Teressalove live sex cams for YOU!


Fuck your Queen hot [Multi Goal]

Date: October 4, 2022

57 thoughts on “Teressalove live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sounds like you’re the problem tbh. Give the guy his space and let him progress with his job. You should want to develop with each other not hold each other back.

  2. Delete all the pics and vids of you he took and saved, then dump him. Hell, Factory Reset his phone while you're at it. Lol

  3. You cant win in the passive aggressive game with a woman. With a guy you could settle it but not with a woman. So best way to deal with it is just totally ignore it and be so over the top positive about the disrespect. “Love how you guys ignore my texts” “thanks for sharing your PDFs.” OR talk to your instructor and tell him there are some major personality conflicts going on and you need to switch groups.

  4. People who keep getting into abusive relationships either accept bad relationships early on when instead they should have moved on so they can find a good one.

    It sounds like you're staying because you don't think you can have a close connection other than this one. That's probably not true. If you found one, you can find another. You're still young. Do you really want to settle?

    The “thinking about me differently” is a moot concern. Obviously you're going to think of him differently from his actions, he should deal with it. If he doesn't want to live! with a toddler, maybe you can wait until your kid grows up, but then he'll say he's not ready to live with a kid.

  5. You are work friends and you invited her to a sporting event “On a whim”

    that isn’t a date. You have to ask a girl if you can take her on a date – if she says yes – she’s interested.

    I am sure she did not think this was a date unless you told her you were asking her to go on a date with you.

    And no. If she had a crush on you she would have been flirting with you, not hooking up with a guy at the game

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  8. Why is it unreasonable to want their time together to be their time together not have Megan third-wheeling (even if it is by text message)?

    Putting up with shit from your partner means them leaving the cap of the toothpaste or not putting their shoes away when they get home; it doesn't mean being treated badly or being talked down to or about by their friends. Nobody has to tolerate being treated badly by another person irrespective of who that person is.

  9. I would cancel the dinner and possibly the relationship. He has zero respect for you and entertaining his friends comes first.

  10. He needs that test regardless of whether he wants to be a parent. If he doesn’t he’s financially stuck with that kid for 18 years regardless of whether it’s his.

    And it’s not pessimistic to reconsider your options in this scenario. If you don’t want to be with a parent, that’s fully within your rights and in my opinion smart considering you’re 21. At bear minimum you should be taking a step back and reevaluating the situation

  11. Is the home in your name?

    Kick her ass out instead. She should have a taste of her own medicine.

    Too rash, alright.

    Talk to her, let her not Stonewall you. Draw your boundaries and stick with them. She'll respect you for it.

    And God damnit, visit your mama.

  12. Sounds like you two have completely incompatible goals and you decided to get married anyways. Well shit like this is why you shouldn't have gotten married.

    You aren't even going to live! in Japan with your own wife. Just divorce and find a wife who has compatible life goals with you next time.

  13. So young, so controlling.

    Don't be like this. It is insanely unattractive and can lead you being abusive in the future.

  14. My friend's son had threatened a couple of times in a similar situation and everyone assumed he was just being manipulative. He eventually unalived himself. It's always best to leave the situation to the professionals to sort out, but there's no reason to continue a relationship with that person. They need professional help, not a relationship with an unwilling partner.

  15. You have joined the crazy ex girlfriend club. You should almost never go back. It doesn't sound like this relationship is salvageable. You are very young, you will have the opportunity to find and explore other relationships. First deal with your jealousy issues so you can control them.

  16. It’s ok, life happens. Thank you.

    I’ve never formally gone to therapy, mostly because of money. I think that’s why I’m studying it. I’ve learned so much by studying and putting those tools into practice myself. Once I’m back to working and making income, I do want to find my own therapist.

    The area of study I want to concentrate in though is religious trauma. Is not very widely studied and there’s only a few places you can find it like Recovering From Religion Foundation.

    My father is kind of there. He has his own faults and lacks honest communication too. We talk here and there but I don’t feel a connection with him. Misogyny growing up does its damage.

    Perfection is an unattainable attribute to someone. No one will ever be perfect because people have different opinions on what perfection is. Like you seeing your ex’s promise to take you somewhere and not doing it as a lie. He can think to himself “well, I didn’t say when or taking her later undoes this action”. It’s call justification, and you would call it a lie. Omitting certain things can be called lies, while others think they are not lies. Humans make mistakes and sometimes we make them several times until slowly changing. Of course there’s a lot of nuances in this subject just like everything about human behavior.

