Danny-katy on-line sex chats for YOU!


Danny-katy Public Chat Channel

Date: April 22, 2023

5 thoughts on “Danny-katy on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. his behavior is fishy but it's not about ex's. for reference I still (occasionally) email my ex, and my SO works with hers. so that in itself isn't (or at least doesn't need to be) a huge warning flag. evasive behavior however, that's a red flag, watch for potential gaslighting.

  2. Just been my experience, I knew these women when they transitioned from the career we were in to the police. It was the first thing they told me. The culture of going after the 'fresh meat'. I think it is especially rampant considering the position of power these people are in (and proves my theory that most people are easily corrupted by it) and considering how much has come out about the police in my country (UK) I'm very much under the impression that professions that are considered honorable and crucial to maintaining peace tend to attract the most entitled people going. It provides them with the perfect front to mask their true character.

  3. she sounds spoiled, ungrateful, demanding and entitled

    sounds like OP has helped her get that way. time to break the cycle.

  4. They wanted to work on themself by sleeping with someone else? And wanted you to be faithful to them while they did it?

    Just break up 100% and move on. They are not into you. Only what you provide them.

  5. I wouldn't give you another chance.

    This wasn't just one mistake, it was a series of lies and deceptions.

    The fact that you continue to downplay your actions and try to excuse them, rather than owning up to the massive fuck up you orchestrated, would seal the breaking up deal.

    I don't see how he could ever trust you again.

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