Queens-paradise online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: February 12, 2023

3 thoughts on “Queens-paradise online sex cams for YOU!

  1. OP,

    I want to say that a lot of people would never let their spouse sleep with someone else. She was actively courting someone else and you talked to her about it. One reason she might not want a divorce could be that her family and friends might find out so she would rather stay married. That would make you a beard. If she is not or slowing down intimacy's to you, I know you said you love her, but don't marriage and intimacy go hand in hand. Intimacy is just not sexual, it is hugging, kissing, leaning on each other while watching a movie, hand holding etc.

    She might need some counseling, actually both of you, to express her feelings of who she is and what you have proposed. It can actually work, where her friends and family don't find out if that is the issue, but you have to ask yourself, can you really handle it if she cuts you completely out of any type of intimacy?

    I wish you both the best.

  2. Thanks. I was wondering if I was being selfish and abandoning him in a difficult time. He did text today finally to check in, but I’m definitely feeling one foot out the door already.

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