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PenelopaBoldwinlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


122 thoughts on “PenelopaBoldwinlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You can say, “No, I’d prefer to deal with this over text or phone.” Stop being such easy prey. Boundaries are our security and protection system.

  2. Tell them you aren’t their type and just want to be friends. You would never date them.

    But even that maybe pointless. Just focus on female friends.

    Guys deal with rejection constantly. They have learned perseverance or many will learn it.

    No guy with any amount of ambition wants just a female for a friend unless he’s not attracted to her. Then he still is unlikely to put in much effort.

    Especially at 18 with hormones running.

  3. I’m assuming you still online with your parents because of your religion and that makes it difficult to disobey them. But you are an adult and they can’t ground you. If they did try to lock you in the house, you could have them arrested. So the reality is you can have a relationship with anyone you want. They can worry and complain and even threaten but they can’t stop you. If they say they will throw you out of the house, just let them know that you will move in with him and they are the ones who will be keeping you away from them, not him. You don’t say anything about his family, though. Do they feel the same way? Are they pressuring him to not date a Christian? At this point you can’t change your parents’ minds. You can only on-line your life and see where it leads you. You say marriage and children are far away, so just be happy for now and distance yourself from your parents.

  4. “Emotionally cheating”? Good grief. He's your boyfriend not your property. You don't get to dictate his feelings.

  5. Absolutely! It's difficult sometimes to accept someone's differing opinion, especially if it's very direct. Our brains seem to jump to how dare they first. Taking that step back is very wise.

  6. I get it… But I want to be the person who is there for her at 12:30… I dont know that he is doing right and what I did wrong from past 2 yrs but I want to work on myself to make myself more deserving. Truth to be told she is way of my league and I am fighting myself to reach her standard… I just want to work on the reasons she tells me so that i can get to the real reason. Messy life.

  7. I wasn't feeling insulted. I'm glad this situation doesn't apply to me. Reading their other comments it seems they ment weekend visitation every other week where as I though they were saying 50/50 custody. I still disagree with the wording but understand the sentiment of it being awful only seeing your child for a couple days every other week.

  8. He replied last so he's not ghosting you. He sounds interested in that idea based off his response so since you brought it up why don't you give him some options for showtimes? This is so easy to solve but it seems like you want your hand held thru this process. Just ask him instead of assuming.

  9. Are you going to get it in writing if she agrees to the ultimatum or are you going to delay getting married until after 5 years?

  10. u/Cool-Yam9317, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  11. How delightful. He’s treating some poor, random woman as a Fleshlight so he can say “I’ve had a threeway and banged two women”.

    And here’s the thing, most women will NOT want to be a third under those circumstances.

  12. Check the expiry date. Maybe they’re old? And if not, just ask. Maybe some couples therapy if you really want to save it but tbh it sounds miserable regardless

  13. Tell her to buy new underwear, socks, shoes. To get new teeth and lips, to cute her hear, etc. you see where I’m going?

  14. The item I asked for was $150.

    In the comment you're responding to, she said she asked for it…I know you want to blame OP but at least listen to what she's saying.

  15. He was married once before and he went through a pretty nasty divorce where his first wife screwed him over, so this could be causing some of his behaviors.

    Yeah… No. I think you've put the cart before the horse. Given the level of asshole you describe your bf as, I bet he fucked up his previous relationship so bad his ex just went deservedly scorched-earth on his ass.

    Your boyfriend sounds like a moocher and an user. Also, getting mommy involved in relationship issues is always a HUGE red flag.

    OP, my first advice would be DTMFA. Reddit seems to fret at that, though; it's like they want you to wait until he's a confirmed cannibal. Next best thing is PRENUP; Do buy a house; they're usually a solid investment. Make sure it's iron-clad in your name only. Sure, build a life, but have a little insurance in the pocket, because you already know what level of support you can expect from your future deadbeat ex.

    When he blows up at you about how he deserves to be on the deed, well, then you'll know for sure. If you marry him then, well, just don't be surprised Pikachu faced in the future.

  16. Hello /u/anonymousneedshelppp,

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  17. It's just a turn of phrase not actually about sex. Don't date crazy. She sounds like she has a LOT of issues to work out. You have tried to be supportive and she just keeps pulling away. You shouldn't have to fight to keep somebody in a relationship. Walk away and put your energy into somebody who deserves it.

  18. OP – send him this. Your reaction looks extreme at first glance, but anyone who has experienced something like this understands the deep level of resentment, frustration and feelings of disrespect his actions cause.

