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Room for online sex video chat hayleex_x

Model from: nl

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Birth Date: 1994-08-18

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlonde

Eyes color: eyeColorGreen

Subculture: subcultureStudent

Date: October 2, 2022

60 thoughts on “hayleex_xlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. I think you know the answer. She is not working on herself, she is working on getting laid by others. If you want to make a fool of yourself give it to her. But I would just give her my best wishes and tell her you hope she finds what is she is missing and never look back

  2. Well this is on him if he cant be honest and remain faithful you owe him nothing. Personally i say nuke his world on you way out the door

  3. i just want to know how it really was

    So you don't believe her?

    Stop being ridiculous. This is a nonsensical waste of everyone's time.

  4. You didn't even know the context. OP, without any reason, brings up her ex's current affairs. Yeah. That's not a boyfriend shit I would ever want to hear.

  5. Focus on the thing you can control: you! You need to focus on your entrance exam. Remember, this is more important to you and your future than some arb girls supposedly finding your bf attractive.

    Focus on taking care of yourself while you are studying – exercise, your hair, take time for taking care of yourself.

    You cannot control if other people find your boyfriend attractive or not. You cannot control how he reacts to that attention. You CAN control how YOU react to it. If you become jealous and demanding, he might decide you are too desperate/needy/controlling… pick a negative word to put in there. You do not want to be that negative thing. Trust me. You don't want to compete – you want to absolutely be sure in your heart and mind that you are worth it. You are awesome. Be true to yourself. Be the girl that caught his attention in the first place – be that bright light, not the negative thing. Don't give him a reason to find fault.

    Accept that you are both young, that this is a difficult and at times challenging time period – going to college… it's different from being at school.

    Do not let this get in the way of your exams and your future – no guy is worth that. Focus on what is important, this exam you will be taking.

  6. For real, I also had them as a child (note to parents, make sure your kids wash their hands before putting them anywhere near their mouths after playing in a sandbox, that's actually a common way for them to spread among children, both from other children and animals), NEVER AGAIN. If he has had them repeatedly despite being treated then he's doing something very wrong, and I wouldn't want to be in the same house as him, let alone in the same bed. It's one thing to have this happen to you, but it's entirely another to be so used to this that you don't care about spreading it or having it over and over. That does not say good things about a person.

  7. You don't say how long you been together. If it's a long time and she has close friends she has hockey up, don't let you meet, and sleep over with I would have questions. If you are more in a getting to know each other stage it's different.

    Given that you trust her my main concern here would be her safety. I have met to many girls that has been raped by what they thought were male friends while sleeping drunk. But then again I'm a bit paranoid because I see alot of misery in my work.

  8. Why do you even post if you don't take internet stranger comments at face value. Come on dude. Knock it off. I re-entered the dating pool in my early 40's. You'll be fine.

  9. I know I have extreme anxiety, I never considered having adhd because I dont' have problems focusing on tasks but hmh. Idk. thanks!

  10. Hello /u/mrflak22,

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  13. Actually the Italian thing sounds like it's better for OP. It shows she likes OP for himself and not just because he's Italian. Otherwise if she was already seeing the other Italian guy, why would she leave?

  14. Yeah better to find out sooner rather than later, and better to try this at night if you’re a bit drunk. Also Playful touching is essential to go from friends to lovers, try eg pillow fight, thumb war, dancing, palm read. Again if it feels weird then it’s because it’s not on, but at least you’ll know

  15. You paying is absolutely the right thing to do. If you borrow something from a friend and you damage it, you fix it and return it to them in good working order.

    Anyone who doesn’t do that is a horrible person.

  16. Therapy would be your best option here. There's already a lot going on and only hearing and reading about the difficult parts of having a child isn't helping anyone here. Yes it's very hot to have a child and raise them but what about all the good parts? Has heard of anything like that? Here's my story to tell not just you but your husband as well. So I hope you'll let him read this.

    I'm (33F) married to my husband(36M), together for 12 years and married for 9 years. We have 2 kids together 7F and 2M. Yes it's nude, yes there's sleep deprivation and yes you do break down from time to time.

    But I wouldn't change it, ever.

    We get to see them grow up into their own person.

    And there's so so so many firsts you get to have 1st hand experience with.

    1st time they actually look at you. 1st time they hold your finger with their tiny hand. 1st time they smile. 1st time laugh. 1st time they roll. 1st time they crawl. 1st time they take a step. 1st birthday

    And there can be so much fun in every day you have with them like going to the park to slide, run and swing, building a huge sandcastle at the beach and swimming, throwing snow balls and building a snowman. Movie nights with popcorn and a fort made out of cushions, pillows and blankets. Game nights. Camping. All the good things he's not being told.

    Hope this helps. Good luck and congratulations on the baby. ❤

  17. It looks like you posted this one in the wrong subreddit (sort of).

    Under rule 3. No Moral Judgment Requests, “Am I the asshole” is not allowed here. There's actually a different subreddit for that, called “Am I the asshole”.

    FWIW, I completely understand that this makes you uncomfortable. Thankfully it's only for one weekend. Talk to her after they leave and make it clear that you were uncomfortable the whole time and to don't do it again.

