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Date: October 1, 2022

62 thoughts on “Dhiyapinklive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. How long has she been unemployed? Is she looking for work or anything of the kind that might be taking her time? Does she have any unemployment benefit that can go towards helping the household?

    Regardless of how you divvy up the chores (and it makes sense that she does more if she has more time on her hands), it makes sense that she wants you to be able to do any chore and see what needs doing, even if you both decide that it's currently her job. If I read between the lines here, it feels like if she drops the ball you can't cook and you can't keep the apartment clean or organized. That's pretty bad at 26 years old.

    You need to separate the current distribution of housework from your personal ability to function independently from her, which I'm guessing is her issue. Even if your chore distribution works/is fair right now, what if she finds work? What if she gets sick? Overwhelmed? She needs to know you can share the mental load and pick up the pieces if she falters.

    I suggest that you come up together with a distribution of chores that's fair to both of you, and that this distribution, even if she does most of it, has you doing a little bit of everything so she knows you're able. Start by cooking dinner once a week, for example. Clean your apartment together on the weekends.

    You also need to tell her how you feel. That you're hurt by her comments. That you feel that all the work you actually put in goes unnoticed. This is something she needs to understand as well. Even if she's frustrated she shouldn't resort to insults.

    Also she wants to talk a lot more than you do because she's understimulated lol. She needs to find an activity, whether that's a job, a hobby she can share with others or some type of volunteering. What are her plans for the future? What is she doing right now besides staying home? Are you ok with her plans?

  2. To even have to make the choice isn’t a fair question though. Is it proper to quantify commitment this way?

  3. I can understand why she would set up a fund for her own children and you would fund your own if your ex is involved, given that she hasn't known your daughter for most of her life.

  4. Are you even sure this is about the BJ and not you wanting to move to another country? You said you are really considering it now, so it could be a way to distance himself emotionally and make it easier for himself when you move?

  5. Marriage counseling. There’s no excuse for cheating and one week is too soon to know if she really did stop sexting him. But if both of you would like to commit to the marriage, give it a go. Trust is earned and both of you need to rebuild that trust.

  6. I had double jaw surgery and a chin reduction and my orthodontist said that my face was still swollen 2 years after my surgery! That was a very difficult surgery tho

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  9. You should try bumble bff it’s weird but it really helped me cultivate friendships in an area I didn’t know anyone. Make outside connections if not for yourself for your husband’s benefit it will strain any relationship making one person your entire support system. A little thing I always told myself when I struggled with my anxiety and talking to people was if Casey Anthony can make fu**ing friends so can I!

  10. Don't date 21yr olds if you don't want to deal with 21yr old level bullshit. Break up with the girl who obviously doesnt give a shit about your feelings. You over- communicated already and she doesn't care. No more 2 weeks. You are being way to passive here.

  11. Truth is he probably does miss you. 3 year olds easily get attached and do not deal with change. But he will get over it, and he will forget pretty quick. Tell your EX what you think of this and block her number.

  12. But it likely is very much because of him. He reminds you of your insecurity all the time with these harmful comments he makes. And he's “working on” not saying these things anymore? That's not something to work on, you either continue insulting your SO or you simply stop doing it. He chooses to hurt you.

    I really believe that if you weren't being made to feel inadequate constantly, in time you wouldn't feel like you need to get this procedure done anymore.

  13. Yup, this is textbook. People hate therapists and claim they’re attacking them when the therapist is just pointing out the truth.

  14. Your wife needs therapy. Tell her you are 100% done with this and will totally leave her if it continues. Hopefully she takes it seriously. If not, leave with the kids for a week away from her. It will let her know that she really does need to address this.

    Imagine yourself 3 years from now still married to a woman that is verbally abusive to you every day. You need to get this fixed or leave. You deserve to be in a grown up relationship.

  15. Go on with the experiment and let them explore each other's bodies. In the name of science. Might as well let them do the dirty considering you already trust them so much. I'm pretty sure feelings won't change and you'll forever know that your childhood best friend has fucked the man who has “loved you for years.”

    However, I don't know why your best friend and boyfriend would want to experiment together. What are they trying to prove? That you don't matter or that they want you to choose between them? Or to test how much they can pressure you into saying yes?

  16. No. You might make the situation a bit more awkward or worse. It's done and she probably will feel an uncomfortable vibe at first. Unless you really don't care about your friendship or whatever you had with her, just play it off cool. Maybe in the long run she will be interested

  17. Honestly I’m not sure I agree with you. I think they were crass, but they did nothing wrong to OP.

    What could they have done? Told OP’s husband “this is inappropriate”? Yeah sure, but you don’t really want to upset a client for something that, although inappropriate, does not really concern you/ upset you. If I have to be sincere in their shoes I can totally see myself ignore the kind of comments OP’s husband said with a laugh and a swift change of topic.

  18. It's his friend, not hers. They can keep it private for sure and it's not a given that she's even visiting them at home at all. If they are adults who lay down the rules and boundaries there doesn't need to be any smirking and nose rubbing. This isn't kindergarten.

  19. Nah not trippin’

    I’m a dude and had a similar experience She didn’t want to give head didn’t want to do anything new ever. Sex basically just became about her getting off.

    You think it’s okay for maybe a year or more, whatever, but it eats at you. Life’s too short not to address it.

