Valerieharris live sex chats for YOU!


12 thoughts on “Valerieharris live sex chats for YOU!

  1. And when they do come down because the market has slowed, you're still getting screwed from the interest rate.

  2. Though there IS something I have encountered regarding my sons ADHD (no meds):

    He tends to get overwelmed when there is too much to do.

    It seems to tower over him and disheartened him totally, when there was too much of a mess in his room.

    Where I see: “box, Lego cubes. Box, tiny cars. Shelf, books. Wardrobe, clean clothes. Laundry, dirty clothes.”

    He sees the conglomeration. And random things sticking out. Unable to start at one point, as there is “sssssoooooo much” of it.

    ADHD made him see the entirerty of things, all things being priority. Unable to focus on one thing at a time.

    So rather than starting out methodically he got discouraged and didn't start at all.

    Whereas, when we did it together he was happy how quick it went.

    Just to explain that there is that thing to ADHD, really, which may come in here.

    But maybe she is just a lazy loafer with no care in the world to do her part of chores. Who knows?

  3. So let her be single.

    And no, I don't. If she wants to be with you, it wouldn't matter. She is either happy with you or she isn't.

  4. I’m very familiar with evangelicals but the post clearly states he didn’t reply to him asking.

  5. Who cares what he's interested in? Make him do 50/50 custody. If he refuses, or makes your kids “suffer” (which I'm assuming just means you know he won't take care of them as well as you do, but he will take care of them) then you take him to court, get 100% custody, child support AND alimony. Don't be a victim and don't let this AH run roughshod over you. HE made his bed.

  6. No, it's an interesting and good update.

    You know based on past behaviour, this something that will happen again and you've finally decided to be brave and treat yourself better by not accepting this dynamic.

    It will be difficult to move on, but put the work in now. You don't have to reply to him with the same intensity. Or you can tell him you want to go NC for a bit and use that time to work through it all.

  7. Why are you obsessing over Facebook? So what if he posts once in awhile…obviously he wants to be on it for friends and family. This is so ridiculous that you want to break up over this…as long as he's not friends with a bunch of half hard girls then don't worry about it.

  8. You are afraid to lose a friendship of 15 years (and that's understandable)… but it doesn't seem like your friend is afraid of the same thing. He chose to put his girlfriend's wants (not needs) above his friendship with you. It bugs me that out of all the options to handle this, your “friend” picked the one that would most certainly jeopardise your relationship of 6 years.

    Also, because you made it easy the first time (by not bringing her along and not making a fuss about it), your friend could confidently open his dirty mouth to request that you don't bring her again… and this time, it's not even his girlfriend's outing! If your girlfriend writes to Reddit, we will tell her to dump you for not standing up for her.

    I think you should prepare your mind to lose friends… and it's not because of your girlfriend. It's because these “friends” would rather have you single and lonely for their comfort. That should scare you.

  9. You should not talk with Aston. You should talk with a counselor who can help you analyze and work through your feelings.

    Your sister's boyfriend is throwing her a party. It has nothing to do with you and it is not appropriate to expect that it should.

    If you can happily attend and celebrate your sister, you should go. If that is going to be hot because you're so used to sharing these occasions, you should do the mature thing and give a socially acceptable excuse to miss the party.

    Ideally, your socially acceptable excuse will be true. For instance, you can arrange to go to an event that night with a friend who is not a part of this party or even a little trip away.

  10. Yeah that sounds like some bullshit. Real talk is this guy worth the stress? You are young this the best time for a woman imo. No kids and the biological clock isn't ticking(not that you have to reproduce ever). As long as you pay your bills on time have fun and don't waste time on people who will drag you down.

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