Valentinavega15 live webcams for YOU!


Valentinavega15 Public Chat Channel

Date: February 23, 2023

One thought on “Valentinavega15 live webcams for YOU!

  1. You’re 26. There are 21 year olds that are in college, working full time, and are currently in the process of moving into their second or third apartments, since moving out of their parent’s houses. They grocery shop. They care for their pets. Pay for their own cars and health insurance.

    I’m not going to beat you down, but the truth of your situation is your girlfriend has plans for her future. She wants a husband that’s a partner, not a child to raise in addition to any children she gives birth to.

    If you feel like she is intentionally making you feel bad, it’s because she is. She is telling you to grow the fuck up, start acting like an adult, because she is done waiting around on you to become one.

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