BadassLoly live sex chats for YOU!


This sexy demon elf is gonna suck the life outta you if you let me oc [Multi Goal]

Date: September 27, 2022

43 thoughts on “BadassLoly live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I would break up with him. My last relationship lasted for two years, during which I gifted him for Christmas and his birthday, and never received anything, while I took him to restaurants and excursions.

  2. yeah, i’ll probably have to talk to him about gifting. so made him a gift basket for his bday in October, so i thought that showed him that i like to gift, but i guess i’ll have to be more direct.

  3. Well you've got the right user name.

    This is a clearly fictitious account of a rather silly story.

    If you were an investigator then you know that the job was to see what would happen. Further, the idea of hanging onto this for a year without resolution is beyond silly.

  4. Get a paternity test. If she lied about being on contraception and then stated she didn’t think she could get pregnant without the use of contraception… then who knows what else she lied about. DO NOT GET MARRIED to this woman.

  5. Hello /u/Suspicious-Thing-364,

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  7. She ain’t pulling me at all I just look after myself a lot and am worried if I have kids with this chick some day is this even a family I should get myself into..

  8. Reading the rest of the comments yeah he seems to think she isn’t his daughter so that could be that or just have a “fun” family activity and everyone takes a dna test to see random things such as where your roots are from lol but then he should stop having that doubt

  9. I think this is one of those things that need to be talked about directly without the intention to place blame. That’s why the “we may not be on the same page about what we want out of this relationship”. If you start acting the way you want to be treated, and she doesn’t reciprocate, you will begin resenting her even more and maybe will begin treating her like you feel she is treating you to show her how ugly it feels, which will either end up in a toxic back and forth of doing harmful things to each other, or y’all will just stop communicating altogether.

  10. Look. You’re an adult and you get to have relationships even if they make your mother uncomfortable. You are her child. Parents sign on to being there for and with their kids and you are 100% allowed to foster a relationship with your dad and his family. Mom’s feelings may be hurt, but you are living a life and you get to do it authentically. She did put you in an impossible situation AND you are allowed to be fully human here.

  11. If it was really an issue of he was sooo afraid of getting you pregnant, that he was avoiding sex…then he could have a vasectomy and relax about that.

  12. Right?? My feedback: if you’re going to use this sub as a creative writing platform 1) learn how to form paragraphs and 2) avoid run-on sentences.

  13. If he wants an old school wife he should find someone who wants to be that.

    Instead he latched onto OP and started trying to CHANGE her into that through a campaign of trying to make her feel insecure and inferior, then pressuring her to cook for him and trying to control where she is.

  14. I'm curious as well. I'm a straight dude that's been if the dating market for 20+ years. But from what I've heard from friends is that most girls can get laid anytime but struggle with finding a serious partner. While most men can't get laid but (eventually) find a partner. Gay men on the other hand collectively just bang each other all day long 🙂 At least the single ones, the gay/lesbian friends I have are all partnered in stable relationships.

  15. “no safeguards”

    Read again……

    A Barkeeper selling to an addict that's about to leave with their car is also consentual.

    But it's illegal and morally wrong.

  16. My daughters were exactly those ages also, I hope we can co parent in the future after it all settles down, still early days

  17. You do not want to be involved, as an accomplice or a witness, in any of this. Heck, you might even have to testify as a character witness. Get out while you can and stay away.

  18. This sort of “second guessing” how to protect yourself in your own home is a foreign concept to us here in Texas. Intruders should assume they are at a high risk of being shot.

  19. His parents can't force him to come back, really… he's 18. If he applies for student assistance then his parents don't have any real authority or financial leverage over him.

    Maybe things are different in your part of the world but as far as I know, you can't apply for student assistance for the year, once the year has started. Those types of things usually have strict application periods and deadlines.