  19. Hello /u/shoulderaskher,

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  21. That's exactly that. It's like an addiction: It takes time and efforts to get out of it, and get back to it only makes it harder to stop

  22. Nah dont blame your anger with your wife being ill on the NHS. It also doesn't explain your utter disregard for your wife

  23. Why do you assume she is creeping, maybe she just see her son social media, but he is tagged in their social media so it appears in her sugerences. Now she wants to remove him from his online as the last link to them, so yes she won't be creeping their social media finally.

  24. There's a psychology principle called proximity. It is natural to develop feelings towards someone that you spend the most amount of time with. Unfortunately, guys have careers where there is a lot of overtime. It is common for people in those careers to have office affairs & end up catching the feelings for a coworker. However, that's all they have in common: the job.

    Once you change departments, change jobs, your feelings for that coworker goes away. Coworkers who get into relationships eventually end because they had nothing else in common.

    In the context of your wife, it sounds like it was just feelings and she did the right thing by asking for a transfer so that way it would curb at just feelings and nothing beyond that (i.e. developing into an affair). I think that's amazing she had that much self-awareness. I wish my last ex did that. It was evident to me he was developing feelings for his opposite sex coworker that he saw more then me. I directly warned him about it and requested he cut things off with her & go to a different department. He refused. It developed into a full on affair where he cheated on me with her. Your wife literally stopped before it became to that stage because she loves you that much.

    It basically alerted you guys that you aren't spending much time together and now you're taking the steps to fix that. A marriage is like a flower – you have to keep pouring water in it all the time or else it'll dry up. And secondly, maybe reconsider careers that have a better work-life balance. Jobs with a lot of overtime can destroy a marriage… and I saw an article came out a couple days ago that 75% of the time it results in an office affair.

  25. Lmao.

    Him: you deflect responsibility

    You: listen, I might fix that and I might not. Excuses excuses!

    Your boyfriend is spot on about you and your answer to his concerns certainly confirmed that. It does not take a lifetime to improve conflict resolution skills and if for some reason it takes you a lifetime, it’s certainly understandable why he’s hesitant about waiting around for that.

  26. broken family…They don’t really care

    I get it, it’s naked to recognize unhealthy relationships and toxic partners when you grow up in a family like this.

  27. You’re not helping him by harassing him. He knows what you think and want. If he can’t be what you want him to be, you need to quit making his life miserable and find someone more compatible with you.

  28. He doesn't owe your parents an explanation for how he wants to online AT ALL. I feel like you probably give them too much say in your own life

  29. I used it when I moved to a new city a few years ago. I met up with a couple women and we had a nice time each time but it never went anywhere. I think friendships need to grow out of regular contact and it’s naked making it like dating.

    All this to say I don’t think you’re weird for using it for what it’s intended for! But separately/also it might not work :).

    Ps. I saw a few guys on there but always just swiped left on them. It wasn’t the majority of who I saw on there though.

  30. You have no idea what day one looked like. So you saying it was toxic just further reinforces the fact that you are prejudiced against poly relationships.

  31. You can take over your life. Please eliminate this guy from it. You seem like you take on the responsibility for everyone and the blame for everything. I am sure your therapist has encouraged you not to do this. Please recognize your immense worth and value. You seem to think it is on you to make your hopefully ex-boyfriend be rational and see logic, but he won't. His poattern of withdrawing and then love-bombing screams future abuser. Please take care of yourself. Cut him out, surround yourself with worthwhile people, and don't ever tolerate be treated this way again. Good luck in life and my genuine condolences for how people have treated you.

  32. Most of the time, when someone brings up an open relationship they have someone in mind already (obviously you know that already). So it either has already happened, they want a free pass to cheat, or will happen even after it is agreed that it is not a good idea. This is a deal breaker for me. No amount of exploring ones thoughts with a partner, its just an idea, saw it on a vlog, or whatever other excuses will make it ok in my book. But that is just my opinion.

  33. That makes a lot of sense actually! The pressure to define oneself. I've never considered it from that point of view…that a person can still feel pressure after coming out. I don't really have contact with LGBTQ people (I online in a small country and LGBTQ people tend to be reluctant to come out publicly here) so I don't know much and the coming out thing is always portrayed in the media as pure relief for the person who's coming out. Thank you for taking time to reply to me. I learned something today.:)

  34. In my opinion, prolifers are the least compassionate people in the world. Also, if he is so great, why would you want to change him into a vegan? Do you think veganism will make him a better person? Isn't he great already?

  35. he already took a break. he's probably out there checking if the grass is greener so before you shame spiral, consider that the reason he wants a break all of a sudden is most likely another woman no matter what bs excuse they give. do you think he's sitting around being loyal with no end to this break decided?

