SuzannaVenom on-line webcams for YOU!


SuzannaVenom Public Chat Channel

Date: December 1, 2022

32 thoughts on “SuzannaVenom on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Thank you Sean!! She is an extremely mature and very intelligent young lady. I fell like I should try to direct her in the right direction. She will well in what ever she choose to do in life

  2. How would she feel if your lesbian best friend sent you her nudes?

    What if you sent yours to your lesbian best friend?

    What if her lesbian best friend sent you HER nudes?

  3. Maybe for you. Based on survey data on how often men that age masturbate, it's not a crazy amount. Especially for somebody only having sex weekly.

  4. Umhm-

    I'd say get paternity test, and second a lie detector test if you really want to go balls deep and get over the sleepless nights.

    Got a feeling only reason she admitted cause she knew you'd find out sooner or later, and I feel like she was saving face before anyone mentioned anything to you.

    But ?. . Best friend/ married man bro ?‍♀️

  5. I’m usually not the one to instantly say dump him. But dump him.

    If he loved you and cared, he wouldn’t try to force you to do something, that you’re highly uncomfortable with.

  6. These are huge red flags and it will likely escalate to him hitting you and further emotionally abusing you. Even if he never hits you, would he hit other people? Do you really want to be with someone who throws tantrums and breaks things?

  7. Sorry, but your girlfriend sounds really immature. Any time I buy my little niece a gift that’s clothing I always preface it with you probably won’t like it, but it’s something you need. And then I give her a second gift (a toy) that I know she’ll like better. Kids don’t generally want clothes as gifts unless specified. Plus, your daughter sounded grateful.

  8. Your anxiety is not his to manage. Deal with it your self EXAMMPLE. scheduled call times. The actual phuck you mean your crying over him not texting you over four hours??? Yaknow what you can do in four hours ? Read a book cook clean self care go out yaself with your OWN friends good grief

  9. ????????

    She doesn’t get to be upset about you not being a provider until you both come to an understanding that that is your role in the relationship. (i.e. you are married and have discussed the division of labor in your relationship.)

    It’s silly that she would expect you to pay her rent. Personally, I think she has just revealed an entitled personality, and it’s only going to get worse from here. I would advise you break up. This will not be salvageable.

  10. He sounds like he is confused and lost as well. There really isn't anything you can do for him; he has to figure it out for himself. I'm sorry this is happening to you, but there really is not much you can do if he doesn't want to continue the relationship while he sorts this issue out.

  11. Sorry. WTF?? Since when is Instagram for dating? I'm old and probably out of touch, but I thought Insta was just like Facebook.

    Just because you were active doesn't mean you forced her to have sex. She has issues dude

  12. It’s not emotional abuse. And to be done with intent I wouldn’t exactly call abuse but not not abuse. It’s shitty to do it the way you want. You could just be an adult and tell them you’re mad and they can find dinner themselves. Or maybe idk talk about the issue the caused the argument and move forward together, you like adults.

  13. You aren't the problem. Stop changing yourself, ending contacts and living the life hiding away. He is insecure and doesn't trust you. Why did he got a 20 year younger gf if he had a problem that she behaved like a 20 year younger woman?! He wanted a nice looking woman for himself but nobody else can see you?

    Do you really want to stay with someone that doesn't trust you, think yoj will cheat on you and doesn't want to work on the relationship? And just think in 10 years he is nearly 70. and you will just be 47. You will still want to fo things, enjoy your life…

    You both are in so different stages of life. And you aren't really happy. Do you want to be a bird in the cage? Or do you want to be free?

  14. You could also ask her to trim? It doesn't have to be a big scary conversation, it's a pretty basic thing to not want to get hair in your mouth. If you don't approach it like an attack or insult (how dare you assault my mouth with your disgusting crotch hairs??), it can be easy enough to have a straightforward conversation about it.

    “Hey, I don't really enjoy picking hairs out of my mouth, but I do like to go down on you. Would you mind doing something to give me easier access?”

    Learning to speak up for your wants/needs without disregarding your partner's can be hot, but it's great practice for both of you. It gets easier, I promise. Stumble through it!

  15. No bc he cheated on his wife. I feel like you’re missing that part just bc you are exactly like the husband in this story

  16. Question: are you different than her exes, personality, looks and character wise?

    She may have a type of guy she’s sexually attracted to and realized those guys were toxic and not good long term partners. You may be the “good guy” that she settled for to build a stable family while still lusting for those sexual experiences she had with her toxic exes. This is WAAAAY more common than you realize.

    Ultimately, woman like this end up cheating on their “good guy” husband to experience the lustful sex they had back in the day. I’m sure if you dig you’ll probably discover she has done things with them she has never done with you. Sorry dude but I hope I’m wrong.

  17. Just because you have feelings for someone doesn't mean you have to act on them. A relationship with a professor is just a really bad idea

  18. yea sure, that’s not what we’re talking about. we’re talking about purposely withholding information that your partner would definitely want you to tell him/her. practically the same as cheating. it’s not about the action but about knowing you should tell someone but choosing not to just bc you’re scared of the consequences

  19. Wow. She went over the top. How would she feel if you said, “ WOW you were super fine back then…”. ?

    If you care about her though you need to talk it out. Being obese doesn’t entitle the shallow treatment, any more than ugly/age shaming her. She was gauche and rude. Stick up for yourself.

  20. why do people come for advice for absolutely awful situations like this? like? are you or are you not okay with handling a temper tantrum prone man child that just threw shit at you? not okay? okay leave. ok with It? why are you complaining?

  21. Your wife sounds more like a lazy problem than anything else. She could have depression bit that's not an excuse to not take care of the children or be much of a help. That's an excuse to get psychiatric help, which she won't do. Depression affects millions of people world wide, and each week, most of those same millions of people wake up, go to work, and tend to their children. Many have no choice, they'd be out on the street. She has a choice and is choosing to suck the life out of you, having you take on work, financial stress, household stress, cooking, cleaning and tending to children while she sits and plays with the internet, using de pression as her excuse.

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