    Also, with financial assistance, his parent's income may affect his ability to get it and getting a loan outside of the university assistance program would need a guarantor, and not many people outside of a person's parents would be willing to guarantee a 10s of thousands of dollar loan for an 18 year old.

    Life isn't as simple as your 18 now, you can do whatever you want, A was essentially forced in a practical sense unless you're expecting an 18 year old to find a job that can sustain his needs (food, rent, toiletries etc.) and put himself through school (tuition, textbooks etc.) with like 5 minutes notices.

    But all in all, if A really was a danger to others, the situation worked out for the best.

  20. Never assume your relationship status without having a DTR. Grown folks talk about their feelings.

  21. Umh…. so adults should let themselves be grabbeled at and still give out phone numbers?

    What do you consider adult life to be? A horse market? Where the other one can be patted, gaped at at leisure and still has to tagg along?

  22. A simple ” will you stop grabbing my arm” , from.hik, would suffice. She is a daft prick. I mean, who the hell behaves that way? But your husband was the one who should stopped that.

    After he accepted her number, I'd be like ” oh, nice, time for me to meet some new friends”. Looks like your husband is begging for the lesson.

  23. hasn’t Netflix already taught us that love is not blind?

    making a joke here but, in all seriousness, this situation is so messed up. I see you’ve already received great advice so I’ll just add on that I’m sending you virtual hugs throughout all of this!

  24. Well, to judge if it's cheating there would need to be a sexual aspect at play. Overall none of us get to actually judge whether or not it's cheating you and your wife decide that, ultimately.

    If your wife doesn't want you learning this on your own with a different partner there's not much to be done.

    As for bringing it up, mention that you're still interested in learning it and want to pursue it on your own. Explain what all the would entail and see how comfortable your wife is with that. Mention that you're not trying to guilt her into participating or anything like that but that you still have interest in learning.

    I'm not sure how far this can really go though if you're wife has no interest. Will you be satisfied learning and practicing on your own for the foreseeable future?

  25. Health issues / mental health issues are not the sufferers fault, but they ARE their responsibility. Whatever this is, it is affecting his and your quality of life, so he must take steps to proactively fix it. If sounds bother him, he needs loop earplugs. If he’s fallen into a manipulative pattern, he needs therapy, and it’s up to him to get it. Sit him down, explain where you’re at, tell him you need him to get to the bottom of why, and work to make life more liveable for both of you.

  26. When we’re in long distance relationships, the time we spend with our partners is invaluable to us.

    I can understand how you’re feeling as someone who has been in a long distance relationship, personally. I would’ve hoped your last night together would’ve been a special date night, not a him going and partying with someone else night.

    I would probably put that to him, personally. If my husband had done something like this back when we were long distance, I would probably have emotionally checked out.

    If you want him to know exactly how you feel, you could always just show him this post.

  27. If they’re choosing the person who cheated on you and hurt you over you then keeping them as family is a moot point.

  28. Again, blaming women for men who fail to be a decent human being (which honestly, should be everyone's default setting, right?)

  29. It sounds like you already admitted to it, but yes, you sound way too needy. I suspect that neediness or clinginess is one of the biggest turn offs for a woman which could be why she is hesitant to commit to you. Since you already have this self-reflection going on, you need to let her know that you recognize it and that you're working on it.

  30. I couldn't even read through this all there was so much cringe. I would bet 100$ that all the crap the guy was spewing is pure lies and the wife has no clue.

    I am just out, I don't want to touch this mess with a 10 foot pole. good luck with this non relationship. he won't leave her and why should he?

  31. What is “ugly” to him isn't necessarily ugly for you. I find this a really weird God complex thing.

  32. Believe me, when push comes to shove, he'll be crawling back to you. “It's cheaper to keep her”. Don't fall for it. You're looking desperate by contacting the homewrecker. Cut him loose and start living.

  33. They won't euth a dog that's repeatedly attacked and bitten humans? Can you call animal control or whatever exists in your area and get a vet recommendation from them?

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