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11 thoughts on “yuunaleelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Acknowledging your true feelings isn’t a bad thing. Acknowledging them let’s us choose what to do about them. Getting mad or angry doesn’t mean pick a fight.

  2. I am going to spend as many holidays as possible with Beth. Beth’s past mistakes doesn’t mean she should be stuck alone on every holiday to come. I just think it’s sucks I’m being made to be a jerk over it.

    I appreciate your comment.

  3. I think you should if you feel it’s worth it, but he did decide before y’all started dating. Have you guys discussed plans to see each other after he moves? Have you considered moving with him? I’m surprised that he entered a relationship with you knowing that he was leaving, and same for you, but regardless I feel like y’all should definitely discuss concrete plans to see each other, and if after he moves you find it difficult to stay then of course you are free to leave the relationship, even though it may hurt. It’s all about what you value. Good luck!

  4. Where does it say that her husband is attracted to her?

    The fact that a guy may jerk off to a woman who he is attracted to isn’t insane. What’s insane is the wild scenarios people in this sub make up in order to justify painting guys as horrible people.

    He wanted to be friends with a woman he met and OP shut that down because she’s insecure. Instead of justifying it, the advice should be to work on her insecurities like a guy would get if he came here with this scenario.

  5. Do you remember that song by Dua Lipa, New Rules? I love it. I wish I had it to listen to when I was in my early twenties and boys (not men!) were playing with my feelings. That’s one of your jams now. Build you a power playlist, and jam.

    Also? You tell him if he wants to be “respectful”, he needs to move out. Don’t do any favors for him—no boyfriend title, no boyfriend services. You are dating and loving yourself right now.

  6. Hey, I was devastated by a narcissistic cheater once and I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry for what you’re going through. She’s very manipulative to say that any of it was your fault. There’s no clarity that you’ll gain by talking to her. She’ll just use the contact to her advantage to either slowly convince you that it was somehow your fault or that she can’t be held accountable.

    The reason she did it, I struggled with that too. I wanted to know why he did that to me when we’d been so close. She did it because she’s selfish as fuck and getting attention from some asshole was more important than your relationship or your feelings. You’ll never understand that train of thought bc you aren’t a garbage human. Let’s look at what she told you was her “reason”: you didn’t hype her up as much as you used to. This is bullshit. You don’t cheat on someone bc they are not fawning over constantly. Sounds like she needs constant narcissistic supply. Ultimately, this would’ve happened one way or another. There’s nothing you could’ve done to stop it so even though you feel like shit, don’t blame yourself. People like her will always choose themselves regardless of who it hurts. I think a positive to take away from this is, at least you didn’t marry her or have children with her, you are young and get to walk away and start over. I recommend therapy so you can get help unpacking this. Cheating is emotional abuse. Talk with your therapist about how to set some healthy boundaries and deal breakers to help avoid ppl like her going forward. Personally, this is why I never believe ppl who want to stay close to an ex or ex fwb.

  7. No.

    This is not on you, and he doesn't get to continue to be part of your life.

    What he did was a selfish act to hurt you.

    Block everyone involved.

  8. When you click on the persons profile they’ve just posted this story twice and nothing else, they haven’t even replied to any of the comments.

    So I think you’re right

  9. Ty for your response. It's easier to say that in a comment when you are not in the heat of it and don't have attachment to a decade long relationship.

    I do see your point however that her ask comes across as opportunistic.

  10. Follow up in a few weeks and see if there’s any conversations happening. Just leave it alone for now and move on.

    You’ll know in a few weeks time.

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