Riley the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Riley, 19 y.o.


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Riley live sex chat

Date: March 20, 2023

28 thoughts on “Riley the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I understand working if it was 2 million or 4 million.

    24 million there’s absolutely no reason to work. There’s absolutely no way to hide 24 m from your gf for 8 months lol.

    Do they not go out to dinner? What is he wearing? I need answers!!

  2. If you tell him, there's a chance, however small, that he might be okay with it. If he finds out on his own, it won't end well for either party.

  3. I have a boundary with my partner to shutdown advances and distance ourselves from people that are actively trying to pursue us. Maintaining a “friendship” with this person is disrespectful. Your feelings are valid and honestly you need to put your foot down about this. Just because she openly talks about it doesn’t mean it’s okay. This should be dealbreaker behavior.

  4. People don’t change unless they want to, he doesn’t want to change, so he won’t. Decide if you want to the way things are now, because they’re gonna stay this way.

  5. He sounds awful. In addition to whatever issues he has it also sounds like he is going through a mid life crisis or something.

  6. I honestly think boys are dumb and will stay loyal to people they’ve been friends with since kindergarten even if they don’t like them anymore. I don’t think my boyfriend is hiding anything but I don’t think he wants to burn bridges with the dude. He’ll just cut off the relationship quietly.

  7. Someone gave you the respinse to your question down the comments what weed withdrawal does.

    He doesn't sound as if the presentbbehavior was withdrawal induced.

  8. but he’s posted pictures of all of his friends, and a picture of all of his family

    Yep, didn't see that at the time. So he does engage in social media, but as far as his profiles show, you essentially don't exist.

    If that's the case, no harm asking him why. You've told him how you feel, outside of his response of “weird” does he actually have any solid reasoning to not doing so?

  9. He's possessive because he's projecting. I'll bet my right eye he's cheating on you. And abuse as well? No, my dear. Run away as fast as you can. This person is trouble with a capital T.

  10. it is more the fact that i ommited whether i had her or not, i had accidentaly skipped over her or something

  11. I never said I was ending our engagement over this. I know it's not that deep. What im tryna say is that they're both in some weird shit and i can't keep explaining myself with this over and over again, I'm exhausted.

    Basically, we did the first proposal on a special date with a ring pop for sentimentality. We're doing the formal proposal on a different date for a reveal. I wanted to make a post saying we got engaged on the 1st, I did not, we haven't told anyone, this ruined his ideal proposal so I'm gonna wait for his formal proposal (2nd) to announce it and everyone's happy.

    This will be resolved by me getting a happy proposal while I'm not covered in mud, she gets time to cool off and get on board and make things right, he gets his happy proposal, were all happy, we're all okay, no one is fighting, and I can eat the rest of the ring pops he has stashed in the fucking house because he wanted to pick the perfect one and there was a lot of rejects.

  12. A therapist would never say to someone ‘your addiction is your spouse’s fault’. That is an insane thing to say. They might say she also has issues, or that she should also get therapy. But addiction is a disease. Imagine a therapist telling someone ‘your alcoholism is your husband’s fault’. That’s not how it works.

    It sounds like she threatened you because she’s at her wits end with dealing with your addiction. How can you seriously be defending yourself by saying ‘all my friends are in the porn addiction community, why is she making me cut them off’. I think you’re so far in that you’re not realizing how much this affects yourself or your wife. I’m not saying the lack of intimacy in your marriage is okay , but you’ve basically confirmed and/or excused everything she said, and then some.

    Get a divorce and handle your own issues before delving into another relationship. Neither of you is willing to compromise, and you have a problem. Move on.

  13. There's are things he could do. I've seen some food influencer work with food pantries to show they are not wasting food by donating it. (particularly the 'doubling' challenges)

  14. I talked to him (didn’t tell him I snooped) but turns out it was the girl he hooked up with he used to describe as a “man eater” type but swears up and down its innocent. Idk what to do

  15. If you confront him, what do you hope to accomplish? What are your specific hang ups? Most likely he will be embarrassed. Do you want him to stop watching that type of porn?

