Your-Emmi online sex cams for YOU!


Fully get naked [Multi Goal]

Date: March 24, 2023

20 thoughts on “Your-Emmi online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I'll leave her if I were you. The relationship youre in is a horrible one. You shouldn't always be strained mentally because of her drinking problem. Leave her, let her life collapse, it's her life and she's the only one who can fix this drinking problem.

  2. I don’t say this to be hurtful at all, but I think that she’s been looking for a way out and this is it. Unfortunately, I’ve been in relationships where I was staying out of obligation, and literally as soon as they fucked up, I was out the door. I think you need to take her wanting the divorce at face value, and try to go about things as calmly and decently as you can for your kids.

  3. I’d suggest see who ends up with the best housing situation for them. There’s a reasonable chance someone will end up with a roommate with an allergy or a landlord that doesn’t allow them. Someone might even just have more time or room. After that flip a coin.

  4. I like you, you have morals and convictions OP, and i'm sure this whole situation has showed you how uncommon that is. You did the right thing.

  5. My gf and I were together before she went to college and uni 2 hrs apart, we made trips to see each other when we could, talked most nights and are together nearly 15 years later. The space did us good kept horny 20ys from wrecking academic progress but still loving and supporting one another.

    We might be in the rare few ut it isn't impossible.

  6. Well, he is monogamous on emotional level, you can no longer be only commited to him so there is no future to this.

  7. No this is not normal. And he's not ok.

    He likely targeted you knowing your history so he could get away with abusing you more easily.

  8. This is not forgivable.

    It’s not just live! flirting. It’s not just a one night stand. He emotionally AND physically cheated on you. He took the whole package somewhere else.

    He cheated on you with a flat out AFFAIR with another woman for 6 months. The lying he had to do…the fact that he came home and kissed you? Acted like he loved you at all while playing you for a fool?!

    Absolutely dispicable. Throw all his shit outside. Change the locks. Block him. BYE!

  9. Put this way the talk is coming.

    Most people go off line a fire cracker before or after the “event”.

    I have had a few friends in similar position and in all cases denial was the game play. The person in the wrong will deny all the way. But … if you have evidence then you are good to go.

    Put it this way you need a game plan to get evidence to allow you to be best prepared for her when you have the “talk”.

    And lawyer up. Even if you don’t use the lawyer in the end.

    Do you track her phone?

    I am going to make a wild guess and say she’s going to hook up with an old flame ….

    Good luck brother but remember to keep your powder dry and play the game.

    I recently spoke with a guy, now passed, whu had caught his wife playing away with his business partner. He evidenced up, lawyered up, then outed them. He then passed away. He was brilliant. He kept cool and got his ducks lined up. I will try and find a link to his first post and put it here for you.

  10. The level of rage in arguments is the real issue here. Punches the car? One day that’s going to be you.

  11. My brother (who is a feckless wanker) upped and left his flat one day. The landlord told us to clear it or he'd bin everything. Whilst I was comfortable with that, Mother wasn't and dispatched Dad, my wife and I to clear it up.

    We found his amateur erotica and hand-drawn “art”, flicked through it & had a good laugh then binned it.

  12. You're projecting here. He didn't ask for it the way he liked. That's the core of the entire issue of my guy.

  13. Her 'pleasure coming first' is because 99% of the time sex is over once the man comes. She's trying to race to the finish to get hers so there's something worthwhile for her before he gets to turn all his attention to himself

  14. He hasn’t said it to me, only my cousin who is also his friend. When I have bumped into him he has been extremely respectful and hasn’t tried to flirt or cross boundaries. I wouldn’t say he is acting out of line but maybe we have different thresholds.

  15. You need to remember every one is different,you don’t know what was happening in your ex friend couple. He did what he did because he is a cheat person, you know your partner and never show you any signs so don’t let those terrible thoughts destroy what you have. At the moment you will accept the fact ypu can’t control someone actions but can control how you will react you will be able to continue your life. Spend time with your boyfriend,focus on what is good and just think on the good things it will happen to both of you. Be positive to Attract the positive

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