  36. I don't think anyone ever wants to be somebody's “safe” option.

    I sure sure wouldn't. In fact I would cut that person loose and find someone who actually values me, instead of just uses me for security.

  37. Nope.

    In a year, 5 years, whatever – if this guy doesn't work out, you have no career, no degree, nothing.

    Never give up yourself or your plans for a relationship. Ever.

  38. Why tf is this even a question?

    “Do I want to be miserable and a door mat or should I do my own thing and be infinitely happier?”

    Bruh. Fucking block her ass and go no-contact. Wtf are you doing? Let someone else drown in that bullshit.

  39. You sound like one of those people who will repeatedly scream the same stupid thing and follow someone when they try to leave a conversation. I guess now we see what your real issue is.

  40. Maybe it's a cultural thing, let's point out the issue here.

    If she is already in a relationship with you, she shouldn't done that. She lied and betrayed you, that's a fact. Nothing can clearify that.

    You looking through her phone is invading her privacy, unless you guys have already talked about that it's ok to look for each other's phone then it's not a big deal.

    “She siad she doesn't remember and had already been 5 years ago.” No, nothing can change the fact that she's trying to cheat on you. She didn't cheat on you for 5 years so what, there's no evidence she won't do it inthe future. She try to cheat on you just in 10 days after you guys are together.

    Conclusion, people can change, she might have changed but I don't buy it, especially a woman that tries to cheat after 10 days being together as couple. Your worries are correct, kick her ass to the street.

  41. I’m gonna go against the tide here and I mostly agree with you.

    Look man, this is your life. Take responsibility for your life. You are the most important person in your life.

    I can understand if you and her have been dating a couple years, but two months?

    You guys hardly know each other.

    Here’s an important fact that a lot of people just don’t understand. A lot of non-Nuro typical behavior patterns start out with your partner being extremely kind and sweet, then it goes downhill once the commitment begins.

    There’s no way in hell you should be committing to anything, in under one or two years.

    Do not get her pregnant. Do not marry her. Don’t promise anything.

    Wait a couple years. Maybe you guys will be stellar and have a great life together. Or maybe she is a psychotic woman who will flip at 180 after the baby.

    Only time will tell. Look out for yourself and make responsible decisions.

  42. Your girlfriend ghosted you on your one year anniversary? Is this really the dynamic you want in a relationship?

  43. Actually my first serious partner (assigned male at birth now identifies as non-binary but still very male presenting physically) had a little to no sex drive, and an aversion to sex because of feeling gross afterwards. We still had sex occasionally though. They felt a lot of pressure growing up to be into sex by the culture of men being horn dogs all the time. So it’s not impossible to find a male with the same sex drive as you, or one that doesn’t put sex at the top of their list to show love and affection. Your boyfriend took it pretty well in the sense of respecting you and how you feel by breaking things off instead of pressuring you into sex or becoming a cheater by looking for sex elsewhere.

  44. If he needs help, his friend is the one he goes to, if he has time off..he's staying the night, it's always very professional?feeling when i hang out with the both of them, if I ask why he always spends the night it's either it's cheaper on gas which is true or deflected with humor ..and we've discussed that his friend “wants” him

  45. You are also complicit in this sex are you not? Not sure why you are putting all the balme on your wife.

  46. We've all (mostly) touched the naked stove a few more times than we should have, don't beat yourself up about it friend.

    As others have said, probably best to just move on at this point. Best case scenario she is really bad at communicating, in which case she is not gonna be a good long term partner for anyone.

    Worst case scenario, she keeps putting your off because she's lying and is with someone else, but wants to keep her options open “just in case”. You deserve better than that.

    Either way, time to look upward and onward.

  47. No peer pressure. I'm very private about my sex life (ie, I don't like talking about it). I rarely watch porn.

    To me oral feels very intimate and I like the feeling of being taken care of. Something done just for my sake (obviously I'd reciprocate, but after of before, not right then). This is what I'm not getting.

  48. Please read about Susan Cox Powell. Her FIL was creepy and weird. Her husband accommodated his father. She and her children ended up dead.

  49. You just described what ready feels like to you. Married and approx 3 years into your career.

    If you didn't feel excitement at the result of your pregnancy test, I'd really think naked on continuing the pregnancy.

    My girl friend wanted to get pregnant at 30, after a career in swing, house bought with her very long term partner, etc. She had a few “scares” before, even while religiously taking her b.c., and we supported her through that fear. At her 30th birthday party, she announced to all of us she was 3 months pregnant and SO EXCITED. She just had her second 4 months ago. She was still nervous and worried and even some cold feet about BOTH her wanted pregnancies but knew she WANTED these children. She also openly admits she would have regretted any children before this time in her life.

