well. I know it’s not the same.

    Best of luck OP, but please don’t compromise your safety to pursue this hope of reconciliation.

  20. You are being abused. I'm never the one to say “get out” without good reason. This is good reason, lol.

    Well…. Not “lol”, but you understand.

    You need to fucking leave asap. In fact, My ass wouldn't have even got back in the car with him. Either I would have left him there, or let him leave without me and found another way home.

  21. Yeah, holy crap that guy sucks. She literally cried trying to give him what he’s cruelly pushing her to do, then after adds insult to injury by going on about how great his ex wife was in bed for doing that for him?

    OP, this is NOT ok. You have ZERO to feel bad about. It’s your partner that is abusive, and coercing you into something you aren’t comfortable with. Think about it – he cares more for his own pleasure in bed than your pain and discomfort to the point of tears.

  22. That’s important information to add to your post because the way it’s written implies this was a complete surprise to him.

  23. Not sure what you're quoting but it is not as much as double, closer to a 20% increase. Regardless, your point is accepted that the reasons more women orgasm in lesbian relationships is not because of biology but Male attitudes.

    I am not arguing this point. My caution comes in when others are espousing the idea that all women can orgasm every time or its the partners fault. Even in the studies with purely lesbian couples 1 in 10 can still not orgasm and of the 90% that do and have orgasms another 15% to 20% still are unable to orgasm every time, let alone multiple orgasmic every time like some of the comments are claiming. If we examine the numbers you're looking at anywhere between 20 to 30% of women who cannot say they orgasm every time.

    With this in mind, I think it would be prudent to not be giving advice that unless your partner can get you off every time, then they are selfish, and you should not be having sex. If he or she is just lazy and is not trying then sure you have a problem.

    However, I maintain that if you're with someone that can get you off 85-90% of the time then there really is not a problem unless you're one of the few who have had issues with ever having one even alone.

  24. I see Both sides of the OP's dilemma. I don't know what the BF is capable of to keep making himself look good (as betrayers will do), but I'm concerned that if OP breaks up with BF before mom passes, BF may get to mom and break the news to her.

    Anyone who makes a proposal so performative after a likely act of infidelity is capable of anything.

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