Sensual-desire online sex chats for YOU!


GOAL = CREAM BOOBS! 🙂 PRVT open, as always! #dominant #boobs #findom #switch #goddess #sensual #strip #mistress #ass [2555 tokens remaining]

Date: November 1, 2022

44 thoughts on “Sensual-desire online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I'm sorry for your loss. Try reaching out to friends and family for support in processing your grief. He's already told you using very crude language that it's over and he doesn't want you. Don't make him have to tell you a 3rd time.

  2. Do your friends hate you? I think that is the relationship you should be questioning and reevaluating. Your social circle would rather a guy who wants to date you be swiping after said dates? Is this a real post?

  3. I hate to say it but you’re at a crossroads. You need to decide if it is more important to you to have children (and get a divorce) or stay with your husband (and never have children). No right answers here, just what is right for you. Do you have the means to take a short vacation by yourself and do some soul searching?

  4. Idk if you were pregnant or not in that instance but I feel like that’s an appropriate response given the circumstances

  5. It doesn't sound like nice is working any more. Be blunt, not rude, but direct. I'd usually say do it face to face but maybe you'd want to do over recorded communication since he seems persistent. And with you saying he's negative and has a bad word for everyone I'd be worried he'd flip.

    Also, please don't feel like you have to give someone a chance because people tell you you should. Why don't they give him a chance? Why don't they set him up with a friend? If they think he's that great. Your gut told you no and it was right.

  6. You definitely have something there. Like if OP really cared about his son the way he should, he would try everything he could to make it work with the mom. The issue he has with her is an issue caused by his ex and probably some shitty behaviour of his own. Her reaction was valid and he’s just gonna leave her and his son? Come on. Get some counselling. Talk it out.

  7. He is a victim of revenge porn and he cheated on you both things are true

    You can feel bad that he’s in this situation and still break up with him for cheating

  8. Hello /u/chris5er,

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  9. Sounds like maybe he only likes u when he has his beer goggles on. How’s he behaved when he’s sober? Has he ever asked u on a date?

  10. The problem is. My buddy dated her a couple years ago but he's a major piece of crap so when he pumped a bunch of stuff into my head about her I tried to disregard it because in person and when she's at my house she's the tiniest lil innocent loving caring soul ever.

    I understand I may have trust issues but it's because of her and my past relationship. She always has 8 different stories for everything.

    The guy she was talking to when we first started banging, I brought him up before I even knew, she was like “that kids a loser blah blah blah” just to find out she was snap chatting him. Her story went from

    I know who he is but he's not my friend


    He messages me asking to buy pot


    We talk sometimes but we don't flirt

    To us being in a relationship on Facebook and him commenting on it and sending me screenshots of her asking to come over

    I brought it to her attention and broke it off but she basically said she didn't know if I was a person she wanted to be with yet so she was keeping her options open(understandable and that's fine) so we got back together but she LIED about it so it stayed with me and made me cautious

    And like random shit like her saying when we first started dating that her dad bought her a Porsche 911?? but he's a complete crackhead and it doesn't take rocket science to come to a conclusion that it's a lie. I told her I'd help her work on her compulsive lieung but she perpetuates it and like I know this has nothing to do with the pregnancy but Its why I don't trust that it's mine. (Even though I'm in contact with her all the time and have her location) the trust thing trump's it all.

    Is there any hope? I'm young I could bang whoever I want and she's not keeping the kid but damn…. I like her SOOOOO much

  11. People here usually are waaaaay too quick to say to dump someone. But in this instance…. Fuck, break up with her immediately, I've been with someone like that and if you think even after she comes clean and say she's sorry this will end, it will not. It will get much worse and it will probably break you. I'm really sorry but IMO you should dump her as quick as u can and expose her lie to your friends.

  12. I suggest couples counseling to dive into your relationship and see why it doesn’t feel fulfilling now (besides new person). I personally think it would be worth it to try and make a change in your current relationship and if things don’t seem better after a few months, then time to go your separate ways.

  13. You aren't asking too much. I've felt similarly but only with some of my exes. The ones I felt that way with and told myself it was silly and petty were the two who hid the fact that I existed. Trust your gut even when it feels like you shouldn't.

