Nick and Dylan the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


Nick and Dylan, 20 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Nick and Dylan

Nick and Dylan live! sex chat

Date: January 22, 2023

22 thoughts on “Nick and Dylan the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Oh my. So you gave her permission to get some d and she took you up on it and now you feel like you aren’t enough. Is that correct? I’m going to get graphic. What about strap ons? Can you take permission back? Tried this it but it’s harder than you had anticipated. Because I think that’s fair. I have to think she’s meeting a deeper or different need than sex. Sex can be fixed. What about couples therapy? Would she be willing to do this for your family? I really feel for you. It seems like it’s time for some very deep honesty and hopefully a commitment to find a situation that you both can online with.

  2. >”I don't understand the people critiquing you.”

    I don't really understand it either, according to most of the comments I've read here, I'm an abusive, egomaniacal control freak that is destroying my family's happiness and they online in fear of me. I'm waiting to hear about how I beat my wife with chains when she looks at me wrong and starve my son when he leaves his socks on the floor haha. I think there are a lot of really hurt people out there that project their own trauma and pain onto everything they see. I'd like to address those things, but there's simply too much and honestly it wouldn't do much good anyway, the people who are determined to see me as a monster see monsters everywhere they look. I can't help them.

    As to my wife, no I haven't played her recently, a few months at least. Perhaps that's a good idea. It's very odd behavior for her, she is otherwise very trustworthy. My wife and I ordinarily have a very strong, loving relationship, and I am very close with my son, we play Minecraft together a lot. I have been really happy to be able to share chess with him, as it's something my wife and I both enjoy deeply. We really have a lovely relationship, I have had so many wonderful nights getting absolutely demolished by my wife, drinking and laughing and playing chess together. I'm no match for her, I never will be, but I'm not trying to be, I'm just trying to improve my own game and have fun. I enjoy the game, and her mind is endlessly interesting to me.

    My initial time teaching my son was very positive. I have shared some of the books with him that I used when I was learning the game, I have taught him some of the very basic opening moves, showed him how to use chess notation, and how to go back over his games and analyze/annotate them, we've watched some chess streamers together. That has been fun, and I can see his mind expanding and growing. But he only wants to play his mom now because, you know, he's 10 and he gets easy wins haha. I don't blame him, I'm just confused about my wife.

    I am more than happy to let him win against me too, it's just that's not what we had agreed. My wife and I agreed to a course of action, I followed through and she didn't, which is also fine, people change their minds all the time, no problem. My ONLY issue here is that she is insisting that it's not happening. It's like we both agreed to drive to France, we got in the car, and then she drove to Germany. And when I asked “Hey, why did we come to Germany, I thought we were going to France”, her response was “We are in France right now”. So strange.

    My issue is not with beating my son at all, I'm happy to teach him in any way, and as I stated, my wife initially suggested the idea of playing at our full strengths, and as she is obviously an expert, I agreed. I'm not trying to compete with my son or crush him in every game, I just want to be on the same page as my wife. So many people here simply can't even imagine a scenario where a father isn't taking sadistic pleasure in destroying their beginner child, it makes me really sad for them and how their lives must have been like.

    Many people here have taken issue with my the plugging games into an engine to prove that they're bad, I guess people outside the chess world don't really understand that engine analysis is extremely standard, it's a tool that every chess player who wants to improve uses on every single game they play. When you play regularly, you analyze literally every game, plugging games into engines is totally normal. But yeah, toxic and bad, got it haha.

    I appreciate you addressing the actual issue. Your comment has been helpful to me, and I will consider what you've said. I'll try playing her and see how that goes.

  3. Why does your husband not apologize for slapping you? Because he’s not sorry. He enjoys abusing you. He enjoys running into you with a shopping cart and then yelling at you. He’s not interested in your happiness.

  4. That’s strange. And not really a super valid reason.

    What is a valid reason is wanting to wait a year. That makes all the sense in the world to me.

    You need to deprioritize social media in your life a little I think.

    If you are with this person, and confident they care about you. Spend the next 6 months earning what you want on social media. Be a good partner, and make each other as happy as possible. If you get to a point where you can’t see a life without each other, then scream it from the roof tops.

    But until then, there is absolutely no rush to start advertising a relationship. It’s just not as important as being a good partner in real life.

    I’m totally fine when girls want to take that part slow. It doesn’t bother me at all.

  5. So it sounds like they don’t trust him yet because this hasn’t been a long implemented change, and they haven’t seen him support you in school yet. Things like this take time for the people who care about you to believe in change being made. They need to actually see him supporting you in order to believe things have changed. Reducing 10% of the rent you pay and having you not pay utilities isn’t exactly a change that’s big enough to show that there’s been a fundamental change made.

  6. Your friends are right. You didn't do anything wrong. Stop blaming yourself for his actions.

    Listen to your friends, stop contacting him.

    yes, you are being delusional if you think you should get back together with him.

    NEVER is the right time to talk to him. Block him and go NC.

    No it will never work no matter how hard you try because he's destroyed your trust and no relationship will survive that.

  7. did she tell you verbally or did she text it to you? if you have any proof of her admission, you should definitely report her

  8. Why not?

    Is it not possible to separate subjective attraction from a more objective assessment of physical appearance?

    Like I can categorically say that I'm not particularly physically attractive, but also know wholeheartedly my girlfriend finds who I am as a whole incredibly attractive.

    If my girl turned around and said I'm a 10 on being physically attractive, I'd call her out as being factually wrong.

    Two things can be true at once.

  9. I've been building up the confidence boost mentally to take on this next step for me. Started by going to the gym, cooking legit meals, stopping smoking pot, reading/writing again…now to end the cigarettes. Victory shall be ours!

  10. While it’s easy enough to just say to bring this all up because you should always be able to be open and honest with your partner, I think the context of what your expectations are as a result matter.

    Just using the example of bringing up that you feel like he has a better time without you than with you, he’s logically going to tell you that’s not the case. Will that realistically be enough to curb your insecurities?

    To be honest, you shouldn’t be comparing the situations. He certainly has fun with his friends. But he also has fun with you or he wouldn’t be with you.

    Most importantly, like you acknowledge, independence is important and healthy in a relationship and you’re not here suggesting that he’s shitty about it and doesn’t prioritize you at all. So that’s good. But what about you? Do you have a social circle or any hobbies?

  11. He’s in the forces and shipped out nearly two months ago. Only way he hears anything is if she tells him.

  12. That's so wonderful of you! I'm afraid in this generation there aren't many men who would have that view, but I think it's beautiful how you and your wife had an emotional connection before the physical ❤️

  13. Sounds like he is having trouble accepting your 12yo's gender identity. That's my guess. His family didn't turn out like the advert so he emotionally bailed on it.

  14. OP, you can't let guilt and a fear of hurting your GF to keep you from pursing the life you want. Of course it's going to hurt her feelings to break up; all breakups are sad. But it would be even worse to continue going through the motions and pretending you still want to be with her, when in fact you are checking out more and more every day. Think about it this way: how would you feel if you found out that your GF had lost herfeelings for you six months agao, but decided to stick around anyway so she wouldn't have to hurt you by saying something?

    Muster up your courage and just tell her something like this: “You're an amazing woman, and I'll always treasure the good memories we made together. But we fight all the time now, and frankly our relationship isn't working for me any more. I want to be totally free to do my own thing for a while, and I'll probably be moving farther away, so I think it's time for us to end this thing. We've had a great four-year run, but it's over.”

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