    So in short, I do want to become a therapist, though I’m taking the long road to it. It was until I had my children that I understood my passion for psychology but growing up thinking that women didn’t have a scientific mind (because of misogyny, read this in a magazine as a kid, told by my church women stay home, etc). I want to make sure my girls never think that and to pursue whatever career they want.

    Have you seen Cars 3? The part where Cruz asks McQueen, “How did know you could do it (become a racer)?” He answers “I never knew I couldn’t”. This made me cry so much. It encapsulates my exact feelings. Being told I couldn’t do it, I didn’t have the brain, I was only a girl. I didn’t know scientist women until after high school. Now I’m making sure my children know. I bought a book celebrating 100 incredible women. It’s called “Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls”. I’m also going to teach them about logical fallacies, biases, and critical thinking.

    I hope to better equipped them for this world than I was when young.

  17. Getting married won‘t really solve your problems. You clearly don‘t really want to be with the mother of your kids, there is a high risk for resentment later in life when starting a forced marriage. Marriage doesn‘t keep a family together, people still cheat (emotionally and/or physically). Resentment towards your partner can lead to an unhealthy environment for kids. Take it from a child whose parents were unhappily married: just because they were a couple didn‘t mean that it was a suitable or good thing for me as their child

  18. I’m going to assume your a woman because of your avatar. With that being said I don’t think you have any right to judge him and call him immature and insecure about how he’s feeling. Obviously you don’t have a penis so you can never understand how this makes men feel. Just like how I would never comment on how woman feel being sexualized by society because I’m not a woman so I can’t understand what you go thought. It’s not my place to judge women on things that I can never experience or fully understand and the same goes for you. So don’t judge him as insecure because you will never understand how it feels to be in that situation.

    P.S. OP just have a conversation with your girlfriend and let her know how you fell. Most likely she was just in girl talk mode and totally forgot you were there. Not saying that that’s much better but let’s be honest this isn’t that big of a deal. I think it’s a much bigger deal that they’re sharing some guys nudes without his consent. I highly doubt she would be ok if you just showed all your friends her nudes without her consent. Also you gotta think if your gf has any of your nudes most likely she’s shown it to all her friends.

  19. I wouldnt say I know them well. His family invites me to all of their parties. I go with him but he doesn't like to stay long. He's took to meet his dad and the rest of his family and they live! 3hrs away. I met one of his friends but that was before we were together. Other than that I don't know anyone. The thing is when we go out PDA is fine he initiates it. We walk around like a couple. We also took pictures when we first started dating.

  20. This is how abuse starts.

    But you don't seem to actually want advice from those of us who have gone through it.

    I promise you, you're not different.

    He will get worse.

    He is testing to see what he can get away with.

    I can almost guarantee that if you could see the photos he likes on social media there would be women dressed more provocatively than you were, but he's gonna start with that outfit and makeup.

    Then it will be him telling you not to wear makeup PERIOD because “who are you trying to look good for?!”

    Then more clothing restrictions.

    He wants you to be worn down and feel bad about yourself so that your ONLY validation and confidence comes from him.

    Take it from someone who's about to graduate with a Masters in Forensic Psychology.

    It won't end here.

  21. I’m concerned she’s excited for the wedding – as it that 1 day event that’s showy & all about being the centre of attention & not about marriage which is forever (hopefully) snd it’s about being a team/partners of you both. Definitely time to talk.

  22. He’s still cheating. You’re going to have to decide if you want to put up with that or not.

  23. A curfew obviously isn’t going to work with her. She’s a brand new adult and wants to do what she wants to do. You guys don’t sound compatible and want completely different things out of life right now. If you stay together and she wants to stay out that late, just make sure she has another way home before she goes out. Another friends partner or maybe an Uber.

  24. If you like her, why don’t you make an effort to communicate in a healthy way?

    Why do you get sarcastic and mean?

    Why do you make her cry?

    Why do you make excuses for starting fights over inconsequential stuff?

  25. Lol, get fucked. 4-1 yrs isnt any kind of age gap at all. Buddy is being straight shang hai'd for being into someone well within his age range.

  26. when we are together all we do is have s ex and then he plays video games, but besides that it’s pretty good like we cuddle a lot and when we do something other than cuddle and s ex he just kinda isn’t interested I suppose. Like I suggest we do things together and he’s like “well what if we just play games together instead?”

  27. Why is he not guilty? They are getting married next year!

    Just a guess – this marriage is mostly arranged and he isn't in love with her the way he clearly is with you, I mean he tried to get back together with you only a year ago.

  28. “dude i only killed TWO people, im NOT a serial killer” “man i only actually killed TWO people, im not a mass shooter” that’s you. that’s what you sound like. a girl you loved for four years was worth less to you than someone you added on snapchat for five minutes. twice.

