rich time the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


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rich time on-line sex chat

Date: October 26, 2022

30 thoughts on “rich time the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Way to leave important out, my guy. If there are double standards at play, voice that concern and tell her she either needs to extent the same friendship boundaries to you, or online under the same boundaries she expects you to on-line under.

  2. I will end my friendship with Sean, that’s the right thing to do. I’m not really in love with him, it was more sort of a mental connection, but I really love Bob instead

  3. I agree: it's only reasonable to ask such a question if you plan to move in together. Even then, I would only ask to buy a new mattress if yours is really old and uncomfortable. Mattresses are expensive!

  4. you really think this is a very hot take, huh? you don’t see the bright red flags, that he’s not capable of being empathetic towards his girlfriend being sick? men CAN get UTIs but it’s very unlikely. and UTIs don’t just up and leave without treatment. you calling people “haters” is REALLY making your comment sound like it’s straight out of OP’s shitty boyfriends alt account or something

  5. Nope leave it alone! Just wait until you talk to him in person. I think you are making it a way bigger deal than it is. He likely isn't thinking about it at all.

  6. Being a relationship doesn’t mean you need to be around each other all the time, even if you’re living together it’s necessary to give your partner some space even if it’s difficult.

    Out of curiosity do you online with him (as in share a house/apartment together), or have you just been crashing at his house this whole time without at least discussing it first. Unforeseen Life related circumstances aside, I’d be pretty annoyed at my partner if they just decided my house was their’s as well and staying all the time without at least discussing it first.

  7. Please seek counseling for your wife and you. You should also tell every member of your wife’s family exactly what happened.

  8. This really doesn't feel like my party and I'm not helping plan it, so I'm not really comfortable inviting anyone.

    You're fixtating on the sister. It feels to me like something else is going on. (I don't know what that might be, but clearly this party is triggering something).

    You say “about it not being his party sounds ridiculous to me” so you're belittling his feelings and then you say “He's been cc'd on every email” well being cc'd. On emails is not the same as being involved.

    Sit down with him and ask him what's going on. And listen to what he's saying.

  9. That’s the story of millions of people who let addicts ruin both of their lives.

    Only she can stop herself.

    Dude. She’s been smoking crack with a homeless guy in your place.

    If you feel bad about not helping people start volunteering at a homeless shelter.

    I’m sorry but you can’t save individual people just because you really want to and you like them. You know that.

    What happens when she gets in trouble for crack and you get looped into the blame?

    How long are you going to stay trying to help her before you start looking for someone you want to spend your life with?

    30? 33? 37?

    It doesn’t get easier.

    You can feel bad and want to help without giving up almost everything for her.

  10. Did he cheat with a girl over then years younger than her? Op she’s dating you to get revenge on her cheating ex husband

  11. Well, you need to talk to about what you saw even if you dislike it. Or it will poison your relationship and make you distrust your gf. And without trust, there will be no relationship.

    Keep a lookout for lying and other red flags after that.

  12. Yeah, I have been really coming to terms with this the last few months, and truly just wanted to see if there was anything I could do. I wish things weren’t like this

  13. If he doesn't take no for an answer on that, he won't take it on other things. This is a trauma waiting to happen at the very least. Drop him now.

  14. Why are you sitting idly by? Go get your cat back. Who cares what your supposed friend says, that is your cat.

    Once you get your cat back, dump your husband.

  15. You're a freaking idiot and you kinda deserve what you get for being this foolish when you know what's going on.

  16. I mean, do you want to be an objectively worse person just to conform to some distorted toxic gender norm she holds? Like what the heck is the point of that, is that really the person you want to be and the kind of relationship you want?

    You want some wisdom? I'll instead point out the obvious: don't date people that want you to be someone else.

  17. Sounds like he needs what you guys have, probably a warm friendly family.

    To sure what to tell you except to start being busy when he wants to come over, till,he gets the message.

  18. Why not just drop them off on his porch? Put them in a cheap bag with no note. Don’t knock on the door or anything.

  19. This is for your girlfriend to handle. You need to just stay out of it. If this relationship is working for your girlfriend it doesn't matter what some asshat says about you. Learn not to take the bait on every irritation in life.

  20. She still used you. She's fucking around with someone her children's age and dodging every question you have.

    She just wanted to fuck around and is now realizing that she just did it to blow of steam and led you on. Move on. Block her if you have to.

  21. He won't get better. He'll hold on to it for the next 7 years and say you're a fucking bitch for doing such a thing any time you have an argument.

    No… I'm not speaking from experience ?

  22. At least in American politics, significant differences in political affiliation generally go along with significant moral differences. It's not just “politics” and anyone who acts like is being willfully naive.

    It's not like, oh you just have different views on taxes or something. You probably have different views on things like abortion, LQBTQ+ rights, guns, etc., if you are American and are on the left vs. right. There are also plenty of reasons to not support Trump, aside from just the basic ideological ones, as he was most certainly not a “good president” by any meaningful measure.

    This actually wasn't always the case, the cohesiveness of views on each side, in the US. In previous decades, there was less uniformity of opinions on each side.

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