  20. Not even two sentences in to the third paragraph and I say ditch the witch :3

    You deserve so much more and better hon don’t settle for a liar

  21. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I’m completely lost on what I should do in this situation, she blocks me only on apps with read receipts and keeps me unblocked on things such as Snapchat where she can slide across to read my messages. She occasionally unblocks me on iMessage, reads my messages and then blocks me again. I’ve asked her to tell me if it’s over so I can begin to heal and move on but she won’t tell me anything. What should I do here? I feel like I’m on the edge of a mental breakdown, I just need some advice, thank you

  22. No point to stand up to Jack. He is sick. You need to understand addiction to understand its futile to “stand up” to Jack about you.

    However, Ben can and should go LC or NC with him until he gets sober.

  23. There is a small positive for you that I might be able to give you from this bit of info. Team sports and especially hockey have a very strong competitive element that does not just extend to the other team but also to people on your own team. This dynamic may be a large or even the sole reason that your BF is like this regarding this one guy and he may not have any idea that this is the reason.

    The bad news is that even if he changes teams but still plays in the same league I doubt it will change things that much. They will both still be participating in the same competitive environment.

  24. Your boyfriend believes that women don't have a right to THEIR body. I had an ex that thought the same and we were together for two years before the arguments about it brought our relationship to an end. Its okay to feel resentment to this. Because it shows a lack of human kindness. It's a big red flag and honestly are you sure there aren't more? He doesn't seem to believe in women's rights or understand just how emotionally crushing it would be to force a women who's been a victim of rappe to be forced to carry their attackers child? That leads to resentment and ends up hurting the child. Ask him this, is he willing to foster children born against a mother's will? Because that is what would happen. The children would be put up for adoption, put in foster homes, or some killed because their mother who goes into postpartum isolate their selves and end up not being able to care for their child. It is a big thing. Especially in these coming months where their trying to take away women's rights. And honey, again I want to stress your resentment is not unfounded. He is showing signs of cruelty. Ask yourself if your life views are too different. You can love someone but not agree with their views, but certain life views show signs of what type of person a person is.

  25. “You constantly talked about yourself and your needs and couldn’t care less about mine. It took you two years to notice I was gone.”

  26. You didnt do anything wrong. Your boyfriend has caught an acute case of assholism. Its very very hot to cure. Its but impossible but it takes a lot of effort on the patients assholes part. Thing is most people woth assholism dont even realize they have it and think they are just fine so they dont ever get helo for it. The best you can do is to protect yourself because it is extremely contagious. The infected spreads their misery and winds up infecting others assholism as well.

  27. Girl. I think this man has a relationship with you in his head. Have you heard of parasocial relationships? It's a one-sided relationship.

    I would send him a very forthright final message saying that you will not accommodate him at any time and you want to end the friendship permanently.

    That's not ghosting. That's being careful.

    You have to stop talking to him because his version of your relationship is wildly different to how you perceive it. That could turn into a dangerous situation.

    Please make sure you tell some friends about this, and maybe have someone on standby who can come to your place if he randomly turns up.

    Good luck, and please stay safe.

  28. Run, seriously RUN. How dare she try to take the choice of if and when you want to be a parent. Plan and simple…run

  29. Farmacies usually have them, even when they aren't available elsewhere. And there is the added benefit of protecting you from diseases and possible unwanted pregnancies. They can be expensive (they used to be in my home country), but they are certainly less expensive than proper medical treatment for a disease or a child to take care of.

  30. It does get better, fwiw. The sooner you establish boundaries with your mother, the sooner she can move on to working on accepting your gf. Eventually, just about everybody that went after my wife, accepted her (or at least wasn’t stupid enough to say something within earshot).

  31. You keep telling that she's a good person yet wants to wait with sex until marriage? Extremely contradictive things.

  32. We all die. I've lost a parent and another is fighting for their life. Just make the most of the time you have. Online your life with them so you have no regrets. That's all anyone can do.

  33. So first it’s not cutting his nose onto spite his face.

    How would you feel if you had to be the one to always initiate….. yes that is right, you would start to resent the other person, because it would feel like they are not putting any effort into the relationship.

    So talk to your doctor, see about therapy, and set a literal fucking alarm in your calendar to pop up and say “I should have sex today if i want to”

  34. I second this. Lending money is more often than not simply giving it away. Money issues are the number 1 reason relationships fall apart. It’s unclear if he’s your spouse (legal husband) or your fiancé, but either way he is gaslighting you and it’s serious. Definitely get your own personal account and see what happens next.

  35. Wait, you're married??? Did he ignore the “in sickness” part of in sickness and in health? What a fucking douche. I'm sorry he's just like most men – shitty, selfish, and totally unreliable.

  36. You JUST said the more you learn about him, the less you like him…why are you even trying to salvage a relationship with a person who you don't like………?

  37. What else does he do other than you've mentioned that it feels more than a platonic relationship?

    I gotta be honest though, the comment he made about being in a relationship with her is disturbing. But did he say this in a joking manner?

  38. Your needs and wants are different. It sounds like you're not even meeting in the middle and that'll eat away at you in the long term.

    If you spend another 3 years communicating what you need from him and end up feeling upset and frustrated, you'll start resenting him.

    At this point I think this relationship has run its course.

  39. Religion and politics ruin friendships and relationships.

    Also from my understanding your boyfriend is wrong about him fixing the economy, my American friends have said things have never been as bad.

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