YooRaa on-line webcams for YOU!


make me happy [26 tokens remaining]

Date: November 3, 2022

32 thoughts on “YooRaa on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I see. That's good to hear though. I really don't have intention of making him as a rebound, which i why i wait for 3 months to 'supposedly' contact him to be friends again. But ya, hope he's happy.

  2. At first I thought you meant kiss, hug.. etc with OTHER people. Which is a little weird, but makes sense.

    Consent is one thing. Making a game out of things is kinda weird. I'd wait to see if the rules apply to you both, or just you.

  3. “This is common among immigrant”, you mean stealing from relatives. I do not believe it. I do not know her, but I have witnessed people behave like that when they grow older : they do not give a fuck, they fell entitled and do not care about others feeling You need to tell your brother, and need to do something with your mother , at least some kind of acknowledgment she took something from you

  4. Yes we did discuss it extensively. We always talked about it as a plan for whenever it would actually happen. We would talk about values, spirituality, community involvement, education, culture, etc. The baby was not planned for that moment but was desired.

  5. It’s something I’ve came to think that she agrees with me on to be honest, I’ve never really had many friends or any connection with someone out of family so I struggle with knowing social cues or anything

    True, I guess I’ve just learned from internet and family wrong stuff, what’s odd is we have done this before then we have been okay for a long time and then it’s happening again

    That’s something I really need to start doing, focus on whether I think it’s worth the argument or not. Thank you

  6. Because he is gaslighting you into believing that nothing is going on , and that you're being jealous over nothing

    He warned the girl that you were there and what he wanted her to say.

    You heard her being giggly and flirty before the warning.

    You saw the eight calls in half an hour.

    He is cheating on you.

  7. Oh sorry, I said it in thought, but didn’t write it down. By childish behavior I mean “I want xyz right here and right now, otherwise I’m gonna have a breakdown right here and it’s your fault”.

    I’m up for any solution. In the end I’m trying to find a solution to how to prove her wrong in some things where I know I’m right. Solution which when I’m gonna present, I won’t be met with delusional facts from her side.

  8. Thank you for the time you gave to my post and for replying to it . I appreciate that ! And yes I need to seek professional help and fix me I am aware of that . Does what I did make me a bad person ? Not worthy of forgiveness?

  9. For me, I honestly cannot handle the idea of someone else touching or even looking at me in the way my husband does! It took a long time to get to where I feel actually comfortable with even him before we got married, and now I’m at a place where he’s sincerely the only person I want.

    I recently had a poly couple decide that they “wanted” me and they crossed SO many boundaries with me that I had to schedule an emergency therapy appointment before I started spiraling.

    Before that happened, I thought poly people would be some of THE most understanding of the importance of consent, but now ngl I am not trustful the way I once was.

  10. I don't feel like I can ever talk to him openly and honestly

    I'm always the one to compromise

    I'm still not at all happy with our relationship and I'm starting to even feel some resentment

    I actually hate staying at his place

    Girl, leave.

  11. You should tell him, maybe he'll be fine, maybe not. But at least you can save your time instead of him knowing later down the line

  12. It’s just so weird because we have such a good time as a family in trips! I love to explore and so does my little one. At home it’s just us 3 right now. I cook, keep the house clean, let him game all he wants, it’s really not a high stress house hold. When we fight it’s something where I’m being emotional ? he says things with out a filter pretty much.

  13. Everyone has a past and I would venture to say that everyone has done something that they are ashamed of. Sit down with him and tell him that because you plan to spend your life with him you want him to have the opportunity to know these things. He may not want to know. He should be open to the same level of scruntity. Are you prepared for that?

  14. Woman, you got past him bursting YOUR bubble, he can get over the same bubble. If he can’t, what kind of fragile partner is he?

  15. Idk, I’ve ran my toe into walls and furniture before and wanted to just lay in bed for the rest of the day. Everything else though? Yeah that’s ridiculous

  16. If you’re unsure after 5 years, let her go. After 3 months of being with my bf I was already thinking about marriage. If that’s not on your mind after 5 years, it’s a no.

  17. I mean, I'd have been out of there already. You already know that this isn't okay. You feel that it's wrong. You KNOW it's messed up. Just walk away… let her use one of her “backups”. She keeps stringing along other guys to “keep you in check”??? WTF? In case you leave her? And she lied to your face, repeatedly. There's really no point in continuing this. You can't trust her, and she's proven to you that she will lie and manipulate. Save yourself the additional drama and move on from this.

  18. What seems sudden to you wasn't for her, that's the thing. It wasn't a case of loving each other and suddenly not. It was you loving her and her feeling confused, invalidated, distant and questioning. She told you this was a while coming and she's sick of your behaviour. She fell out of love a while ago, dude.

  19. If you’ve been getting into shape, I’m guessing the reason is less likely related to how you look and more likely related to factors surrounding you losing your job. Have you discussed how that made you both feel and how it has affected your relationship? Does she feel like she’s the only one pulling her weight? Do you make up for lack of income by helping more around the house? Are you actively searching for a new job?

    I see a lot of comments about her eyeing other men but given the timing and how new your marriage is, I really don’t think it’s that.

  20. That sick feeling in your gut is your intuition. Trust it, don’t ignore it. You know something is not right here!

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