Tiffany tee, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Tiffany tee
Date: January 3, 2023
Tiffany tee, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
My main concern is why doesn’t she want you to visit for part of it? I’d say if you’re really hung up on this girl then at a minimum she needs to video call you every 1-3 days, you should be together for at least a little bit of the trip, and there has to be a set date for when you are back together. Otherwise, like someone else said, it’s like she’s putting you away on a shelf.
hahaha a vacation would be nice! thanks for the kindness!!
This isn’t something I just want to break up over, I don’t want to break up in the first. I just want to find a solution to it and figure out what to do.