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TwilightSparkle_live sex stripping with LIVE Cams


10 thoughts on “TwilightSparkle_live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. I only read the title of the post. If you are looking for a secret “this isn't really happening” button, they don't exist. You know what to do.

  2. No, you aren't over reacting. He is being dismissive and uncaring. It is obvious he is a person who feels mental health isn't serious. How anyone can have that opinion in this day and age must have very little emotional intelligence. I would be wary of what that would look like moving forward.

  3. Tell him. Tell him you want more sex and ask what can you two do to make it happen.

    r/DeadBedrooms may also be of help, but no sex in a couple weeks is a different scale than what most of them are dealing with.

  4. what ? that doesn't even make sense.

    and honestly some of this would be more clear (not justified, but clear) if he was waiting until marriage or something but he's obviously not if he's trying to sleep with another girl to even the score. wtf

  5. She's probably never garnered butterflies from the acknowledgment of other women aka a mother's approval etc. There's probably not a single woman in her life who approves of her. A lack of inhibition from intoxication means her shyness isn't lack of anything to say (a mouse) it's an active suppression that if she is herself no one will accept her. She's basically living life with a gun to her personality to keep it under control. Girls night out is a real thing so going out with a few friends might do it for her. She's maybe had problems with boyfriends but since she only expresses to boys she'll just hop to a different boy to talk about her past boy problems instead of building something meaningful. Overall she just sounds scared to be herself. Insecure. Drugs give her power so she'll probably have a long life with those unless someone meaningful steps into her life. Her boyfriend just gets her what she wants, like the apology from you, so he needs to be a bit more stern. If you're her problem he should've told her some ways to handle it with you. Why is he dating a girl who'd he have to spend all his time solving her problems. This is on him to (her boyfriend).

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