We are new here! can u play with us? Goal is: Fuck Naked! [125 tokens remaining]
Date: April 1, 2023
We are new here! can u play with us? Goal is: Fuck Naked! [125 tokens remaining]
This is tough without knowing the full situation, but generally I would say to think about what you want long term and discuss that with him, and see if that’s something that can be achieved if you leave even if you do face a setback. How far back will it set you? Will you eventually have the same opportunities where he wants to be as you would where you are now? Are you willing to sacrifice your short term goals for longer term ones? Also this is a pretty big ask on his part, does he plan to make any sacrifices on his part? Partners are meant to support each other and sometimes you do end up having to ‘take one for the team’ so to speak but that has its limits and only works if both partners are willing to put in the work. Ultimately only you can decide what the right move is for you, but don’t give up your dreams for a man who wouldn’t do the same for you.
“Please go on and be a cheating harlot, I'm out”
This is not your problem to solve. Just say no to giving her $10k. She has no intention of paying back any of it, particularly no intention of paying you interest. She's bankrupted herself and her sister. No.
Thanks for the advice!! Definitely gotta be very prepared for the worst case scenario
This is clearly a karma post cuz OP doesn’t give AF in the end based on their comments to people.