Valentina live sex chats for YOU!


a good blowjob with a lot of saliva [Multi Goal]

Date: November 27, 2022

60 thoughts on “Valentina live sex chats for YOU!

  1. She remember the kissing and groping so she does remember some of the night to that point, and their was a witness who said she willingly went to the room with the guy so she choose to go with him there. What happened after wasnt her fault, she got assaulted but if what the friend says is true and she made thay choice to go to the room then she choose to break the boundary

  2. I'm okay with being an asshole, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. Commenters like you are why this sub is complete rubbish where the main advice on relationships is to break up.

    No need to apologize for me. She's a grown old ass woman and she should be able to handle her own criticism.

    If you need relationship advice, I'll extend my advice to you as well.

  3. Just to add to the person above, the fact you're not financially independent also makes you (and your child) far more vulnerable to being abused and or used too.

  4. Now I want to create a “love after corn” subreddit, focusing on corn addiction and corn allergies and the recovery from same.

  5. Trust your instincts. Rehearse setting up boundaries with him.

    You are making me uncomfortable. You need to stop. I find your behavior inappropriate. What makes you think you get to kiss me when I am obviously uncomfortable with you doing so. You do not have my permission to touch me/kiss me etc. Since you can't be respectful of my personal space I will respectfully great you with a handshake.

    He's intentionally making you uncomfortable. He's intentionally being inappropriate- it's a power play for him. Remove the power from the dynamic by insisting he treat you like the adult you are- by clearly stating boundaries, and refusing to allow him to treat you inappropriately.

    Where is your boyfriend in all of this? This is his family member. He should be stepping in when your father does something inappropriate. I know it's hot, and you're both young. But his father is counting in the weight of your inexperience, and the respect he feels is his due as your partners father to allow him to be a creep. Your boyfriend should shut that down. He can have the respect he's earned. And there is no respect due his current behavior.

    Your boyfriend needs to learn how to confront his father's behavior. Or how to deflect, it at minimum so that you're not being impacted by it.

  6. Dude, I question religion just as much As an atheist does, just because I'm religious doesn't mean I'm a blind fool lol. And I can honestly see where you're coming from, trust me, I get it. Although, has it ever occurred to you that ripping someone's head off isn't the best way to voice your disagreement? Lol

  7. Look, ask to meet him. If you trust her, and she trusts you, then you are fine. If she doesn't want you two to meet that's an email issue.

  8. I se what you mean but they have t even moved together and that changes allot i have left ved with my gf for 2 years and that was very different in a way from just meeting up and stuff those other years

    You might feel its dragging i say its not we are all different with different opinions 🙂

  9. You don't cite your exact ages but if he's any older than about 20 this may be a lifelong pattern for him. Meaning that unless you're happy to support both of you financially forever there probably isn't much of a future in this relationship. Good luck.

  10. You wrote his Master's thesis?! You committed academic fraud for this loser and helped him get a degree that he clearly doesn't deserve. Wth? On behalf of everyone who actually earned their degree, thanks. /s

    Please go see a therapist so you can recognize this codependence and get out of this mess.

  11. As a side note, I love that your advice was “pick your battles” and here you are making a complete ass out of yourself over something you're intentionally misreading.

    Holy shit reddit

  12. The behavior is already full speed ahead. Planning trips to physically cheat on you and she is unrepentant about any of it.

  13. Is he married to you or his sister, is my question. He's being an insensitive %#@@×! As they say : better alone than in bad company. Maybe start 2023, without him and the drama. Just sayin'.

  14. Save your breath. OP is an attention seeker who posts and never replies – zero comments and counting.

    His last post was about how he was going to kill himself no matter what.

  15. The thought of her cheating will always be there whether she puts in the work or not. He will always think about it. The pitchforks are out for a reason. Fight for your kids. She didn’t give a fuck about the kids when she was fucking the ex-bf. Leave, get a lawyer, and don’t look back.

  16. You can’t force something as serious as marriage on anyone no matter how long you’ve been together. Just enjoy your relationship. If you keep bugging him about marriage, that might make him want to jump ship. What sounds more romantic? He proposed to me out of nowhere and was not expecting that or he proposed because I kept bugging him about it? Enjoy your guys’ company

  17. If you really don’t feel comfy with this and it’s a deal breaker, then you need to communicate that he is free to do this if that’s really what he wants and that it will be the end of your relationship. If he decides to go, wish him all the best for the future and know that if a relationship fails it just means there’s someone even better for you out there.

  18. I thought, what are the chances of that? lmao

    Ok fine the answer is that your partner is a waste of time, they treat you like shit, that post from 2 months ago alone would do it. Find someone else and your life will improve.

  19. Why did you ask for advice if you weren’t going to listen to it? I’m asking seriously. What on earth did you expect to hear? HE COULD HAVE KILLED YOU. If you genuinely believe he’d never do the same thing to your child you’re delusional and living in a fantasy land.

    It is NOT YOUR FAULT that he put his hands on you. If you stay after this and he hurts your daughter, that will be your fault because this should be the only warning you need but you would rather make excuses for an abusive POS than protect your daughter.

  20. Could just be because she’s a girl.

    My father heavily favored my brother. He’s very conservative and religious, so it’s never been a secret that he’s always thought less of me for my gender.

  21. So I work from home. My spouse and I work the same amount of hours. But I technically have more free time cause I’m at home… sorry I’m not going to do a bulk of the house work because I’m legit home the most..

  22. Why are you mad people are telling you to stand up for yourself? You're doing the bare minimum if that. Apparently this has happened to you before and you didn't learn so it is what it is.

