TheePrettyNerdlive sex stripping with Live HD


5 thoughts on “TheePrettyNerdlive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Of the top of my head I can think of those reasons:

    seeking validation thinks that you want to know (as in some men would freak out if the gf wouldn’t tell them so she gets ahead of the story) trying to make you jealous venting (being hit on can be very annoying, depending on how it’s done, so it could be about sharing grievances) she thinks nothing of it, just tells it without a filter like telling what she had for lunch

    Ultimately only she knows the real reason. If it is not venting about creeps, I recommend to tell her in a nice way that you are not getting jealous and she shouldn’t feel obligated to tell you every single time, although you don’t mind hearing about it. But if she wants to share no problem either. If she then says that she wants to share it’s fair to ask why it’s important to her.

  2. Yes. It would still be ok. Even when you’re a school kid you don’t take the day off when it’s your birthday. Why do you think it’s necessary now?

    Do what every person does and celebrate at the weekend.

  3. Make sure to tell any future mother's of your babies that you may leave them when they are pregnant so they can make their own choice about that.

  4. Neither of you are wrong, but differences in financial values can be difficult to get past. My husband and I aren't so different from you guys.. I've always been a big saver, he's always been more of a spender. But we've also been able to listen to and help each other… If it weren't for me, we wouldn't have some fairly substantial savings. If it weren't for him, well there are all sorts of luxuries I very much enjoy that I'd probably be passing up.

    For me, there's also an anxiety component. Spending a lot of money can be legitimately scary to me. Granted we don't make anywhere near as much as you guys, I don't know if I'd still feel that way if we made as much money as you. But it's something to consider.

    What is it that she's saving for? Do you know? Is there anything you actually need that you can't afford? Saving for retirement is great of course, but living in the moment is important too. I don't think it's necessarily wise to put all your eggs into a basket that isn't really going to benefit you for 20-30 years. Don't live like you're going to die tomorrow but don't online like the future is a guarantee either, if you get what I mean. It's okay to spend money on things that give you joy right now, even if they're just “toys”.

    I do think the bottom line is that you need a budget, though. It doesn't mean that you have to “put any sort of cap on our individual discretionary spending”, but it does mean you would both have a certain amount of money of your own to spend however you want, and that's important. It doesn't sound like she wants that because obviously she doesn't want you spending money on things like this, but you're different people with different views on money and life and what brings you joy. She shouldn't be forcing you to online her way any more than you should force her to online yours.

  5. “That’s not what I want in a relationship”

    Then end it. You’re not compatible, it’s okay to move on.

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