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Date: April 22, 2023

14 thoughts on “Diosaxsexyy on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Why don’t you feel comfortable sharing your location with your wife? What she did was wrong but there are all sorts of problems in your marriage. Seek marriage counseling.

  2. i'll be honest, I stopped reading half way through because… too much bloody drama!

    Get away from this mess, you don't need something like this, someone who clearly has not dealt with her past and is still neck deep in the muck.

    just dodge it all and get therapy for that low self esteem…

  3. “Oh, babe? Guess what? I cyber-stalked you and purposely looked up your dating profile and knew exactly which one you were using, and started talking with you from there! Funny story, right? Right…? Babe, why are you looking at me like that?”

  4. This is fucked for two reasons: 1.) this is fucked up to you for obvious reasons but 2.) this is also fucked up to her. Keeping an ex’s nudes after a break up is a HUGE violation. Would you want your ex’s looking at your nudes still? Probably not. This shows he doesn’t respect her or consent.

    This was shitty for him to do to you and her. I know people throw around ‘dump him’ on Reddit too easy, but seriously dump him.

  5. you still aren't really paying attention to what's being said – this guy finds her interesting as a person in her own right and values her mind. Have you tried doing the same?

  6. Break up if you feel like you can't resolve this obv, but personally I think you're overreacting to pretty normal shit. Except the cringe “men are breeding machines” lol thats goofy

  7. Literally every single abuser tells their victim it's their own fair for making them mad. Literally every single one.

  8. I’ve been with my partner for almost 14 years and never once slapped him. You need to stop abusing your partner and go to therapy.

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