Penelope-Thompson on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

38 thoughts on “Penelope-Thompson on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. My (now) husband and I also are high school sweethearts. Got together at 14 & 16 in 2013. In Dec 2016, we split up for 6 months, similar issues to you guys but we did not split on good terms. He dated a girl (and slept with her, of course) for the 6 months. I dated many many guys and slept with 6. We reconnected in July 2017. It was very hot at first to talk about what we had done when we were apart, I was hurt he moved on so quickly (honestly the fact that he moved on emotionally hurt more than physically, I think I would’ve rather him had slept with 6 people and had no serious relationship). In Dec 2017, he proposed, we got married the following year, and pregnant the year after that. We have an amazing life and will be celebrating “10 years, minus six months” here shortly. Now that we’ve been back together for so long, things are much easier, it hurts much less (in fact, not at all really). We both made our mistakes and had to accept each other’s to move on. I wouldn’t change anything. Our relationship after getting back together was 100x better, and only gets better each day honestly. It is very hot to move on, but if you can accept the past and let it go, it can be much better! Him lying about it definitely hurts more, but honestly I think you can move past it and have a great life. There were times (both of us) felt we couldn’t move past some of the choices we/the other made, but having good communication, and being honest, ultimately got us past those points and now we don’t even think about it anymore.

  2. 100% bad behaviour on his part. Big red flag that he pushed you after you said no. He will likely make this a habit. You don't know him well enough to say its a pattern of abuse but you do know you didn't like it and he doesn't seem to care he upset you or he would at least apologise. I would not feel safe around someone like that.

  3. Hello /u/userfjp,

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  5. They are taking no personal responsibility here. Perhaps someone did take advantage but it doesn't sounds like it. Why block their friends? Because they don't want to acknowledge the truth? Blocking multiple friends isn't a good sign

    Get out before you get too invested.

  6. I’ve told both my kids that if they decide to have children I will not be a baby sitter to said kids. They can come over every now and again but I raised my kids and I’m not doing it again. My daughter is stead fast she does not want children so that helps me out.

  7. You said you would respect her time and space and now you want to go back on that. She said she needed alone time. If she wanted to talk to you about her dog or other mundane things, she would.

  8. What you really don't want is to end up never being able to have kids because you waited for someone who wasn't honest about their desire for kids. You also don't want to end up a single mother. Parenting is a two person job so you need someone as willing to sacrifice as you.

  9. Really? You're an ocean apart. Did I read this right hes threatening to unalive himself and he has anger issues?

  10. Really wanting something does not mean you are ready for it. You need to gain a lot of emotional maturity before you are actually ready for either of those things.

  11. If your best friend came to you and said exactly what you just said, what would your advice to him be?

    There comes a point where no matter how much you want something to be true, it just isn’t ever gonna be. The fact that she was this deceptive about something you’ve already caught her in is the end man. You know that, don’t make the same mistake twice.

  12. All files are time stamped with creation and modified dates, ask to see the video and look at the file properties.

  13. Mate with your comment history it's no wonder she acts this way. I wouldn't want a bar of you either.

  14. She's right buddy. It feels like she's throwing some extra baggage on there but her point is totally valid.

    Boundaries are about your personal agency. What you're describing has nothing to do with preserving your agency and everything to do with reducing your girlfriend's agency.

    Now, I'm not saying that you're not entitled to your feelings, which are valid. You're allowed to tell her how you feel about her talking to these guys, and if she's not receptive to that, you're entitled to do that (and probably should). But you can't make rules for your partner; it's not healthy and will only cause resentment on one side or the other.

  15. It’s weird that these comments are giving him shit for snooping, she was fucking another dude while they were dating and you have some comments saying “well you shouldn’t have snoop through her phone” like not knowing would have a better outcome. Some other comments are “you are invading her privacy and that’s a red flag” but her fucking another dude while seeing him isn’t a red flag. Some of these people have serious problems, what she did is not ok in the slightest.

  16. There seems to be a lot of immaturity and insecure behaviours on display here. Not saying either one of you are solely “to blame” – relationships take two and it’s less about blaming and more about understanding each other and whether you have compatible flaws. However I do want to draw attention to the comment saying she loves to see you sabotage yourself. No matter how angry I was, that’s not something I would ever feel or say to someone I loved. And I would never actively contribute to bringing them down like that, either.

    The right relationship won’t be without flaws, however a good indication of a healthy relationship is when you each inspire each other to be the best versions of yourself. And help elevate one another, equally. It’s ok to survey your time together and decide that is isn’t bringing out the version of yourself that you hope and want to be, and vice versa too. Perhaps you have incompatibilities that just simply cannot find a harmonious way to co-exist for the betterment of you both. And that’s ok.

    If you truly think you can both be heard, respected, and work together towards bettering yourselves for the sake of this relationship, then I think it’s worth putting that effort in if you really love one another. But if, deep down, you know there will be no sincere efforts on her side, and that the pattern of laying blame will simply repeat itself, then it’s ok to decide that you aren’t willing to expend that energy anymore.

    You’ll be alright, OP.

  17. I see in your comments that you posted expressing interest in an R4R post. I'm assuming the nature was romantic/sexual, in which case most people would consider that cheating or at least attempting to.

    I know I fucked up, I know I'm an idiot, but it stopped at the comments on the posts

    If you want to fix things, stop minimizing what you did immediately. No “but I only,” no “it was just.” Take full accountability with no caveats.

    You also need to examine why you did this. If you can't answer that question, you can't promise it won't happen again. In the meantime, find a couples counselor and tell her that you're willing to do whatever it takes to earn her trust back including counseling, an open phone policy, deleting Reddit, etc. Do not make her figure out how to forgive you, be proactive and offer solutions yourself.

  18. YOU didn't create tension, this gal with the thing going on with the big boss, and he, created it, and that's why they always discourage this kind of thing.

    Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.

    You might be cut out of the gossip loop from now on, but something tells me that's a victory for you.

  19. I'll make some assumptions here in an effort to explain this behavior. You ask for help too much. This is his way of voicing his frustration with being called upon for help with things you should handle yourself. You couldn't hold the dog's paw for a second while you snapped a photo? Just using that as an illustration, but you get the idea.

    My wife does this to me a lot. I love helping her, but there comes a point where all I want to say is “Can't you do that yourself?” It feels as if she asks me for help as a test.

    Meanwhile, I hardly ever ask her for help with anything. “Well, that's because I do things before you even think to ask.” And the resentment builds…

  20. Five years and six hours? Get back to me after you’ve done three years long distance with someone 1200 miles away and 20 years difference in age! You’ve got it easy! Give him a chance!

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