  14. Hello /u/esenga0928,

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  15. His sex drive is going on them ..not u sadly… some cheaters do change, but it has 2 to be nipped in the bud straight away … and it's one chance .. in your situation personally .. I don't think he will change … It sounds like he enjoys it 2 much .. he might actually be addicted 2 it? Although he may not have cheated in person .. he is tempting fate, letting this go on behind your back .. u are worth so much more .. and there are men out there that wouldn't dream of hurt them like your bf is hurting u right now .. the main thing is .. only u can answer this question .. u know him .. we don't… it's so very hot I have been threw this myself in the past .. I left him.. and now I'm happy with my hubby .. Good luck .. what ever u decide to do xx

  16. The more you focus on this issue, the worse it will become.

    You may have had an issue with PE a few times at some point when you were younger, but now you've diagnosed yourself and have declared it a lifelong issue.

    You have stated

    throughout my entire life I'm literally 'two pump chump'..

    Which may or may not be true.

    But what is true is that our thoughts, the words we say about/to ourselves and the images we make in our minds influence our reality.

    They become self-fulfilling prophecies.

    And in your case they are exacerbating this issue to the point where you are unable to last 1 minute.

    There are so many books and YT videos about the power of our thoughts and how we can use them to change our reality. I'd recommend Marisa Peer as a starting point for you to get some idea of the power of our minds.

    She teaches hypnotherapy techniques that can help – either by yourself or with a practitioner who can work with you to resolve the root cause of the issue. (I'm biased as I'm a practitioner but I also wouldn't recommend anything I don't wholeheartedly believe in).

    In the meantime, change the narrative. It's a bit 'fake it till you make it' initially but soon it won't be.

    Start by speaking kindly and positively to yourself.

    You don't have to believe it at first, but you say it anyway. The subconscious doesn't know the difference between positive or negative, a truth or a lie. It just takes it all in.

    The more powerful the statement and the more you say it, and picture it, the more it becomes a reality.

    Think about how you talk about your PE/ED issues – the emotion you attach to those words, the way it makes you feel, what you believe about yourself as a result. I'm sure it's very powerful and intense.

    Now use that to change your experiences.

    “I am/have xyz” (kinda like affirmations but it doesn't have to be spiritual).

    I have incredible sexual stamina I have unshakeable willpower I am able to enjoy sex for as long as I want I ejaculate at the moment when I choose I last 10 minutes during penetrative sex before ejaculating (change the number but don't go too high as that may be frustrating for you/your partner) I fully satisfy my sexual partner I ensure they achieve orgasm before I do I am a sexual athlete My willpower is like no other I focus on the moment, enjoying the feeling of sex, knowing I ejaculate when I choose And so on

    Say them over and over and over. Repetition is key.

    Always make the statements present tense, always make them positive, always make them about how you want to feel/be/what you want to do/have.

    Always make them powerful.

    Interrupt any negative thoughts the moment they arise, and say these positive statements daily.

    After a while, you'll start to feel differently, you won't have to force it as much, and you'll start to believe the things you're saying.

    And that's when the magic happens because your experiences will be different.

    It's psychology and the power of the mind. Our subconscious responds to the words we say and the images we present of ourselves.

    Change these and you'll change your experiences.

    It usually takes 21-28 days to really see change so start now and see where you're at by the end of January.

    Good luck!

  17. I think this is probably like a 7 year itch situation.

    I have found those super passionate relationships to do one of two things, burn out or become abusive.

    I'd take what you have any day of the week. I'd be counting my blessings.

  18. That has crossed my mind, I guess I just am really scared of that possibility. At that point we'd been together for 3 years; now it's a little over 3 and a half. I feel like I know them very well, before this we used to tell each other everything, and I don't think they're hiding anything from me.

  19. Probably just tell her you think that kind of stuff is sexy. Ask if she’d be into it at all, obviously not as an all the time thing. Maybe ask her to wear lingerie for your birthday or something, she’ll probably take the hint eventually.

  20. Thank you for the kind words. I'm grown enough at this point to understand that I don't deserve either women and I have no intention if trying to get her back as I know, even if we did end up with each other in the future, it would have to come with years of me being alone and doing the very hot work on myself. Luckily for me, she does put up with me still and we do have a great co-parenting relationship at this point.

  21. But I don't think the medicines they give out for the depressed is actually tested on. I believe medicines that messes up with your nervous system should be avoided.

