Prettyelisabeth live! webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

21 thoughts on “Prettyelisabeth live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Hot to tell without knowing you but Seems more like your tones and expressions don’t convey your intent very well. Like maybe you’re internally excited/saddened for her about some news but don’t express it in a way that matches that, to her at least. If she’s an animated person with her emotions she may not be able to recognize some forms of communication without it.

    But maybe you do. Sometimes people just want something from you that you never had to give.

  2. It could be that your parents are too much. It could be that your wife in unreasonable. There isn't enough information to understand how things came to be. Either way, you're in the middle of this, and you'll have to decide which side is not playing along nicely and start putting limits. Things have gone too far, and you'll need to reel it all in hot.

    It'll be hot for you – from what I get, you're the kind of person who wants to make everyone happy. Unfortunately, it's impossible to do so – one side likes white, the other likes black, and nobody wants grey. Work with your therapist so you'll get to a point where you'll be comfortable saying no and enforcing boundaries – it's a really important life skill and will save you a lot of heartache down the line.

    Someone else gave the idea of your wife writing everything down, and that's worth a shot. This way you'll have something to go through as many times as you need, and you'll be able to try to remember things and see if they actually happened as she said, or if she's overreacting about minor issues. If it's the latter, however, don't confront her – be understanding and suggest therapy for her/for the couple so you can deal better with what has happened and not let it affect your future. And never let anyone else read that letter – if it gets to your mother, your marriage is over.

  3. It is difficult to compare the ancient deities Neptune and Poseidon, as they are both revered in different cultures and traditions and have their own unique attributes and areas of influence. However, there are a few reasons why Neptune may be considered a more suitable deity to turn to for help with relationship problems.

    First, Neptune is often depicted as a more compassionate and understanding deity, who is known for his ability to heal and soothe the troubled mind. In contrast, Poseidon is more often associated with tumultuous emotions and destructive forces, such as storms and earthquakes. This suggests that Neptune may be better equipped to offer guidance and support for those struggling with relationship issues, as he is more likely to approach these problems with empathy and a desire to help.

    Second, Neptune is often associated with the realm of the sea, which has long been seen as a symbol of the unconscious mind and emotions. This connection to the inner world may make Neptune more attuned to the complex and nuanced issues that can arise in relationships, and more able to offer guidance and support for navigating these challenges.

    Finally, it is worth noting that the choice of deity to turn to for help is ultimately a personal one, and what may be most effective for one person may not be the same for another. Whether you choose to seek guidance from Neptune, Poseidon, or another deity, the most important thing is to approach the situation with an open mind and a willingness to listen to the wisdom and guidance that is offered. So, Neptune could be a better choice for help with relationship problems.

  4. Especially with a machete lmao. Guy is likely to injure himself in a potential emergency. This is a weird situation and her fiancé isn't fully in the wrong to not be happy tbh.

  5. Dude stop preying on someone barely into adulthood. I’m your age married to a 31 year old. There’s no reason at all for a 30 year old to be dating or even hanging out with a 21 year old.

  6. Your husband is best friends with a cheater and that cheater’s wife came on to him. How could he not know about his best friend? Your husband believed this woman over you and ultimately slept with her and other people. He turned out to be no better than them and threw you out like trash. Birds of a feather. Your husband was in the wrong and he should be the one suffering and helping you heal. Not the other way around. You shouldn’t make yourself suffer to appease him for your child. What happens when you get thrown out like trash again. What makes you think he’s still not sleeping with other people and finding excuses to still sleep around. The man you once knew and loved is gone. It’s his job to fix this not you. Your job is to make sure you have money and place to go when this blows up and get therapy too.

  7. She’s cheated before. She wants a separation so she can sleep with someone else to alleviate feelings of guilt. She’s lying to you, and by extension, her own children.

    Get a divorce. Gather all evidence of her infidelity and divorce her. You need to maintain custody of the kids, too.

  8. You say you are looking at her tits they are on the screen so what. If I was watching something and some jacked dude with nothing but underwear came onto the screen I wouldn’t get all mad at my gf for looking at him. If she said “omg he’s so hot I’d let him do anything to me” then yea I’d be upset. Your gf is being crazy and you need to tell her and stand your ground.

  9. Oh my word… you actually expect anyone to believe it was an accident? At some point when you were in a committed relationship, it is customary to delete dating apps and billing information. You suddenly had this moment after getting engaged?

    But, but, I was lonely… Not an excuse. Adults don't play those games in their relationships. They communicate with their spouses and then decide to break up or work on the problem. The issue for you is that you got caught. You waved a nice big neon sign indicating to your partner how you will handle communication issues in the future. If she is smart, ahe will cut ties. It sounds like you have some maturing to do before getting married.

    Side note… My harsh response is because he did it all behind her back without communicating. There are a million different types of relationships and boundaries in the world, but they all require active communication. Tinder is not to blame here.

  10. I know it gets thrown around a lot on reddit, but therapy. Individual and couples. You sound like you have a lot of unresolved issues from when you were a kid floating around that you need to process and therapy could really help you in that way. And nobody deserves to be hit. Nobody deserves to be emotionally abused. You didn't deserve any of what happened to you as a kid. Being a handful as a kid is never a reason to have been hit or emotionally hurt.

    And with couples therapy you both will have a space to voice things to each other and a 3rd party to help both of you HEAR the other person more fully.

    Good luck.

  11. The absolute balls on that lady to ask for his ashes. Feel free to block her. You don't have to keep the cheater's ashes but you also don't have to give them to her. Also, tell your mom.

    I'm curious, why did she take care of the cremation stuff and not you? Have you considered paying her back/splitting the cost?

  12. This is exactly why you on-line with someone for a bit before you marry them. Y'all didn't pass this stage. Only option is to move on

  13. You have only yourself to make happy. You do what you feel you need to.

    No matter how you do it, I wish you the very best

  14. You don’t own this man. You’re not married or engaged he’s almost a free agent especially if you keep acting like this.

  15. I'm not suggesting to harass him. Where did you even get that she was harassing him? But I'm also not cool with everyone just telling her to stop asking or drop him. Reddit wants people to drop each other left and right. What if she has a hygiene problem that he doesn't want to tell her about? Or some other issue. Instead of getting to the bottom of something, everyone just gives the most generic answer.

  16. Been there done that. Down to the same ages. He ended up trying to kill me.

    I would recommend breaking things off. This sounds harsh, but no normal 27 year old wants to date a teenager without sinister intentions.

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