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OF: https://onlyfans.com/calimontana on-line sex chat

Date: December 4, 2022

57 thoughts on “OF: https://onlyfans.com/calimontana the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. But really do you see a friend like that in your life ! A friend should share the same ethical values as you but here the guy is a scum the “ we are in love “ is the excuse for infidelity

  2. He has a very hot temper…he needs to work on it… like when he gets mad…he should leave the house and take a walk or go in another room until he calms down…scream in a pillow… buy a boxing thing to hit to get frustrations out…so many other things…it could work for between you and him as long as he realizes what he is doing and works on his anger.

  3. It sounds like you have thought through your reasons for wanting to break up with your boyfriend, and you have made your concerns clear to him. If he has not been able to make the changes you have asked for, it may be time to end the relationship. Breaking up can be difficult and scary, but it may be the best decision for your well-being and happiness. It is normal to feel anxious about being single again, but remember that it is also an opportunity to focus on yourself and your own needs. One way to prepare for the breakup is to have a plan in place for how you will handle the aftermath. This could include reaching out to friends or family for support, seeking therapy or counseling to help you cope with your feelings, and taking care of yourself physically and emotionally. It may also be helpful to have a specific plan for how and when you will break up with your boyfriend, so that you can do it in a way that feels safe and manageable for you. Overall, it's important to prioritize your own well-being and happiness in this situation. Breaking up may be difficult, but it may be the best decision for you in the long run.

  4. Then what is this post all about?

    Why all of the drama and attention?

    You are an adult and can ask for what you need, right?

  5. I hope she understands in the future why it had to be done. She’s still pretty young so we have so much more happy life to live! luckily

  6. I’m sorry….you have a tracking app for her?! What? That’s insanely weird. You’re in a relationship and you track her? You want honest thoughts, here we go – this isn’t the only thing about you that’s controlling, her behaviour is a response to how you act. She lied about her whereabouts? Probably because had she told you she was out drinking it would end in an argument she didn’t want to spoil her night. She got that blindingly drunk? Probably because she was cutting loose and care free rather than on egg shells for once.

    Let it go dude, this is hella weird. Do some relationship work so the next one you develop is a healthy one

  7. Yeah, seems that she is being cheated on every time she is pregnant… Even if it’s not fake you are right that she needs therapy.

  8. You don’t know if she did or didn’t just because she doesn’t remember consenting to it doesn’t mean she didn’t

  9. Yeah this is one of the more blatant pieces of fiction I’ve seen here. Why would they tell you those details about their “courtship”? And you just so happened to walk in on them, of course. You never noticed anything after living with them your whole lives? So fake lol

  10. I'm here to offer support. In some of us, certain amounts of alcohol turn us into completely different people. There's a chance you could've been drugged of course, but I know from my own personal experience if I drink even just a HAIR too much, I get extremely paranoid, angry, and unpredictable. For this exact reason and the problems it had caused in my own relationship, I chose to quit it mostly all together. I will occasionally consume one to two beers on special occasions, but always cut myself off at that point because as soon as I go for drink number 3 someone else that is opposite of how I think and behave sober surfaces. I think a lot of it is because I've always had anxiety and PTSD and alcohol can actually EXACERBATE those things even though we feel in the moment that it is muting them. I understand your fear, especially since it impacted your partner. It sounds like you have a very loving, supportive partner and if I were you I'd seriously discuss with them how to best move forward- step one, if possible, find out if you were drugged. If the answer is no, I'd suggest cutting back on the alcohol all together while you address the underlying issue which in my opinion sounds very similar to my own experience.

  11. Please re read what THEY said. How does that make it any better if you already acknowledge that “it’s not an excuse”

  12. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I've been dating a girl for 3 months and she has a kid 2 years old. She claims she hates the baby daddy and that he's always been a dead beat. And would barely ever see the kid

    As of recently he found out about and and suddenly he's been asking to see the kid more gave her money for the kid first time. He FaceTimes frequently to talk to the 2 year old kid that doesn't talk. The other day they were FaceTiming and she went to the basement and talked for over an hour until I got up and left.

    He was supposed to take him Christmas evening for a couple days and me and my girlfriend were supposed to go on a trip outta the city for the night. But he said he's not taking him when he found out about our plans. Next couple days she told me he asked if he can come over Christmas and sleep over Christmas Eve to see the son open his gifts that she got for the son. She asked me and I said im not okay with jt, she told me next day he's just going to come over for the morning, which I said I wasn't on with also . And asked if she wanted to spend new years together but me and her already are

    I've told her and expressed that I don't think it's ok. She says I wish you'd trust me. It's not that I do t trust her I think its disrespectful and outta line. I don't try to stop the dad from seeing his son. But don't want my girlfriend and him talking

  13. NTA. Your boyfriend has been really rude. I would never ask my husband to return a gift as I know he puts thought into everything. How long have you been together?