  22. Just seems like problem of lack of communication.

    You guys had plans. She was commited to those plans. In her perception, you just forced new plans on her that she did not want.

    She wanted to be clear that she did not want but without you turning to your family and saying “Yeah, I can't go, my gf won't let me”

    You went ahead anyway without her, that probably have her the impression that you were just going to do what you want with or without her and her opinion was irrelevant.

    Both are communicating badly tho. You should've sat down and worked as a team and figure out some thungs out:

    1) What is her reservation about changing plans? 2) What is your reason to want to change plans? 3) Why was it so important to her to do the first plan? Where is the room to compromise? Maybe go to the neighbors thing first and then go to your family's place the next day? Maybe go to your family's and then her nans? 4) What she uncomfortable with your suggested plan? Maybe she wasn't feeling comfortable to bring her kids to your family home for such important date and so on… 5) how important is for each partner to spend the holiday together, or are you ok to do your own thing?

    She should've explained to you better her reasoning behind being so upset about this, and you should've listened and not taken as “she is making a big deal out of nothing because I wouldn't care in her shoes” I don't think it's exclusive to this instance, i think she was probably feeling unheard for a while tho and it was the last straw

  23. You got downvoted by some interesting strangers for that … wow.

    Of course the last decision is yours since it is your health obviously. If you want to tell her and still leave her that's your thing and I wish you best luck.

    I'd personally say there is no reason not to tell her ..since she is gonna be hurt if you just vanished no matter what reason you had.

  24. Do you really want your daughter to go against her gut instinct when this is the most powerful tool of self-defence she has? Should she “suck it up” until something even worse happens?

    Or do you secretly wish she'd just not come to you when she feels unwell or uncomfortable and out of frustration and to protect herself go NC with you?

    What are you trying to achieve? Because this is how you push your own daughter away.

  25. you knew her since she was a teenager and quickly grab her when she is down?.

    This is what usually happens with these age gaps relationship.

  26. Sounds like you need to establish a clearer way of engaging and disengaging.

    If these signs are being misinterpreted (on both sides), then you should try to find ones that you can both understand. If you don't want to just say “lets have sex” then you could come up with code phrases that essentially mean the same thing.

    Mow the lawn = have sex

    smell the flowers = just kiss

    etc etc.

  27. I only read the title…

    She wants to reconnect because she’s growing tired of being a sex toy for all these guys. You’re “safe”, but don’t be mistaken, she still wants to get tore up.

    Forget about this one.

  28. Since everyone else is busy bashing your husband, and they’re correct in saying he’s an asshole, I’ll try to answer your question assuming you’re doing it to be healthy and for yourself. Mouth tape works, i use it. Look up a company called hostage tape. You’ll sleep better and it’ll help with snoring and having more energy. And you might feel like you don’t have energy to workout, but after the first week or two of working out regularly, you’ll start to feel more energized. It just takes some mental strength to push through the first couple weeks

  29. That was not the question. How would you feel if you were the third choice??? If he had fucked and then ended up with you,?

  30. Nah dude you were kind of a dick. Like many have said next time just have some common courtesy. You should apologize to your wife for how you acted. Sincerely apologize. Then tell her that maybe you guys should give each other a heads up if you have company over so it doesn’t catch you by surprise next time

  31. The peck kiss one seems too trivial to mention unless there's actually a lot more behind it. The guy one is almost a case of why even tell you. I mean get into bed with a guy while waiting for a train. Going for a coffee doesnt cut it? This is either some bizarre naive reality or its the first part of a trickle truth. I mean … IDK at all with this one.

  32. I second the disagreement with inviting your wife and Marcie out together. You are entangling a personal relationship with a professional one at this point. You would have to explain why your wife is suddenly going out to lunch with you, or why she is suddenly showing up to the at-office lunch meetings. You would then be putting Marcie in an awkward position if you do explain, because she will wonder if you did or said something at home to your wife that made her believe your actions were any more than professional. The other option is telling her your wife is unreasonably jealous, which again, crossed professional boundaries and puts you in the position of saying anything negative about your relationship to the core of your wife’s mistrust.

  33. Tell her that you've been written up for associating with your friend while you're at work, and if it happens again you're going to be fired, so please don't come into the store anymore.

  34. Touche.

    I read a post on her not too long ago where the wife was doing the same exact thing, and it turns out she was bringing the REAL father around to spend time with his son.

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