AmbraDevine online sex chats for YOU!


ass spank [Multi Goal]

Date: September 28, 2022

52 thoughts on “AmbraDevine online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I only got a third through this post and wondered why you were posting it.

    Sounds like it's more than his lack of motivation. More like he drains the energy from you and you've outgrown the relationship

  2. I think we need a little bit of info.

    Are you jealous of her family? Her social circle? Or other guys?

    How long have you been together?

    How much time do you usually spend together?

    Have you thought about seeing a specialist? It is not uncommon for men to have difficulty sharing /displaying their feelings/emotions in a healthy way due to the way they were brought up.

  3. Don't invest 30k in a house you don't online in. Once you move you can discuss payments and contracts. To do it now is bananas. The fact he's asking now is a red flag.

  4. Hello /u/xbrightdaysaheadx,

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  6. I just googled it since we both have the same experience here. Apparently it is important, nothing to do with ego. Wrong sizes can increase chances of pregnancy etc.

  7. Hello /u/TheLegendOfTriforce,

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  8. Hello /u/Real_Assist_6158,

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  9. Time to draw boundaries! Here's a suggestion: “I will not interact with you when you raise your voice to me. When you raise your voice, I will leave or hang up. That doesn't mean I don't want to have the conversation with you, but it means the only way to have that conversation is with civility–not with raised voices.”

    I suggest saying something like this in a calm time, not during conflict.

  10. Yeeeeah you don’t really want anyone’s actual feedback here. You’re defending him at every step from a whole host of people older and more experienced than you.

    Good luck.

  11. The prank isn't that bad imo because it was immediately rectified but there was no need for a video to be posted

  12. She's just mad you took away her dogs chew toys. Honestly move out and find someone who loves cats. Cat lovers are much better people than dog nutters

  13. I appreciate the feedback. It’s hard for me to believe me leaving his life would help him. I really try to create a peaceful environment. Where he feels safe to talk to me. If I’m ever in need of help I count on my loved ones. I’m not used to wanting to be there for someone and them pushing me away. I know he is going through a lot and I’m trying to be mindful of that. I just wish it didn’t involve me needing to exit. All I’ve done is just try to be better. I’m scared if we take a break we will return and nothing will be different.

  14. Yes, but if you don't even talk to your partner about it, how do you know where you stand?

    This is a woman who, previously, wanted kids. Now she is having 2nd thoughts. After 5 years, don't you think the reasonable approach would be to discuss with her why she is feeling that way?

    If you shut someone out and hurl insults at them, of course the relationship has no chance.

  15. Regardless of whether most people know by 29, if you know you want them for sure it’s not a smart move to marry someone who doesn’t. Maybe she will change her mind, but to me it wouldn’t be worth rolling the dice.

  16. He's not conservative ,a white nationalist or a supremacist. And I don't think Joe Rogan is either

  17. He's only marrying you because he can't marry her. She's his number one, always will be. Don't do this to yourself and call it off.

    You are setting yourself for failure if you stay with this guy.

    I'm sorry

  18. I didn't let him and I'm a dude. If you actually read my post you'll see that I literally say I wasn't raped or assaulted etc. Genuinely never said I was raped or anything of the sort

  19. Being hurt is understandable. My friend who Id been really close friends with since kindergarten asked me to be an usher but not in her wedding party. I was really hurt I admit it, but kindof stepped back and viewed the relationship differently after that. Plus, getting married inherently changes a friendship dynamic as well. 15+ years later she and I are still good friends and I know she’s not friends at all with multiple people who were bridesmaids but I’ve made sure the friendship is safe and what I want out of it.

  20. I would say if it’s no big deal, why aren’t the other girls telling their BF? Answer? Because they know their BF would say no and likely break up with them.

    I keep telling people on Reddit but I guess it needs to be repeated. An exclusive relationship is NOT JUST ABOUT SEX. It’s about being committed to that one person. Going on dating sites even for “fun” is still sticking your toes in the water to see what is out there. That’s not being exclusive or committed to one person.

    I think you need to question her level of commitment from here on.

  21. Your relationship might have run its course. Sounds like you feel more like an ATM than a partner.

  22. When my grandma died my grandfather re-lived losing her every single time he asked and was told she had died. I would definitely say not to tell him.

    My grandfather was very good at hiding how far along he was with his dementia. Memories wise he'd play around as if he remembered until we filled in the blanks for him.

  23. Ye I understand what you mean, and I think you’re right, it does seem that she clearly wants to be more than just friends, so I should nip it in the bud now while it’s still relatively ‘fresh’

  24. My Partner always had full access to my phone but he never used it to read messages lol. He just used it to google something or to browse Reddit when his phone was in nother room or smth. I would find it very weird if my Partner goes through my phone all the time to read all my messages on every Platform, that is everything but normal. Ontop of that, some peille maybe tell you something in private. She is not only bot respecting your privacy but also shitting on everybody elses and if i was your friend i would find that very concerning and annoying. If you say she improved a lot i really dont want to know what clownfiesta that woman was before..if she threatens to leave you over not being able to shit on your privacy, you should just let her go. This does not sound worth the Drama.

  25. I doubt this is the real him. He's upset that now he's good enough when before he wasn't. At least in his mind because of OP and her shitty friends made him feel that way. He's hurt and reacting with anger. He needs therapy and dump OP.

  26. I think u need to talk to ur family to ensure how much they are really going to help u first. Having a baby alone is a lot harder than u think. It may be in ur best interest to find another man first.

  27. Considering how OP nuked this relationship, maybe her mom did royally screw her up with “but faaaaaamily” bs.

  28. Motorcycle safety course?? Where are you from? In this country it's a whole other license and test you need to do before you're legally allowed to ride one on public roads.

  29. You done messed up :/

    Did you not read similar stories here on reddit and how they never ended well?!? About soon to be spouses doing exactly what you did and then being all pikachu surprised face when their partner tells them they broke a nude boundary and things are over?!

    You ruined his trust in you, be ready to deal with the consequences. Best thing you can do now, to regain his trust, is to tell his mother it ain't happening and block her. You'll have to leave it to him, but I won't be surprised if you lose him

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