  23. Of course she's sorry. Sorry she got caught. She wants the comfort of a nice boyfriend but also wants the thrill of banging whoever she likes. I've been there when I was younger. She won't change. Get rid of her and focus on yourself. Cut all contact and don't say anything other than a “hello” if you pass her in the hall. You'll eventually feel better when all the doubt and mistrust is gone and you'll find someone better.

  24. It's the same reason why women stay with men that abuse them. Because they know nothing else. Because they have no sense that anything better is possible, or that they even deserve anything better. Because that's just the way the cookie crumbles, life's like that. This kind of person doesn't ever feel like they have any agency or power.

  25. One time my husband and I went on a trip with my family. My aunt and grandma's room was under our room in a cabin we rented. Apparently the bed was pretty heavy and she could hear the whole thing. My poor grandma and aunt… of course they brought it up at breakfast the next morning in front of God and everyone ? I was mortified. My husband thought it was hilarious. My whole family laughed about it except poor Nana ?

  26. His say happens when he chooses to have potentially procreative sex. If he doesn’t want someone aborting his kid then he needs to find a different partner or not have sex.

  27. I suggest living life as if he’s not a possibility. Don’t wait around in the hopes that he’ll eventually choose you. As you said, he would have already done that if he wanted you. He knows how you feel and he’s with someone else. Go be 22. Date. Make friends. Find that self esteem.

  28. He doesn’t make 4x more than you because he’s a man

    What exactly are you spending all of your money on when you pay 0 bills? It sounds like you aren’t financially responsible

    If you were going to quit why didn’t you both communicate how you would have access to money? Why would you quit your job and have to pay for everything with your savings?

  29. Tell her masturbation is the compromise. You respect she doesn't want sex with the frequency you do and are trying to respect that

  30. I definitely won’t be getting a job there, but going in and meeting his coworkers has been something I have been putting off for so long just because I am a little nervous to, not because I would be intimidated by his coworkers, but I think the concept of out of sight out of mind comes into play and it’s probably my way of just not dealing with it. Lol.

  31. I am a bit worried as obviously he had a daughter and she’s lovely but last thing I’d want is to get too deep and then it harms her

  32. By calling them out for their shitty behaviour. Don't take it lying down, like a doormat. If people disrespect you, then you need to speak up about it (and strike while the iron is naked! Be proactive when these instances are actually happening). Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself for fear of jeopardising a relationship.

  33. You ever kiss someone and not realize it?

    At 20 you are too old to be playing funny games about stuff like this, unfortunately.

  34. One of my friends considers herself almost completely female-attracted.

    She has to qualify “almost” because one man did manage to pull at her heartstrings exactly the right way.

    Another of my friend thought she was bi when some guy managed to get her emotions high, only to laugh and cry tears of absurdity when her boyfriend became her girlfriend.

    Who knows.

    I would say enjoy the ride.

  35. Ok, so in general what you spend should be 1.5 to her 1.0 in the relationship. It’ll be a bit more in some areas and a bit less in others but overall it should balance out. So your chores sound even but her accumulating ownership on a property while you pay full rent is iffy. Did you offer that or did she require it if you. As it’s naked to tell if she a gold digger (doesn’t appreciate it, acts entitled, demands, or guilts you into giving money) or if you’re overly generous and feel used because she doesn’t reciprocate. In the first, you’ll need to break up or at least set boundaries, in the second you’ll need to take ownership of you’re spending habits and the reason for them (overly generous, using money to get her to like you, making assumptions rather than discussing concerns) and find a better approach that doesn’t leave you feeling resentful.

  36. Reading all your comments is frustrating. You either put up with him condescending you on a daily basis and suck it up (he clearly knows he's upsetting you and doesn't care), or you leave him and be free of his constant nagging and putting you down. You keep saying it's annoying you and yet you're not listening to what everyone is saying. He's purposefully making you feel dumb, So online with that feeling for however long or leave him. It's not a difficult choice to make, you're just not wanting to make it in the weird hope that he's going to change: spoiler alert!! He won't change.

    Also he's not that smart, stop saying he is.

  37. What a gross oversimplification of male friendships. We're not all racist, sexist morons. That is not the default to the male condition, people hate broad generalizations tham you get half a thousand upvotes on this naked take.

    What about her family ? Why do they avoid him ?

  38. I don't know if I'm jumping to conclusions but has he jumped from an 18year old to 'innocent' you?

    If you're waiting for marriage, is he perhaps attracted to that aspect?

  39. I didn’t want his username to learn how to use Reddit ? I thought it was a app where you had friends like that as I said above .

  40. If you're to the point of putting a tracker on the car she uses, the relationship is over. Just end it. She's either never gonna admit to anything unless you reveal how you know where she was, or she'll trickle truth you until everything finally comes out.

  41. It’s been a decade, OP.

    He doesn’t want to marry you. Sorry.

    You have two options:

    Accept never being married and you go along with that for the rest of your life

    Break up and find a man that WILL marry you and won’t hesitate to ask you to be his wife

    There’s no middle road for something as life changing as a marriage.

  42. Right, that is weird and sounds like a valid question, I think you did yourself a disservice by focusing your post (it's literally in the title of your post) on the fact someone went out with him weeks before you met him, because that has nothing to do with anything. Him ghosting for two days repeatedly, no that's not normal behaviour.

  43. Not so exclusive? They were dating. Sure it was the start of their dating, but nothing in that says “not so exclusive.” Let's not make excuses

  44. To put it another way, it doesn’t matter whether it was technically cheating or not. You do not owe her a relationship. If you no longer want to be with her over this, then don’t be with her, and there’s nothing more to say, let alone argue over

  45. Thank you for sharing! I don’t think it was the package as it was open ended as to when it would arrive, but I suppose I’ll never know and you could be right.I’m sorry for what you went through, there are really are awful, awful people out there.

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