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saxee_dolllive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat saxee_doll

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Date: October 20, 2022

60 thoughts on “saxee_dolllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Obviously, you don't have a lot of information, so I can't be sure. But this sounds like he's trying to make you feel insecure and indebted to him for staying with you, which is an abuse tactic. The idea is to make you feel so weak in the relationship you don't fight back or stand up for your self when he criticises you, and you don't push him around (a common paranoid fear of abusive men) because you believe he's the last man who will ever have you.

    If that's why, just leave him. He's a virus who won't give you a single good day in your whole relationship.

    Of you think there's another explanation, you need to make him explain WHY they said this, what they based this on, what he said to them to prompt them to say that, why so many of them are saying it, if they have ever said it to him about women he's dated before, whether he believes them, what he said back to them, and how he feels about their friendship now that they've said this.

  2. Setting boundaries for yourself i.e. I don't want him in my/our house, or i don't want him near me are acceptable boundaries. If your boyfriend cannot/will not honor those boundaries – you have an issue.

    You dictating that he not see a relative is not you setting a boundary it is you trying to control who he interacts with. Don't get me wrong he is def an AH lying to you

    All that being said I would recommend you having a conversation with your boyfriend about yiur concerns with his cousin's behavior. If he doesn't think pedophile behavior is wrong- you have bigger issues than him hanging out with a cousin.

  3. Considering his post history on porn accounts and his job, she probably doesn't want her money going to prostitutes.

  4. Maybe a prenup that states in the event of a divorce, the money that was gifted would go back to the wife in addition to her half of the sale of the home?

  5. OP. You’re young. Don’t stress yourself out by dating a immature adult.

    You’re having fun with your girl friend and he said you’re cheating?? HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA LMAO

    Walk away and move on. This is where you say “thank you, NEXT”

  6. If she stated she wants to end the relationship, then not much you can do. Sorry, that sucks. It takes two, and she doesn't want to be a part of it anymore, in her words.

  7. As a type of girl who would probably upset if my s.o. done something like that to me, I understand your gr's feeling. Based on your post, I would assume that she was down after hearing your plan but not overreacting it. I think she needs time to consider whether you are the one for her. Trust me, women tend to love the idea of s.o., especially in early relationship. You just broke her idea of you. If you want to make thing works with her, I suggest talking about your future as a LDR: How often you guys would keep in touch, what kind of activities you could do to keep intimacy while distancing, what could you guys do to deal with loneliness/solve your s.o.'s loneliness, etc. She is just scared of losing you. Normally if she really love you for who you are, she will sympathise and support you. Otherwise, you guys may not for each other.

  8. Yeah, this dude repeatedly sexually assaulted you. I am sorry you experienced such a selfish asshole who repeatedly violated you and ignored your boundaries!

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  10. u/ddsbr97, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  11. You are delusional in these comments. There is no magic way to be ok with it dude. That's something no one can tell you how to feel and in that same vain you can't just magically wave a wand and make her change her mind either. Either break up or don't. Don't come here asking for advise and then not take it

  12. It’s over. She either has someone lined up, or is already getting some and wants to justify the cheating. She doesn’t want what you do. If she felt the same way she wouldn’t want other girls touching you.

    The respect is gone and she’ll have even less respect for you if you accept. It’s rough, but there’s no “winning” here. The only good option is to move on. Stay strong and focus on yourself. Don’t let these delusional selfish people drag you down into these warped ideals.

  13. And supports a cheater.

    If I was a potential gf to Op and learned he avtively stands by his cheating father I would nope out.

  14. You have so much projection going on it’s naked to even read your comments, you are spamming all over this thread as you clearly have issues related to this in how you talk about the situation.

    It’s simple – He wants a relationship with both parents, he did nothing wrong and he wants both his mum and his dad. Nowhere is there any indication he is a ‘trainee cheater’, that is 100% projection from you.

  15. This reminds me of a talk a friend had with me before she got married. She said she was afraid she’d always cave on everything. And I didn’t take it seriously enough. I wish I could go back and give her better advice. She did cave. It was her role in her birth family to cave to everyone. She didn’t know how to shake it and be counted on it.

  16. when my dog died a week ago my now ex boyfriend kept asking why i was laying around all bummed.. “i came to hang out and do something.. not just lay with you”… it had been a day. I had to ask my friend if i should be over it by then.

  17. He does not care about being the “venting about guys” type of friends is what everyone is trying to tell you. He has always wanted to have sex with you. He will keep trying until you stop talking to him, or he finds someone else. It isn't clear that you've told him to stop trying to have sex, but after all these years if he hasn't so trying, he won't. If you're serious, set a naked boundary and if he crossed, he's done and mean it. He's only going to respond with respect if you demand it from you and from him.

  18. I don’t know your parents so I’m speaking from my experience from belonging to a religious family (my aunts and uncles anyway). Your parents seem perfectly reasonable to me, but I do think the “she’s not family yet” comment is weird. Based on their beliefs, I feel like they just felt uncomfortable with your question as to why you all couldn’t sleep together, and for whatever reason they didn’t say, “because it’s inappropriate for an unmarried couple to sleep in the same bed.” Maybe they thought their wording sounded less harsh.

    In my opinion you probably already knew “why” they didn’t want you all sleeping in the same bed. I think the correct response to your parents boundary setting should’ve been, “We appreciate you wanting us to stay but we’re so used to sleeping next to each other we don’t sleep very well apart. We’ll just stay somewhere else, thank you though.” I don’t think your parents were trying to be hateful, I think they just didn’t want to be uncomfortable in their own home.

  19. Wtf if I had a sister that behaved like that, she'd be toast, sister/best friends of any worth don't pull the sort of shit she did

  20. The only comment I’d say is maybe not your underwear around the kid. My husband doesn’t wear his boxers around our daughter. But shirtless and shorts ? Sure.

