Alejandra A (PETITE_NICOLETS) the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Alejandra A (PETITE_NICOLETS), 28 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Alejandra A (PETITE_NICOLETS)

Alejandra A (PETITE_NICOLETS) on-line sex chat

Date: January 2, 2023

31 thoughts on “Alejandra A (PETITE_NICOLETS) the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Hello /u/Deleteafterreadng,

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  2. Only 26 years old, and he doesn't want to do anything you like, try anything new, or bring you on his trips. He isn't there for you when you're sick. He just seems to want a female body in his life for his convenience. This isn't much of a relationship for you.

    You're not fine. It seems fine because you see him so infrequently. The rest of the time this relationship is just a fantasy in tour head.

  3. I would have no issue with the crossdressing and the toys. I could even excuse the posting a video live (v much understanding that other people would draw the line earlier). But sending pics to specific men is cheating, kink or no kink.

  4. 50!? At that age especially that's a helluva lot. I can't find 50 people that want to have a conversation with me lol. Imo she might be lying about all of that which is totally a red flag. Even if she's not, body count doesn't matter. Until it does. And at that point she has other issues that you probably don't want any part of. Help her if she'll let you. Sounds like abuse to me.

  5. get proof (screen shots of the conversations). Get rent. then get revenge if you want her to feel the pain – post those conversations on her medias then change her passwords.

    “she joked he likes pokemon” so… you know him and he knows you? he knows she has a bf? that's double shit.

    “lease is in my name” after you get rent? kick her ass to the curb. She can sleep in the car she's been fucking him in.

  6. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My (33F) husband “Derek” and I have been married for over 6 years, we have a steady relationship and have 1 daughter together. Our s life is decent though not as often as it was at the start of our marriage.

    Over the past year my husband has been spending more time at work and using the excuse of “working late”, I don't think he would cheat on me but recently I found panties and a bra (no tags) in the glove box of his car.

    When I confronted him about it he told me that he'd bought them for me. When I said they're the wrong size (he knows my size) and had no tags he got defensive and called me a snoop. I refused to let the issue go so he left to stay at mother's house. (I called her to check)

    I haven't had a chance to go through his phone yet and I'm afraid of what I might find. Is my husband cheating on me?.

  7. Honestly, at this point, they're violating your boundaries you've set in a very professional and courteous way. Time to bring it to HR, IMO.

  8. I’d consider my father cheating on my mom to be a betrayal of our entire family, thus I’d easily pick a side. Cheating is abuse – emotional, usually financial, and physical because someone’s health is placed in danger and their consent has not been obtained. No one who abuses my mother gets to stay in my life.

    My suspicion is that money is involved in your case, OP.

  9. He is completely understanding like it’s whatever to him, I have a higher libido then he does, Thankyou for your comment

  10. No, I just assumed relationship because he pursued me and made it a point to go out and get to know me. He also had relationship in his OLD and never mentioned casual.

  11. Well you should communicate your feelings. What she does is up to her. I trust my partner too but I’m not stupid. I trust my partner not to put herself in certain situations. Long distance is even tougher. One on one exercise with another dude is just not something I’m ok with. I would never do that to her. I expect the same from her. You know, discuss Boundaries.

  12. Make sure you have a lock for your bedroom door. Own bank accounts only you can see and access. When you graduate move out.

    You can't change your sister or parents. Stay out of the way, in your room or out. Stop talking to them, be polite but thats it.

  13. Don't insult your husband by asking him to go. Tell the ex “no” and ask him not to contact you again. Then tell your husband that he texted and how you shut it down.

  14. You 2 need to sit down and have an open, honest conversation about birth control.

    This relationship is doomed to failure if you keep hiding what you’re doing from him. He likely to think something like, “Why would OP hide using birth control from me? If she’s hiding that, what else is she hiding?”

    No single method of birth control is 100% effective, except abstinence, and most people don’t want that. You’re a bit more focused on not getting pregnant than most people I know, but it’s your body. Make yourself comfortable.

  15. This kind of behavior is usually related to low self esteem, so she needs to work on that with a therapist. There's really nothing you can do, just tell her you can't enable her behavior anymore and go low contact.

  16. If she continues to withhold affection or treat you like she's angry at you over this, just break up with her, and find someone sane to date.

    This reaction is neither rational nor healthy

  17. Before anything else, I want to say that what happened before you started dating seven years ago should have no bearing on your relationship today and how it goes forward. As a general rule, the first period of dating is just getting to know a person and doubts are super normal. Now, if this happened two years into your relationship, that would be. whole different story.

    While I respect her intention to be honest, I think this is one thing she probably should have kept to herself. I can’t imagine a particularly positive outcome from her admission.

  18. Run, don’t walk, to get away from this creep. I’m 40M and 19 y/o girls look like children to me. He’s going to use your youth and inexperience against you. Keep away.

  19. My husband works out of town all the time and it's incredibly difficult for us to do things together even when he is home as his job is very physically demanding, so he's exhausted when he gets home and I understand that. If she's unable to reconcile with the fact that you can't change your schedule to be based around her you may want to find someone more understanding

  20. As a parent, I’d be sooooo pissed if my son’s fiancée did this. It was disrespectful to both your parents and you. This says something about who she is, and unfortunately she could actually be trying to incite problems or control and manipulate you. Good on you for having a good head on your shoulders. It’s more about who gave the gifts to you, so be sure to rotate wearing them

  21. Literally adultery is a whole ass commandment and biblically he should divorce her because she broke their marriage. If Jim wasn’t the pastors nephew he’d probably be asking OP if he was going to divorce his wife

  22. Is this kink genuinely from porn? it's a very new kink, and I won't lie I do watch porn fairly often

  23. I got some advice for you and it’s that you should remember she can leave you for being unsupportive and you body shamming her.

  24. The best light/spin I can put on the situation is this:

    Maybe your husband has fallen prey to a certain aspect of machoism/toxic masculinity. He thinks that his role and duty is to work as naked as he can to provide as much financial support as he can. That is his position in life, and if he doesn't fulfill this duty, then he is a failure as a man and a person.

    This certainly fits with his refusal of strong painkillers.

    IF this scenario is close to correct, then you really need to haul him off to a counselor to get his head screwed on right, because he's entirely failing on the actual parenting responsibilities, and naked.

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