  29. Thank you for using the correct spelling when using the phrase “buried the lede.” You rock! ?

  30. When I point out his manipulation he gets violent, that’s why I’ve to bow my head and listen to whatever he’s saying but it eats me up inside. I’m out of ideas on what to do to make him believe me but at times it feels like he really truly hates me. I’m also getting drained mentally and financially and I don’t know what to do anymore other than breakup.

  31. There is no need for you to put up with this kind of treatment from someone who is supposed to care about you. End the relationship and enjoy all your new free time.

  32. I really need good grades this semester, and all the other groups are already formed, since I just transferred. And I haven't been able to focus much, because of all this. But everyone in this class is his friend, including everyone in the group I'm in, they’re basically their group of best friends. So I have to deal with all of them, wish I could just pretend they don’t exist.

  33. I really need good grades this semester, and all the other groups are already formed, since I just transferred. And I haven't been able to focus much, because of all this. But everyone in this class is his friend, including everyone in the group I'm in, they’re basically their group of best friends. So I have to deal with all of them, wish I could just pretend they don’t exist.

  34. I really need good grades this semester, and all the other groups are already formed, since I just transferred. And I haven't been able to focus much, because of all this. But everyone in this class is his friend, including everyone in the group I'm in, they’re basically their group of best friends. So I have to deal with all of them, wish I could just pretend they don’t exist.

  35. The thing is, he is very supportive. He has true hope, and lofty idealism. He truly believes I can make a good life for myself, whereas I expect myself not to progress much farther than minimum wage for life. He's a spark of hope for my pessimistic ass, I guess.

    I don't know where I want to be, though I get this creeping sensation that once I start university, I'll start to get a starker sense of whether or not this is where I want to be. And by this, I mean, in a relationship with him.

  36. Most everyone who got cheated on probably also thought that their partners are not capable of cheating but it still happened.

  37. I've worn sexy lingerie by myself to feel sexy when I play with myself. I've had no intention of cheating on my partners. It doesn't necessarily mean she's cheating on you. Even condoms might not be cheating, because I do use condoms with china-made sex toys. If she has lingerie, condoms and NO sex toys, THEN dtart worrying. Cos those condoms are probably going on someone else's dick.

  38. Being one emergency purchase away from an empty savings account (note: they now have less than 1k in savings) with FOUR children does indeed qualify them as broke. So yeah, you’re right that about half the people in the U.S. would probably fit that definition.

  39. It’s not just about sex. What are you doing in between? Are you scheduling date nights? Are you doing things to foster a romantic relationship besides just sex rather than just chores and parenting?

  40. She didn’t she wants better for the kids. You need to defend your wife. She doesn’t have an in law problem she has a husband problem. If they are invited they say no. Then post, Oh we could have made it! You should have a conversation with your parents where YOU tell them your wife goes out of her way to include them and they say no, then try to look good on social media. It hurts your wife, children and ultimately you.

    Your wife is a human who deserves respect not fakebook. Your wife was frustrated and was honest. You need to have your wife’s back. Your mother’s behavior is unacceptable.

  41. 32 is YOUNG! I left my ex at that age and I’m sooooooo happy I did. She has no kids, can work remotely/is independent…. GIRL, YOU CAN GO ANYWHERE!

  42. The time I asked ~ 1pm was when they were all at the formal Carnival (not the dance itself) I was admitted at 1:30 and left around 6 being treated for food poisoning, vomiting, severe dehydration, and they did a variety of tests and gave me iv meds to get me to stop throwing up everywhere. The reason I’m upset is because the hospital was 15 mins away and they were going to be at the carnival the whole afternoon before the formal- but they still said they were too busy.

  43. Its not about whether she updates me or not. It's about the fact that she said “we'll only stay in this restaurant and I'll go home right after” and it didn't happen. just like the other guy that comment here about the “trustworthiness” . that's where I'm getting at.

  44. He absolutely needs to be working on it himself, but this is actually a pretty common issue, not necessarily something that needs therapy. It does need learning a coping strategy. OP eyes about a tendency to “get heated” or attack verbally, so you can't assume this is about “even slightly difficult conversations.”

  45. Couch for two years? Oof, reminds me of that song Self Esteem; “the more you suffer, the more it shows you really care, right?”

    I think that taking some time to re-evaluate this relationship might be a good idea.

  46. I have also booked 2 sessions with a psychologist for today and I will try to find out if there is something wrong with me.

    Or the way I try to resolve problems/ communicate.

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