  21. You’ve noted it’s a recurring pattern. Her yelling at you to the point of the shop staring at you is not good at all. The “highs are really high but the lows are really low” relationships are very addicting to the brain, and it can be really naked to get out of the pattern of going back (I’ve been in one of these relationships before, and regret it severely now). I’d wait a few months for things to settle then reassess if you’d like to reach out to her

  22. She’s not going to change. I mean she carried on for a year. She apologizes and then goes right back to it. She fully planned a trip to be with someone else. It’s time for you to move on.

  23. Tbh him refusing to wear condoms if she's on the pill is the bigger red flag. That's manipulative & selfish as hell, that he's willing to risk her physical and emotional wellbeing for his dick feeling slightly better.

  24. I normally don’t comment here but how the fuck did he have this much time to date you, introduce you to his family, and still have his girlfriend of six years?

    Legitimately like wtf was he telling people? I’m baffled and astounded.

    You dodged more than a bullet.

  25. Because you never asked or showed you cared. You treat it as if her not giving you sex is her not caring about you and when she directly says she cares you act as if she’s lying.

  26. Soooo…..

    It's more important to look lovey dovey in front of people than for him to be comfortable and express love to you (the person he's marrying)?

    You honestly sound extremely selfish. You don't care about him much at all in this post. You don't care if he enjoys his own wedding. He's agreed to personalized vows with you – but you want to make a show of it even if it would hurt him.

    This doesn't sound like you actually care for HIM at all, you just want a wedding.

    Might as well go to the courthouse.

    there's nothing wrong with the courthouse the ceremony takes up maybe 30 min of your 4+ hour wedding/reception vows take up maybe 2 minutes of that 30 minutes

    You really are going to over dramatize this over 2 minutes with a “why even do it”???

    You don't sound mature enough to get married, honestly.

    He sounds compromising and mature. You sound like a selfish brat.

  27. Use your voice. Tell her to stop it because you don’t like it. If she does not stop after that then repeat her own behaviour back to her. Make fun of her small boobs.

  28. If this is their family dynamic then you can’t do much about it, has she said anything about it?

  29. Fundamentally, sexual harassment is a violation of someone’s boundaries, whether explicitly stated or assumed. Due to the fact that you guys have been flirting heavily, I can almost guarantee you that this guy thought that you would feel comfortable if he touched you. Touching is very often a natural escalation of mutual attraction with another person. I genuinely don’t think he was trying to be creepy or take advantage of you.

    You told him that you didn’t like it, and he stopped. To me that’s the most important thing. If you tell your friend that you aren’t comfortable with him touching you that way and he stops/listens to you, I think that’s a really good sign. It means that he just made an incorrect assumption, and doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable.

    What are your expectations here? Since you are flirting and clearly like each other, are you going to make the first move?

  30. I don't know you and this may not mean a lot but I'm proud of you. It's really difficult getting out of bad relationships when you're young and it's easy for someone to have power over you that seems unreal. You're strong and can do this.

  31. Would you feel comfortable gifting him a prostate massager toy? That could open up the conversation and give you a reason to bring it up later.

  32. Sorry, English is not my mother tongue. But you understood what I meant.

    And yes, it is a separate process and regardless of where you live!, it never is an easy one or a guaranteed one, but I would say it's worth a try? It may not be in some countries. Burning yourself out as a carer is not ideal either.

  33. Sorry, English is not my mother tongue. But you understood what I meant.

    And yes, it is a separate process and regardless of where you live!, it never is an easy one or a guaranteed one, but I would say it's worth a try? It may not be in some countries. Burning yourself out as a carer is not ideal either.

  34. Sorry, English is not my mother tongue. But you understood what I meant.

    And yes, it is a separate process and regardless of where you live!, it never is an easy one or a guaranteed one, but I would say it's worth a try? It may not be in some countries. Burning yourself out as a carer is not ideal either.

  35. Maybe try this: “I'm looking forward to moving in together and our future. I want to let you know I don't see myself having biological kids. Fostering and adoption sound like good options to me. Have you given this much thought?”

  36. Can you get to a makeup store like Ulta or Sephora? The staff there might be able to help you find the right products in a good color match. You probably won't be able to find anything heavy-duty enough at a regular drugstore.

  37. How long after you proposed this change did you start seeing others? Most experienced non-monogamists recommend AT LEAST 6 months, if not longer, of researching and reading together before even dreaming of acting on it. Did you have someone in mind already when you suggested it? Because that’s not recommended, either. When your husband expressed concerns, did you slow down and close up to work on things, or did you just barrel ahead?

    Offense intended, I’m getting some major steamrolling vibes from you.

  38. You don't owe her anything at this point. I'd see a lawyer as she isnt taking counseling seriously if she is trickly truthing you still.

  39. I hope the op heeds your advice. This reveals a lot about what he thinks of women and none of it is good.

  40. I changed my password not yet with my lock I will wait to see how the conversation goes and if I feel like they won’t respect my boundaries I will change the lock, I’m supposed to see my mom this week so I will talk to her about this

  41. Yess. Just sometimes he has been underhanded in the past so that's why my intial reaction is uncertain.

    But consensus says to give him the benefit of the doubt and I needed things that he got me! So thanks so much!

  42. He’s 35, lives with his parents, doesn’t have a job, doesn’t want to work. You’re not going to change him now. He’s just a dude with few ambitions. There is zero chance of you suddenly convincing him to make something more of himself. Sorry, this is the guy you’re with.

  43. Ditch him and move along. Do you seriously belive that crap???? He's lying to your face and God knows what he does behind your back. Have some respect and self esteem. Leave him

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