Scarlett Fantasy the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Scarlett Fantasy, 99 y.o.


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Scarlett Fantasy live sex chat

Date: March 28, 2023

29 thoughts on “Scarlett Fantasy the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Just keep driving and never go back. He stomped so many boundaries and then acted on me a child. You can do so much better than this

  2. Your friend is right, you were raped. Your fiancé is an asshole. Why’s the idiot even prying into your history before him anyways? I feel that people who do this are making an effort to get themselves pissed and seeking anything they can pull out from your past to do this. It’s loser behavior really. But then to use your sexual assault in the past to abuse you with it? That’s really fucked up of him.

  3. that’s really good advice on the boundary, i appreciate you saying that. how do i deal with the anxiety and the overthinking that’s causing so much stress on my mental health though?

  4. Technically, you aren't engaged “because he asked you to marry him.”

    You are engaged because you said yes.

    And, this exchange is very hot to read without context. It sounds a bit like there was some sarcasm or passive-agression involved, which makes the whole thing even tougher to say what any of the rest of us would do.

    What matters is what you will do.

  5. Having been cheated on, I can say that by the time you feel you need to hire a PI, the trust is destroyed enough that it's time to part ways. Save the money. You only end up knowing things you wish you didn't know.

  6. I think just about everyone feels like that after a series of not great relationships.

    Though, i do agree social media is a plague on relationships.

  7. As the age group matures more and more, look for their ltr. I think in the age brackets you described now a days, the people are looking for less serious relationships in their younger years and are settling down later in life. Don't get me wrong, there are those that want that ltr early in life it's just not as prominent as it used to be.

  8. Kindly explain how not wanting one’s significant other to willfully put themself in a position where they’ll be tempted to cheat is insecure in any way.

  9. Girl yea he felt remorse after he basically was about to get some nudes. Maybe next time, he will feel remorse after meeting another girl in person. Then the next time it will be after a make-out session, then after that after having sex but he won't tell you. That's why he hasn't said anything about this.

  10. Hi. I’m so sorry this is happening to you.

    1) The property of the “cat”. As the animal’s “primary caregiver” you are it’s Owner. The friend needs to give back the cat as your ex-husband (*see #2) had no rights to the Ownership as a secondary caregiver.

    2) The Husband. Okay, I’m going to take a breath. Your cat has a job. It is your emotional support animal. That job is crucial for the ongoing mental health struggles you have been through regarding the loss of your Dad and other things that may happen and require a coping mechanism much like your Father’s Death. Your Husband doesn’t have to understand your coping mechanisms; they aren’t for him. They are for you. If he wants to debate your mental health as well as the healthy support of a Support Animal he can argue these two things in front of a judge, during your divorce.

    I have a lot of experience with Mental Health, Animal Supports for Mental Health as well as Death and Grieving Supports. Along with PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Cancer and NDEs as well as Death. With regards to your Dad and the cat. I don’t need to validate what you know. You already know it. I’ve seen too much to say you’re wrong, and seen more that leads me to believe in HOW you feel.

    Your Husband needs to understand what he did was not in keeping with the vows of a Husband to Protect and Love. None of this was done with love. So if it wasn’t then what was it done with. Malice? He sounds like a Bully.

    Legally and Ethically he’s in the wrong, at least in the place and laws where I online.

    Platonic Love and Kindness Internet Stranger

  11. So I have HPV and didn’t find out until my second child was 2 years old. Neither myself or husband have ever cheated. It’s just one of those things that can be dormant for years before testing positive. Please do not come out accusing your wife of cheating with absolutely nothing to back that up. Finding out you have an STD is devastating and if she’s pregnant on top of that, she’s already going through enough bullshit.

    Be supportive. Ask questions about it if you need to. But don’t ruin your marriage over this and don’t make her feel worse than she already does.

  12. No she didn’t. She left her partner who she was unhappy with. We fell in love we didn’t do anything wrong we didn’t cheat we didn’t try and hurt people. She would never leave her baby.

  13. What kind of a clown dates a student and then gets mad when she literally has no money. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Like of course she isn’t gonna have money and of course when offered free food she is gonna take it, she’s A STUDENT. You are a THIRTY YEAR OLD MAN WITH A JOB.

  14. Few… you seem to be enclined to do sacrifices, do you?

    So you gave away all your stuff ahead of even a start date or an order placed with a workshop.

    Your bad. You believed him. And acted prematuredly.

    The keyboard goes underneath the bed. Why did you give up on this?

    Honestly you made it pretty easy to steamroll you up to now.

  15. But she doesn’t have this persons contact details, hasn’t seen or talked to them in 9 years.

    This isn’t an attempt to not feel like an outcast, it is an attempt to make OP jealous by bringing a guy around while on a trip to Paris.

  16. Three years is a level where being comfortable with each other can mean your differences show. Very hot to say what's going on with such little information. You'd know more than us.

    Is it off months? Is something bothering him at home or work? Something getting to him and he might be lashing out? Communication is key here. Talk with him, see what his thoughts are. Maybe you guys can come to a resolution together.

  17. You don't need a tragic reason to have an abortion. Got pregnant and don't want to be? That's fine. However, you should only get an abortion if that is 100% what you want. Don't just get it because your boyfriend wants you to.

  18. She didn’t change, she has always been a thief. She was just good at hiding it before. Sweet caring people don’t steal from their loved ones.

  19. I would not base my life on a person who cannot keep a job.

    But if you move, are you getting a better position? More money? Relocation help? I would not move for a company unless there is something NOW (not in the future) that is a benefit to you.

    Seems to me that he could be a bartender anywhere.

  20. I would be careful with apologizing. You don’t have anything to apologize for. You did nothing wrong.

  21. Hi. Your boyfriend sounds like he may have borderline personality disorder. His emotions are not yours to manage. If he does have bpd just know that this is your life if you stay. It doesn't get better. It escalates more as the relationship goes on

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