    Is he still dressing up? Does he do it around you? Does he know you’re less attracted to him? What kinds of discussions have y’all had regarding dressing up?

  16. She's completely in the blankets – my front is in the blankets with her and my entire backside is not. It helps.

  17. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

    – Respect for privacy and space. You don’t have to be with your partner 24/7.

    – Your partner encourages you to spend time with friends without them, and to participate in activities that you enjoy.

    – You feel comfortable expressing your opinions and concerns to your partner.

    – Your feel physically safe and your partner doesn’t force you to have sex or to do things that make you feel uncomfortable.

    – Your partner respects your wishes and feelings and you can compromise and negotiate when there are disagreements or conflicts.

    The foundation of a healthy relationship includes:

    Boundaries: You and your partner are able to find ways to meet each other’s’ needs in ways that you both feel comfortable with.

    Communication: You and your partner can share your feelings, even when you don’t agree, in a way that makes the other person feel safe, heard, and not judged.

    Trust: Building trust can take time and allows couples to be vulnerable with one another knowing that they can rely on the other person.

    Consent: Most commonly used when you’re being sexually active, giving consent means that you are okay with what is happening, and that no one is forcing you or guilting you into doing anything that you don’t want to do. Consent can be given and taken back at any time, and giving consent once does not mean you automatically give consent in the future.

    Attachment styles are also important in choosing a relationship partner. For me, I can't date someone who has an avoidant attachment style. It hurts me and is unhealthy for me. This is a non-negotiable. My partner now has a secure attachment and I have an earned secure attachment from therapy – this is a good match.

    Red flags in a relationship include excessive jealousy and frequent lying. You should also be wary of a partner who frequently criticizes you or puts you down. Another major red flag is an unwillingness to compromise — relationships shouldn't be one-sided. Red flags should be dealbreakers – not a “wait and see since I like this person so much.”

    Another huge part of a healthy relationship is that both members of the relationship are whole people, who like themselves, enjoy their own company, and who take responsibility for their own happiness/contentment, and don't expect a relationship to provide that.

  18. I don't understand why you would give him details about the facebook group. That was rather selfish. This type of group is out there to help people. Many times, it becomes a safe place, a cry for help place for women. I'm having difficulty thinking that it was a “female friend” who checked the posts for him. As I see it, you likely opened and shown him the page on your phone.

    Regardless, why didn't you just ask that woman directly? She could've told you if they are still together. Since they met before you did, then she definitely would be the victim in this scenario.

    I don't know why, but your whole post makes uncomfortable

  19. Girl, you need to run far away from this man. He is going to treat you worse than he treats his mother, no doubt.

  20. Give her as mich time as she needs. She'll tell you when she's ready. If she doesn't, it probably might be best to move on without her.

  21. You are correct. I have made a choice and I came to ask how to go about it in a polite way. I'm not crazy. I'm no a stalker. I am a guy that had a genuine, intense relationship with a girl. It was mutual. Sure it was brief but a lot happened in that time.

    I let my own crap get in the way to affect us. I didn't explain myself like I intended too.

    Yeah? You know what? I enjoyed her company in those two months more than any relationship I have ever been in.

    So he's maybe I feel reaching out is worth a shot.

    I appreciate your honesty but there is being critical and there's being judgemental.

    I understand I worded some of my comments poorly last night… I was half asleep.

  22. I understand the vagueness, but does he have reasonable cause to fear for his safety by being around you? If the answer if yes, then I don't blame him one bit for not wanting to put his life at risk, even if unlikely, over a brand new relationship.

    It sounds harsh, but can you really blame him for not wanting to put himself in a situation where he could catch a bullet over someone he doesn't even know that well?

  23. You’re not getting that kind of treatment because it’s not what you’re asking for. You get what you ask for.

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