Cherryeva on-line sex chats for YOU!


CHILL MOOD , ❤️ #lovense on / CONTROL 101 tkn! GOAL: TAKE OFF PANTIES [Multi Goal]

Date: September 25, 2022

41 thoughts on “Cherryeva on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Not your problem.

    You have more than enough to worry about with your own growth.

    You can't MAKE her Think, Feel, Act or Believe in any particular way. Period.

    Now get out there and find someone who wants to be a partner,

    and Not a headache.

  2. Whether or not we admit it, most people want a “traditional” relationship with “traditional” gender roles

  3. Hello /u/Throw_away19199494,

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  5. I mean…you said yourself that you wanted to punish them. How do you not see that is problematic? I'm a married person who does most of the cooking, and I've cooked many a meal when I was annoyed AF at my husband. I've never not cooked for him to “punish” him because it's a small and petty thing to do and that's not how you treat someone you love.

  6. It sounds like a lot work for very little return. Self conscious guys don't get better because of anything you do differently, they need to fix themselves. Meanwhile, you're in a different town eating alone and have no chance of making a real connection with a real person. This doesn't sound viable to me.

  7. Honestly what you said is fair. Which is why I hope OP is reading this comment thread.

    OP, are you sure you want a LTR with this girl? If so then go ahead and take the women’s advice on this thread. Don’t be shocked if she ghosts you though. If you think about it some more and come to the conclusion you are just trying to lose your virginity and are not too wrapped up in the idea of a relationship, then don’t tell her. Read the women’s comments about it being a teacher/student relationship and how not all women want that at your age. She is right not all women want that at your age, but that’s why I want you OP to actually ask yourself, are you really truly trying to have a LTR with this chick or are you trying to get your virginity out of the way. If it’s the latter don’t tell her, sure she will figure it out anyway but that doesn’t matter if you are just trying to lose your virginity. I’m telling you how it is OP, you make up your own mind.

  8. I just recently broke up with my bf of 7 years because, in part, of outbursts like this. Ask yourself, deep down, do you think you deserve to be treated better?

  9. You didn’t give any details about your personality though. Which is usually more important to woman who are looking for a solid and committed relationship than all of the stuff you describe in your post. Relationships aren’t all about looks, sex, and money

  10. Move that lowest age up buddy. Why u dating 18. Ur olds If ur system is “drink, food, or straight to my place” for every girl you’re clearly not taking an interest in what each specific woman might like to do Are you going on dates with the intention to get sex on the first date? If it happens, it happens, but it’s usually pretty clear if a guy just wants to fuck and it can be a red flag. Try holding off on sex till a few dates in so you can focus on getting to know each other Several orgasms? I’m sorry. I doubt this is a common occurrence as you say. Also tons of orgasms does not (surprisingly) denote amazing communicative sex

    Idk man. Try getting to know these women as people

  11. I haven’t talked to him about it yet. I’m too scared, b I know I need to. Tonight we hung out for the first time in a long time just for like an hour and he made a few comments about how I never see him anymore

  12. And just how can you tell that that's what they're doing?

    I think all suicide attempts need to be taken seriously. If it was a serious attempt, obviously the victim needs help.

    If it was an attempt at manipulation, the response shouldn't change. I remember when a woman from the Samaritans (charity with a suicide hotline in the UK) came to talk at school. She said they often had prank calls in the summer holidays when kids were bored. They always took them seriously, because who knows, one day one of those kids might need their help and will be reluctant to call if they were brushed off when playing their prank.

    A manipulator threatening suicide needs to see that the suicide threats will be treated seriously and that that will involve hospitals and psychiatrists rather than the person they are trying to manipulate yielding to them.

  13. She needs to stop catering to this dude. He got hurt badly driving drunk and still has not stopped chasing tail! Once he is fully healed he will be long gone leaving her with the medical bills! He can go live! with his parents or other family sign up for Medicaid and get his insurance through the state. She needs to grow a backbone now and not sacrifice another day catering ungrateful cheater! As her friend this is where you need to help her! If she leaves her husband she won’t be a cheater (not that she was nor ever will be because the husband broke their vows)

  14. Oh my good God!! You’re 25! Grow up! This is not a healthy relationship and it is utterly manipulative and abusive and you know it. End it and get your shit together and do something useful with your life!

  15. Just have an adult discussion with her and let her know you recognise what you did and relay your feelings. Gotta mend it mate.

  16. I am a lawyer, but I’m not your lawyer and none of this constitutes legal advice. Get a lawyer immediately. In most (if not all) states, a spouse cannot waive child support the way your wife is suggesting. Child support exists for the benefit of the child and is often required by law and calculated using a very specific formula. Unless there is violence, do not move out of your marital home. Try to keep everything as close to the same as possible.

  17. Have you had any therapy either individually or for couples? You need to process and heal from the betrayal that your have experienced. Without processing this betrayal, you truly never heal. You just can’t be okay after you are cheated on, your whole emotional state changes.

  18. You've gone the stupidest route possible. You will probably lose and never see your son or grandkids again. Congratulations. This is entirely your fault.

  19. I always wonder why some women date/marry douchebags, then complain that their boyfriend/husband acts like a douche……

  20. Best of luck to you two…..been with my wife for 31 years, married for 30. We were pen pals and lived together from day one after she got off the plane to come meet me. It's doable as long as you work at it.

  21. It has been 6 months, this should literally still be a trial period that you have realized does not work for you. I do not understand moving in together so soon

  22. Wtf, this is such an invasion of privacy and a HUGE red flag for insecurity and controlling behavior. This was none of your business and you know that. Wow

  23. I had a similar situation but not as bad as yours. Dated a guy who lied to me about being single and that his wife is his „ex gf“ he still kept lying after the truth out and tried to manipulate me with nice gestures. Dump his ass. He lied multiple times to you and never showed intentions to change. The only guilt he will feel is not having gotten away with his games concerning you. Nothing else.

  24. Apparently women are very attracted to married men vs single men. If she can not close her social accounts for you then you know what to do.

  25. Your bf sounds like the biggest cunt in the universe. The tiny little excuses he comes up with, my god.

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