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37 thoughts on “angel-mallulive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You already went through their arguments when you got married, right? It sounds like they just realised the godparent thing could be new leverage to get you to do what they wanted you to do before. I would refuse to discuss it again.

  2. Yeah I would say it's weird to specifically ask if she wants to drink alcohol with you. I would just ask if she wants a drink and then you can list what you have. Make sure you don't only have alcoholic things. Some people are not comfortable drinking alcohol. Especially when it's the first date and you are meeting a person for the first time.

  3. NO DO NOT TRY AGAIN. Her moral POV and yours vary greatly and this ugly monster WILL rear it's head again.

    Totally remove this girl from your life (TG you on-line in another country) {{{{Heal UP}}}} . Tell the mutual friends to not give you messages from her. Find a woman who cherishes and values intimacy the same way you do. In the long run you will appreciate that endeavor.

  4. He is fine with your age because the last time he was in a relationship his gf was around your age as well. He is just restarting fresh with a new gf at the same life stage as him and his ex before. If you are ok with that then suit yourself. Be careful when you turn 29 and he starts to look around for another 22yo.

  5. Hello /u/NaeDotExe,

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  6. Yes I am currently deleting them now. Saddest part is the dog loves her more but I can't stomach deleting the dog pictures.

  7. To play devils advocate here, I can completely see where daughter is coming from.

    I know you said she got a MacBook instead of going to Disney. Tbf, she might have needed the MacBook. She didn't need to go to Disney, even if she really may have wanted to. I've had to prioritize like that before when my parents offer to help me out. Like when they offered help with my husband's car, or going to Greece with them. I had to turn Greece down even though it's my dream to visit Europe.

    Speaking from my own experience, my mom had me at 19. I have 5 younger siblings that she started having when she was 26 with my step-dad. They have significantly better lives than I could ever have hoped to have at their ages. I'm 25 and currently on-line in a different state than them. My mom is constantly inviting me on huge vacations with them to Europe, Costa Rica, the parks in Orlando FL, etc. I want to go so badly but between my shitty job, a mortgage, bills, etc I just can't afford that kind of thing whether its mostly covered or not. It's not her fault, or my siblings, but damn, does it sting and breed some serious resentment. So I can understand the daughter. Your 20s suck ass already. This kinda situation makes it way worse.

    That doesn't meant it's solely your fault. She might need therapy to work through some extreme resentment.

  8. When you feel guilt, I think it's important to ask yourself WHERE the guilt is coming from. Is it internal or external? Is it guilt or is it actually shame? To differentiate, in general guilt is “I messed up this thing and I feel bad about it” and shame is “I messed up this thing and that makes me a bad person.” (I'm not saying you messed up either, just for example.)

    What is your actual guilt about? You need to be able to name it so you can sort through it. Is it that you think you need to be “loyal” to family? Is it that it's “wrong” for children to cut off their parents? If so, do you think these messages are correct or have they been imprinted on you by social conditioning? What do you think you “owe” to your mother and brother, if anything? What causes us to “owe” someone? What do they owe us in return?

  9. Respectfully, you don't know that it would break his heart or not. You also don't know if he would leave or not.

    When you tell him, you can address those concerns directly that it wasn't anything to do with him 'not giving you enough'.

    Regardless, he deserves to know, and deserves the right to make informed decisions about how he wants to proceed.

  10. You do that and not only will you tarnish your relationship with your mum, you risk losing your place of house everything

    Anyone telling you to do so arent thinking about YOUR individual circumstances. Just cheating = bad.

    Yes, cheatings bad but getting involved in your MOTHERS affair isn’t it. She’s your mother. Literally butt out. I get her alcoholism has given you a sense of “man of the household” but that doesn’t give you the right to 1 snoop and 2 involve yourself in this instance. If she wants to cause herself trouble, so be it. Don’t you add to it.

    For someone claiming her alcoholism effected you so bad, you’re really pushing for her to go back to it. It takes one argument for an alcoholic to go back to drinking. You’re not looking out for your siblings or yourself or your mother here, this is just you taking it personally because you’ve been cheated on instead of realised the damages you can bring on towards yourself. Your siblings and your mother.

