Big Tiddy Goth GF live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 2, 2022

24 thoughts on “Big Tiddy Goth GF live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Thought that was “dock”. Is he going to have to get a new boat, too? He may have taken other women out in it, and gotten “frisky” off-shore.

  2. I never said I don’t want her to complain but when someone is complaining multiple times a day, every day it becomes draining

  3. Hello /u/Maleficent_Toe9279,

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  5. You have to build a life for yourself. On bad days during the weekend, I take myself to the movies. Tonight after a fight, I left and got dinner at a cafe by myself. Join a group from the library if you don't have friends, grab a gym membership, start getting more space for your sanity.

  6. This is not normal. Not normal at all.

    If he doesn't get it and does get defensive, maybe find a mediator to facilitate the conversation and actually explain to him how inappropriate this is. There may be feelings of embarrassment etc that's brought up and it's easy to take it out on those who are bringing it up. However, you're also a loved one, so he should also be protecting your comfort too.

    You could even pose the question on how he would feel if your dad was behaving this way with you.

    I would be more concerned about when this behaviour started for it to be so normalised. It's completely inappropriate and could even be classed as sexual assault/harassment and even could be paedophilia (sorry. It makes me feel gross writing it) if it started as a minor. No matter what, there needs to be a discussion, especially if you two have children or are planning to have children. It's likely he should probably speak with a therapist as well or even go to couples. It's just so messed up and I'm sure he believes it's normal.

  7. Yes. Because he wants to avoid a fight; avoid confrontation. He’s hoping you’ll get mad at him for not following through and stop communicating. I really wish people could be up front and honest and you don’t deserve this.

  8. God, being forced to have a 30 min phone conversation sounds like torture. And if you’re struggle with a immunization like this after 4 years, it won’t get better.

  9. Didn't read….. going by your title tell him to fucking pound sand, what you do with your life/career is none of his fucking business, just as what he does with his is none of yours.

    You're obviously exes for a reason, so just ignore each other.

  10. Right? I left him on read for a few minutes (which made him more mad) because I was about to just say something petty, all of that was so uncalled for.

  11. Why don't you communicate this with him? Have a sit down talk with him, and say something along the lines of ” if you don't fix your cleaning issues then I'm breaking up with you”.

  12. HAHAHA fr tho.

    Also, “Please don't mention the 20-year age difference” – people who post here but don't read the content in this sub.

  13. It’s just I think it’s unfair to take these bad apples as a representation of all men but since I got downvoted, I guess that’s wrong..

  14. Lawyer here.

    Do not communicate with him or his family at all without a legal council. You don't owe him explanations. You told him you were pregnant, he refused to believe. You did your part. Don't be apologetic.

    If possible, delete any messages where you admit they are his kids. The last thing you want is for him to have proof to get his name on their birth certificate. That would give him parental rights.

    (In fact, it would be great if your husband could adopt them).

    Thing is, every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves their child. Your kids already have a stable life with a father figure, ex interfering now does not have their best interest in mind. He is, in fact, a stranger. And a hostile one towards their mother it seems.

    If they are entering HS, I suppose they are old enough to be included in the decision of whether they want to meet ex or not, but under np circumstances are they to travel there. Ex can go to you.

    Want him to back off? Tem him if he and his family keeps harassing you, you'll go after child support, and ask for back pay all the way back when your kids were babies.

    Btw, I'd monitor your kids social media in case they start harassing them.

  15. Good idea: breaking up with a cheater

    Bad idea: becoming a sexist POS who treats all women badly

    Don’t go down the bad idea path, OP.

  16. Unless he’s willing to get therapy and/or help, it’s best to leave. Probably will be a wake up call for him. It all seems like it’s going downhill from here. If he seeks help and then rekindles your relationship, fantastic. If he doesn’t, you’ve saved yourself so much pain and heartache from trying to change someone that won’t budge.

  17. Get her to sign a post-nuptial now that is binding. Then hire private investigator the next time she goes on a trip or whenever you feel it's necessary. If you catch her with the evidence then file for divorce and take her to the cleaners based on the post-nup.

  18. Maintain your boundary! This is a test. If you cave now she will do it again and worse in the future. Break it off.

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