SanySeniselive sex stripping with hd cam


4 thoughts on “SanySeniselive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I don't think you are being controlling at all. What she is doing is inappropriate for a woman in a relationship. Why can't you all go hang out with these guy friends? Why does she have to spend alone time with them? Not wanting her to spend time with other men doesn't mean you don't inherently trust her, its just asking her to respect you by not being alone with other men. My man and I have never had any specific rules, because we both just respect that it would be inappropriate for either of us to be spending alone time with someone of the opposite sex. Our only exception is his female friend who is a lesbian.

  2. you obviously dont know much about childhood abuse and abandonment trauma. not everyone fits in the same box. you are not helpful, i wont engage with you further.

  3. He's an (almost) 50 year old man, he's unlikely to change and even though I don't know you I'll say you can do better than someone who values porn over you/your relationship.

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