  14. Hello /u/ImmediateLog36,

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  16. I honestly just scanned over this. So if I missed a point I'm sorry

    Open alcohol is not going to hurt a cat. 2. Having pet in a roommate situation is not always the best because they will not treat your pets like you do. 3. Stop catering to HER. If she is not ready at the agreed upon time then leave her butt there. 4. You may have to give her some tough love. Let her know that you care about her but you have just about had it with her behavior.

  17. Sounds like gaslighting at its finest to me!

    “I am objectively Danish”

    “Stop acting crazy, you're not Danish!”

    Idk what else to tell you.

  18. Thank you that's kind of feel. Just because you not physically attracted to a gender don't mean something can happen based off an emotional connection

  19. It feels unfair to call him a coward when she snapped him up, a completely inexperienced kid, at 22 and promptly NEVER let him out of her sight again. He had no idea what a relationship was supposed to look like and she 100% took full advantage of that

  20. bro can u read they said they are making food for themself but not their partner lol “im too upset to cook” is just a bold faced lie

  21. The answer is “no thanks.”

    Accept no for an answer. Then invest your valuable time attention energy efforts and damns-given to approach other women.

    Stop orbiting around her like one off Jupiter's moons.

  22. I mean, if your boyfriend is calling you a piece of shit and saying “fuck you” to you, he's absolutely the disrespectful one. You don't like being called a distraction, he can't tell you not to feel that way.

    I think you should break up simply on the fact that he called you a piece of shit for being hurt by what he's said.

  23. All amphetamines are going to be addictive, missing a dose of vyvanse always made me feel sluggish, much more than if I tapered down.

  24. I’ve never done acid but I’ve heard some stories about it, this is one of the best tho, that sounds both hilarious and really confusing ?

  25. Please don’t waste your time trying to get validation from this gross boring immature guy. He doesn’t care about you at all. He told you straight up he doesn’t want to consider any type of romantic or emotional connection with you. And he’s made it clear he only wants to use your body.

    I mean, if YOU only wanted a hook up that would be fine. But you clearly aren’t interested.

    Also so obnoxious of him to just expect you to pleasure him. Even if you did just want something sexual, I can guarantee you wouldn’t find satisfaction with this guy.

    He’s one step from trying to push your head down to his penis for blowjobs….. yikes.

  26. I work with a lot of single women, and the truth is, there is no such thing as closure. Maybe 10 or 20 years out there they say a nice thing on your way beyond it. But I noticed people who want some magic closure when they’re really just not over the relationship ending. Just my opinion good luck.

  27. Does she even know that you don’t want to travel and aren’t happy? Why doesn’t she know of your financial situation?

    It’s unfair to expect her to realise you don’t want to travel when you can’t tell her this. She’s your SO, why can’t you talk to her?

  28. Thanks. I can’t accept it nor the secrets he keeps. I don’t trust him anymore. It’s just super painful. I thought we were doing so good. Turns out he’s just not that in to me after all. ?

  29. I swear I’m not a troll. I genuinely feel horrible I did this. I’ve denied it for years until I woke up and realized she was right. I cannot go to anybody in real life. I am using Reddit as a way to get advice on what I should do to fix this. I am a 40 something year old woman. I had no clue what trolling was until I looked it up.

  30. I swear I’m not a troll. I genuinely feel horrible I did this. I’ve denied it for years until I woke up and realized she was right. I cannot go to anybody in real life. I am using Reddit as a way to get advice on what I should do to fix this. I am a 40 something year old woman. I had no clue what trolling was until I looked it up.

  31. Try building your confidence based on other things than your looks. You wouldn't want to appear shallow now would you.

  32. I wonder why it bothers you so much. It's just sex, you know, it's not like i was out there psychopathically murdering people or stealing from others. I was just enjoying myself, that's all. Besides, we aren't married, we have no children. I'm older, I've more money than him. I'm not using him.

  33. I am not so sure it is a him problem. And i do think her BF trust(ed) her. She didnt say anything about him beeing angry or upset about her beeing alone at that party. The question “why isnt he blocked” isnt that strange.

    I do agree with you on the grovel part.

  34. I've stayed out way longer than I initially was supposed to, resulting in me having to take a cab home in stead of the bus that was planned on. Wanna know what my partner did?

    Lent me money for the cab, welcomed me home with a glass of water, and a warm bed.

    He expects you to follow him, and WAIT for him alone while he's out with his, but then sulks when you stay out with yours AFTER he said it was okay?


  35. If you loved him that much you wouldn't have cheated. Cancel the engagement, let him find someone better.

  36. Without knowing why you broke up, it's difficult to guess beyond the basic idea that she's trying to move on with her life.

    Her decision to move on is a healthy choice that you should also consider.

    However, you already knew she clearly was not particularly committed to you since she was still talking to her ex. She initiated the breakup. She likely had emotionally detached long before the actual breakup. For her, it's hasn't been only a month – it's been a lot longer since she stopped caring.

    She's okay because the relationship was not as meaningful to her as it was to you – it's really that simple.

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