    I KNOW my girl friend, an amazing and loving mother of two, would tell you that it will always be scary and nerve wracking and never a great time, but if it's not an enthusiastic, excited yes to pregnancy despite that fear…maybe really consider if it's right for right now.

  50. Your “boyfriend” not defending you and being vocal about his family's disrespect is alllll you need to know. Spend the rest of his birthday moving out. You deserve way better.

  51. I highly doubt your situation is going to get better, you'll need to decide if a life of little sex is for you. I'd look at dropping a little weight and moving on.

  52. You did the right thing. Step away until she makes a concrete decision otherwise you’ll get played. Waiting a week sounds fine… don’t wait any longer. You can’t wait forever for something that might never be.

  53. Yeah. No. Don’t fall for that shit. Say hello to what will be a repeating cycle. Trust me. This is depressingly deploringly common in a great many number of men. Just move on.

  54. I suppose that's where we differ.

    We don't know the environment and hysteria surrounding the situation. Assuming the children were also in the car – perhaps he was trying to shelter his children from adult concepts.

    I don't think a shrug is an admission of anything.

  55. Then you are willfully misinterpreting what she said and have misrepresented here to make her look bad. Nowhere did she say she wants to be a bride more than a wife. She wants to be both, as many women do. It feels like you look down on her for what she wants. Not a great way to treat you partner.

  56. I'm not sure. He refused to address that part of it with me. I don't want to think that he might have cheated.

  57. Dont pick a scab, take the time to heal, and let her come to u bc if shes interested she will do so.

  58. Your boyfriend if you are in a committed monogamous relationship should not be getting rando girls numbers from the bar….I would be concerned. It would show me he is not as committed. How would he like it if you did it?

  59. Oh for sure I'm glad I can help, he sounds like a really solid person and that makes me happy for you.

  60. Hey bud, how is this better than being alone? She's clearly chose you because you're young and clearly easily manipulated. Any person with experience or a bit of sack would have bounced. You can't fix her, only your situation

  61. Ugh. That's was my most recent ex, and you can image why it ended. I'd leave now, it went from what you're describing to full-on verbal violence and uncontrolled anger, and I have no doubt it would have eventually become physical.

    Men with huge egos that are easily thereatened can turn dangerous in the long run.

  62. I honestly just miss her.. she's one of the 3 friends I had growing up. I get it though, I understand why.

  63. Ignore my comment because I'm from another generation, but I'm actually appalled at the amount of deep cleavage everyone is showing nowadays, including professional women such as news anchors. But what really led me to comment is the thought of tattooing over a bony structure. It sounds like it would really hurt. I've never seen anyone with a tattoo there, and I would also point out it might limit the types of formal wear you might want to wear at some point. Clearly you are edgier than me, so do what you want to do.

  64. See this is where you have made a mistake.

    “I don’t understand how he can exit a 10 year relationship so quickly”

    He has been leaving slowly for the last 2 years – once you start resenting your SO, unless it gets quickly stoped and fixed, it compounds daily, until it doesn’t matter anymore what the original resentment was or even if it was real. And 2 years is definitely in the region of it doesn’t matter anymore.

  65. Definitely. You have so much to do, see, and experience. Imagine being held back by someone simpmy because he has a penis.

    Get out of that situation.

    And best wishes!

  66. Yeah dump him, nit only did he cheat but he ruined friendships because now those 2 can't hang put together which makes it awkward for everyone else to hang out…

    He not sorry he knew what he was doing, he could of said hey come round leah here, instead he brushed you off to get a shitty blow job..

    End it and let him go to uni, man can't even be trusted in the same vicinity as you.

    Text him them block him.

    ” I'm sorry to do this by text but I can't look you in the face after what you did..I think our break should just be a break up, I don't want to get back together. I couldn't even leave you for a day or two without betraying me, I don't want to wait around and try and fix someone you so maliciously broke, I'm going to online my life and move on, our chapter has ended and you made sure of that. I don't even want to be friends with you.. maybe in the very distant future can I even think about being in the same room but until then, good luck with everything, and please don't contact me.”

    Job done..

    Remember not only did he chest with an old crush first chance he got but he was never going to tell you, its only because someone told him to.

    Your still young but if you let people/men get away with stuff and act as if its not a big issue you will be walked all over.

  67. There are two suggestions depending on what you think you really need:

    The first, if everything but his failure to please you is good, then start taking the position of “me first”. No BJ until he goes down on you is a good start. Or even when he asks for a BJ, just tell him you need him to just fuck you or whatever else you want. It doesn't always have to include oral.