  11. no there is nothing you can try and fix, there’s no he will change and he’s a good person inside. That is horrible and awful and I am so sorry this is happening to you but you need to get out of that relationship as soon as you can!! please!! you are not safe there! He could hurt you even more next time! this is not okay! do not try to justify it!

  12. Have you ever been late to a party and turned up sober to a room full of drunk people in mid-swing of the festivities? It's not easy to suddenly jump straight in when you're on a completely different wavelength of vibe and sobriety. That's what she's referring to.

    Talking to drunk people is oy fun when you're at a similar level of drunk. She might even find you irritating when she's sober a d you're drunk.

  13. I do sympathize with your situation of being forced to have a child that you didn't want. That being said, she didn't ask to be born. Yeah, you did neglect her. You've pretty much admitted that.

    You also spoke ill of her dead father her whole life, and even made her feel bad for looking like him. You somehow managed to treat your stepkids better than the one you gave birth to, so it's not like you weren't capable of stepping up and being a good parent once you got older.

    I can understand that people make mistakes, but the fact that you're mad at your daughter for not wanting to be around someone who makes her feel so unwanted leads me to believe you're never going to be the mom she needs. I'm proud of her for recognizing who she needs to cut out of her life. I think the fact that she has a good life *despite* you should make you examine who's to blame for your bad relationship with her. She doesn't owe you shit. Respect her by leaving her alone to on-line the happy life she's built for herself.

  14. Others have given advice on other aspects, but if you aren't familiar with it there's a subreddit that has a lot of resources linked and also a community for those who've lost children.


  15. Not to rain on your parade but I would confirm he is in fact separated. So many posts here about people who date only to find out they are married with kids.

  16. I’m sorry but it doesn’t sound like your BF respects y’all’s relationship AT ALL… why are y’all allowing this girl to cause problems why hasn’t your truthful BF cut her off? This post is so weird and I’m hoping it’s fake

  17. Kinda! His mother is sweet and nothing like MIL you can read about on reddit. But his parents baby him a lot.

  18. Hey hun, first off I'm really sorry for your loss. I don't think this has anything to do with the money, I think he's suffering and he's grieving the baby you should've had together. He might not be ready for a lavish holiday when he's feeling so down, after all he just lost his child too. But nor do I think you're selfish. Everybody grieves differently. But maybe postpone the honeymoon for now, and go again at a later date when you're both feeling more up to it, and you can both get the full enjoyment you both deserve.

  19. If you can, remember this is a blessing. Dude is trash, and you’d rather him forget you ever existed than the alternative— some dudes can’t take no for an answer and will stalk, harass or hurt women who dare to break up with them. It definitely hurts to know this guy doesn’t care about you, but he’s given you an amazing gift— the ability to move on.

  20. You're posting about this again? …Why does this seem like a very altered version of your original post?

    Either way, yeah he was cheating on her through your entire relationship. He's a serial cheater. She probably wasn't the first, certainly won't be the last, and he probably will sleep with her again and take her up on that threesome offer. He clearly loves the drama.

    Also, this guy threatened to break up with you because of you being upset he's a cheating scumbag. Time to see a therapist to get some self-respect back and dump the sorry jackass.

  21. Is it really her responsibility to go 'you know, you think I'm only paying x per month towards our life but in fact it's y'? Just so she can get told 10 reasons why it doesn't count or how he still is worse off than her? Men like OPs bf don't care about anything except themselves and their bottom line. He doesn't see the relationship as a partnership because his response to her getting a job was 'now I can pay less rent, yay!' Not 'now we have more disposable income' or 'now we can have a bit less financial stress'.

  22. Any person you date is going to want sex.

    If you don't want to have sex with someone you are dating for any reason it's fine, but tell them so you aren't wasting their time.

    “Give him what he wants” sounds bad so I hope you are paraphrasing, but he's at least trying to communicate with you while you are hiding things from him.

  23. The unfortunate reality of doormat syndrome is sometimes people get used to just laying on the floor and letting pieces human trash walk l over them.

    Hopefully this OP will dust herself off the ground and remember she isn't his doormat. She's a human being deserving of basic human respect.

  24. Get an abortion. Break up. This whole relationship is a mess. You can have another child later when you’re with someone who wants to be with you for the long haul.

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