Cynthiaa online sex cams for YOU!


TOTALLY HOT [Multi Goal]

Date: October 27, 2022

32 thoughts on “Cynthiaa online sex cams for YOU!

  1. No woman owes you exclusive rights to her body and time after ONE day. If you didn’t come with dowry in hand and commitment you were simply a stranger and love interest.

    Maybe OPs boyfriend should have communicated on that first date that he wanted to be exclusive ??‍♀️ but he didn’t now he’s mad because she continued to be the single woman she was until they became official.

  2. I try to be the best girlfriend for him. I play video games, watch anime with him. Support his dreams. try to be patient, kind, loving. Love to make him laugh. No kids. I’m going to nursing school so he can be a stay home dad one day. Literally love him so much and I’m happy when he’s happy.

    I feel like you are love bombing. It is great you are doing all these things for him, but it seems really one sided and obsessive. Just cause you do all these things for someone doesn't automatically mean it is a good thing or that it is healthy. It is give and take. For every action or effort you need the same in return. It doesn't really mean anything if you are love bombing in hopes of being a perfect gf for him to be with. That is overdoing it. Love bombing doesn't give you love in return. It is like trying to bribe them into loving you with such grand exaggerated efforts. Love has to be a mutual thing that doesn't require bribe like actions.

    He is receiving love for doing nothing while you do all these things but he neglects you and talks to other girls. The point you needed to stop is when you didn't receive the same effort. You can spoil him so much, but if it becomes a point where he can receive so much doing nothing in return then he is never going to do it. If he knows he can disrespect people and still get benefits then he won't even try to be respectful. You need to learn to receive as much as you give. Ask for things and not be just a doormat.

  3. Maybe she opened an account to find someone, maybe to check the guy she was seeing.

    If she starts looking at other men, the marriage is over. Even if you stop it now, it will come out again after a while.

    wait a few days and collect the evidence

    see a lawyer

  4. Don’t be with her if what she is doing makes you feel bad. Don’t ask why, ask yourself is she making me feel bad?

  5. I mean why does this matter… You are different people your opinions can't always be 100% the same. If u get along thats what it matters.

  6. So many virtuous, immediate texters in this thread…

    Dude, you MIGHT have messed up… there’s a possible alternate explanation:

    She’s 22, prime TikTok age There’s this whole thing on TikTok lately about dumping guys who don’t text back inside some arbitrary (dealer’s choice) period of time. Sort of way to deal w guys ghosting women, based on nuking the budding relationship first.

    Humans… am I right????

    Anyway, this language: “ I expect a response. I’m sorry but I’m worth more than this”, is practically word for word what TikTokers (did I spell that right… maybe TikTokkers?) say to say.

    It’s still possible you screwed up with this individual. But it’s also possible you’re on the wrong end of a fad. Not saying you’re gonna hear back from her, but don’t 100% assume this was some mysterious mistake you unwittingly made by not stating, a second time, something you had already confirmed for her (gasp!) in person.

  7. Hello /u/ThrowRA-What-Next,

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  8. Thank you for your response. It makes sense. Though to me it isn’t a big deal because it’s 1-2 hours, 3x a week, for him, those 1-2 hours on a weeknight is a lot when there’s limited time throughout the week. Also, it is my mother so it’s easier for me to deal with her lingering.

  9. I’m confused by this line: “we can always do another day/ daytime event”. What does he mean? It sort of sounds like he planning a date. Since when are you friends? Recently? I’m wondering if the two of you have a different outlook on your relationship

  10. Expose the cheating bastard for who he is and let him face the consequences for his actions, I have no sympathy for him.

  11. why is he still continuing the convos then?? just break up already. obviously he doesn’t wanna be with u anymore if he wants to cheat.

  12. Maybe it's a generational thing. I'm Generation X, so my sex education classes were filled with constant reminders to use condoms because of AIDS. Of course, AIDS is still around but it's not as deadly as it was in the 1980's and 1990's.

  13. Right, but I was reading something like if it's going to fail it fails at the beginning? Like someone who has been sterile for 50 years won't be making babies tomorrow? I really am not a doctor, just going by what my doctor said which was that I have really no worries once I am confirmed sterile a year later.

  14. Sweetheart, soil is scientifically proven to help with depression. Please don't shame yourself for doing something that makes you feel good. It's not silly, it's something you should be incredibly proud of taking the time to do for yourself.

  15. So you want to marry someone who's cheated on you multiple times? You're nineteen. You're not even fully mature. Please do not get married to this turd.

  16. Something keeps stopping me from breaking up with him I love him too much to the point I hope things change

  17. This guy clearly doesn't give a crap about what you want and think, let alone what your child needs.

    Walk away from this dude asap. This is not love in the slightest

  18. So come from a place of concern, not that his breath is bad, but that it may be a sign of infection and an infection in the mouth can actually be life threatening.

  19. Why is everyone excusing his behavior? He sits around playing video games and then sleeps the weekend away while OP is trying to do the entire workload of taking care of the kids and house while holding down a full-time job

    Boo hoo, he has a slipped disk this weekend, what was his excuse last weekend and the 5 years before that?

    He doesn't get a free get out of housework card because he has mandatory overtime. She has mandatory overtime from the time she picks up her kids from daycare until she puts them down to sleep at night.

    It's really too bad that it's gotten this far, but unless he jumps in and becomes willing to pull his part of the load, this relationship is doomed.

    See if you can get marriage counseling ASAP and let him know you aren't fooling around. Tell him in clear, unambiguous words that if he doesn't shape up, you'll walk

    Until you have a session with a counselor nailed down, make out a chore list. Be super clear what you expect from him and hold him to it.

    You have a 2 year old who won't be put down, and a 5 year old still messing herself. It really sounds like the kids are under a load of stress, too. Do something before it gets worse

  20. I saw your update and honestly, he seems like a really good guy. I truly hope he stays that way once you two have been together longer than a couple of months.

    This decision is never easy but it sounds like the right one for you both.

    I wish you luck and I hope you are in a state that you are safe in.

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