    The second, is to realize that this might not be the boyfriend you've been looking for. Part of dating is learning about your partner and using that information to decide if you want to continue the relationship on a longer term or even marry. It sounds like once the new relationship honeymoon phase started to end that you've discovered he's either very selfish about sex or just simply bad at it and you're not really sexually compatible. That's a good reason to end a relationship over. If that's the case don't make the mistake of thinking you can change him or taking the chance that you'll have kids and make things even more complicated to break up.

  68. >.His body is average, a little overweight.

    Yeah, given that you describe yourself as overweight, I'd weigh in on the side of you being the asshole here? Leave him so he can find someone who is satisfied with him sexually.

  69. Okay, the guy massively overreacted and I'm not gonna defend him but your comments here are manipulative of the situation

    If you say you don't want to leave him alone with your kid because of his behaviour then you're portraying him to be abusive or have the potential to be abusive to your child wherein actuality he was upset about the concert

    Your language, at least in this string of comments, reminds me a lot of my mum's when I was a kid and she tried anything to make me hate my dad despite the fact that she had plenty more failings as a parent but deflected them towards him.

  70. If he can't cum with you it would be the porn. However if he's actually looking at minors that's a different thing but he could also just be fantasising, its not illegal unril he does something. Talk to him and see what's up.

  71. Lol, I can't believe that obtuse tool couldn't get it because she's so oblivious or in “weaponized denial”

  72. In situation one, it was the GF’s bday who doesn’t like your GF. So that one makes sense to me. That gal shouldn’t have to have people at her bday celebration that she doesn’t like.

    The second scenario…who planned that? Same guy? Or someone else asked you not to bring her?

    I guess to me, if you’re the one planning something, you can invite or not invite whomever you want. But I’d be wanting to get to the bottom of this issue. You shouldn’t have to lose a whole group of friends because two partners/spouses don’t get along.

  73. Based on your replies as to what her ‘yellow flags’ are, you sound uptight and controlling.

    Not allowing someone else to dress how they want or get tasteful tattoos where they want them isn’t being ‘shy, reserved, agreeable and low key’, it’s being demanding.

    So yes, if ‘crossing your boundaries’ was getting dolled up for a night out, do her the favor of letting her go online her life.

  74. i don’t want a wedding actually, so not that. marriage to me means making a promise to be with that person forever no matter how naked it gets. i’d only get married once. and no i do have plans on getting a career but only because i have to, not want to. i know that marriage isn’t a “hey you WILL last” because this piece of paper says so. it’s oh hey i get to get rid of the last name my father gave to me that’s attached to all of my childhood trauma and it’ll be replaced by a name that my lover thinks i deserve and oh it’s not being 28 and saying “oh yeah we’ve been dating for seven years. oh why hasn’t he proposed? haha he isn’t ready.” or finally not experienced “oh she’s just my girlfriend” and finally being “oh this is my beautiful wife” it’s all of that and it’s all i have ever wanted it’s all i feel i’ve ever been made for is to be a wife. no different than if somebody’s entire life goal was to be a singer. we all have our thing. marriage is mine, everyone in my personal life agrees. i was made for marriage and all i want is to know that it won’t be till i’m 30 and if it will be then then maybe i should just go find somebody who will actually want to promise me the world yknow?

  75. Each pays for their own meal.

    You can hug but no cheek kiss.

    This isn't a date. Don't use those parameters in approaching it.

    Act as if this person is a friend you're meeting.

  76. “also beautiful” lmao. Talk about bad takes.

    There's several ways to handle this and for OP's bf to just say “this is how it is” is so disrespectful to her and their love. There's nothing beautiful about not taking into consideration your life partner at all into a huge issue like this.

  77. He knows your needs and wants. You have communicated very clearly to him that you want him to reciprocate. Yet, he still doesn’t.

    Sorry, he doesn’t reciprocate not because he’s confused or doesn’t know what you want — it’s because he doesn’t care. He’s fine with you not getting off. It’s not important to him.

  78. I appreciate the response – what would you suggest for a different form of communication? What “more” would he need to know?

    When I attempt to do a similar action (placing his hand where I want it, trying to kiss him, etc), it ends in him also walking away.

  79. Lordy…A bounty is literally a sum paid for some action. That particular states laws now allow for you to sue someone who you think has had an abortion or has aided someone in getting an abortion, for money. It is literally offering the prospect of a financial benefit for exposing people…which is literally a bounty.

    Maybe you should use some of those 'click bait play on words' in your Google searches so you some have to ask Internet strangers if it's actually been successful. Lol. I'm done.

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