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vfashion59live sex stripping with Live HD


22 thoughts on “vfashion59live sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Definately a massive redflag and I would look at the relationship and what you want out of it?

    For someone to say something like that, after the date you described juat isn't right.

    I'd sit down and talk to them, find out what the under lying issue could be. If its not taken seriously, cut all ties and move on.

    You can always find and make other friends.

  2. This is disgusting. There is no coming back from a 20 year old behaving this way. Break up with this jack ass. He needs to be quarantined in a fucking barn.

  3. uhm no that’s a completely different guy that i cut things off with but thanks for keeping tabs on me ?

  4. Sounds like she is letting her parents control her life. At her age now. It’s either her go independent (with you in the picture). Or you leave her and she chooses to let her parents control her life for the rest of their lives

  5. Why don't you just… communicate with her?? Be reassure her, of course, but let her know that changes have to be made. That you still love her just as much, but you need your “you time”. Half of the less serious disputes on this sub would be solved if people were more willing to communicate honestly.

  6. I mean… he says he believes you won’t understand him? So he’s indirectly calling you ‘dumb’ or not emotionally intelligent enough to understand what he’s trying to say? To me, that’s a huge red flag. It sounds like he thinks he’s this super smart, amazing ‘God’s gift to the planet’ guy who has to talk down to everyone since he’s on another level.

    Idk. I mean it seems like he doesn’t really know how to have a mature discussion or a mature way to resolve any type of conflict.

    I suppose you could pick up a self-help book about improving communication between couples. See if he’d read it with you.

    If he continues to refuse to try to change or if you notice it’s worse or he’s just continuing to be a jerk, unfortunately, consider cutting your losses and moving on because he likely won’t change if he truly feels he needs no improvement.

  7. You shouldn't have got the brother involved to begin with – you're not his parent, it's not your place to push him into helping, and once you've done that you especially shouldn't complain about how he does it.

    That's what the dad was annoyed about, how you clearly don't respect his son even when he's tried to help.

  8. He's been trying to change and I haven't been changing with him so I've been making meaningless arguments that hurt our relationship and I want to fix that.

  9. JFC…… this is pretty much what i wanted to say….. but i could never have said it this well.

  10. I’m not American either, I’m Swedish. I even know people in countries in poverty who’ve gotten antipsychotics vs anxiety. Seems very strange to me that OP isn’t being treated. If the story is true she has to get a new doctor.

  11. Your value as a person has nothing to do with how many people you’ve slept with. But also, you aren’t and haven’t been a hooker. You were sexually assaulted. There’s a quote I love that says “each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done”. I’m not implying that it’s something to be ashamed of, it just seems that you feel ashamed. But you are so much more. I’m happy for you to survive. And never let anyone tell you that you’re worthless.

  12. Look, I have ADD and I tend to attract others with ADD and if anything I find there’s hyperfocus on enjoyable activities. Without writing a diatribe he’s just selfish and possibly doesn’t enjoy pleasing you. There’s plenty of people with ADD that can please their partner. It’s him.

  13. Sis, you are 18. You SHOULD be thinking only about your own future and your own experiences right now.

    My biggest regrets in life are the things I didn't do that I wanted to do because I didn't want to dissapoint someone else. The trips I didn't take, the jobs I didn't take, the friendships I didn't foster, the places I didn't on-line…

    Our lives are a sum value of the experiences that we have – this sounds like an AMAZING experience. You 100% should go for it.

    Will your BF be bummed? Yep. But those are his feelings and his responsibility to work through. He either trusts you or he doesn't. Neither of those things are your problem.

  14. Have you googled the terms 'texas abortion bounty'? That may give you a good indication why you are being downvoted.

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