  18. For what it's worth, no one (who's healthy) actually likes confrontation. It's horrible. But …it is a good thing, because it leads to change.

    I can't even imagine being in this position, nor can I imagine having to make this choice.

    Let me ask you though, what do you hope to gain from confronting your father? What chance do you want to give him? Do you want him to end things with this woman and leave your mom in the dark that it happened at all? Or do you want him to speak to your mom himself? (I would urge you towards this one btw…your mother does deserve to know, so that she can make up her own mind about her marriage).

    If you're going to go into a confrontation, then it's best to have all your ducks in a row in advance, as it will make it slightly easier. You need to know what your aim with him is, in specifics, and you need to know what you want to do if it goes poorly. And most importantly, you need proof.

    So the first thing I'd recommend is trying to get back into your dad's phone to take some pictures of the conversation. And then send them to your email as well, have them in two locations, just in case.

    Next thing I'd recommend is to really think through what you want the outcome of this to be. There is no point telling him you're “giving him a chance” only to be stumped if he asks “to do what?”

    And finally, plan for the worst. So…if he tries to lie, do you show him your proof? If he gets angry at you, do you tell him that you'll be telling your mom if he doesn't? If he just refuses to engage, what do you do then? It's going to be easier to handle in the moment, if you have already decided what to do.

    Now…I guess the only other thing I have to say, is that you need to understand that your mother does deserve to know that he's stepped out in her. I can promise you, people deserve to know if their partner is unfaithful, because they deserve to make their own mind up about what they do or do not accept in their relationships. If I knew my partner had cheated on me, even if it was only once, I would end the relationship instantly. And I'm not saying that to scare you, I'm telling you that because it's about self respect. I respect myself too much to tolerate being lied to, exposed to STDs, and have my marriage vows decimated. I deserve a partner who respects me…and so does your mother. So I would strongly recommend that your goal of confronting your father, be that he tells your mother himself.

  19. Your wife and her family are supremely messed up. I'm so sorry she just doesn't seem to get it. How very sad. I'm not sure how you can tolerate so much nonsense? Her family is incredibly dysfunctional.

  20. I'm typically in the same stance as you but why would he just not take me up on the free hall pass? I've always thought it was weird for a man to want to be so monogamous. I guess all men really are cheating scum if that's what you're getting at? I have no problem with telling myself no man can ever be faithful.

  21. If your ex BFF is survived, he's dead to you now. Cut him out 100%.

    Don't try to get an explanation or answers. Don't give him that chance to manipulate you.

  22. So then cheating on me while pregnant and potentially exposing me to herpes is the absolute deal breaker that I thought it was. I stayed because a lot of people around me know about what happened (my parents, his sister, his best friend, his band mates) and not a single person has said this is a deal breaker. That people do overcome infidelity.

  23. I truly don’t care if she’s going to be with someone else. Just I could’ve known that shit before I flew out here.

    I confirmed with her Wednesday, Thursday, and today an hour before boarding. I doubt I’ll talk to her after this weekend. On to the next.

  24. Hopefully it takes you less years than my friend.

    The thing with addiction is that most people won’t want to change until they have hit rock bottom. When they realize that they cannot rely on anyone else but themselves to pull themself back up. A lot of people have this realization. But not everyone. Some people never get better.

    Right now, you are his net that keeps him from hitting rock bottom. You could give him an ultimatum. “Get help or I’m leaving.” But the problem with ultimatums is that unless you follow through on the negative consequences, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s just another reinforcer that you will always be there, so he won’t have to change, he can take the path of least resistance.

    But you know what the other problem is with ultimatums in these situations? Is that it usually forces the person with substance use issues to try to get better for the other person, and not for themselves. We cannot create lasting meaningful change for the sake of others until we really and truly want that change for ourselves. So I say, no ultimatums. Just leave. Leave before you turn around and realize it’s been ten years. Before you’re stuck trying to pay off thousands of dollars of medical debt accumulated from treatments, hospitalizations, etc. Before your friends have to spend the night at your house, in your bed with you because you are so distraught that they’re afraid you’ll hurt yourself.

    His addiction isn’t about you. He’s not ready to face it yet, and there’s not a thing you can do to change that for him. He has to want it himself.

  25. Yep. You get insight from someone who's seen this a million times and knows what's worked and what hasn't. Who's seen the behavior patterns of people that will change, and of people who won't. Don't try and reinvent the wheel when someone else knows how to build one, then mount it and balance it too 😀

  26. Well if he didn’t have one before he probably does now. It really wtf was he thinking in my 40 year career. As a senior exec at a Fortune 500 company I have never had nor heard of anyone ever doing this. I’m afraid he is toast

  27. Well, you done shit were you eat. Seriously, OP, stop being a dingbat after this blows up messily in your face and get your shit together. Having “sexual tension” isn't divine mandate. Don't sleep with drama.

  28. No, you chose those examples deliberately to dismiss OP’s feelings and it’s absolute bullshit. I guess now it’s clear why you’re sympathetic to the boyfriend’s manipulative behavior.

  29. Do you have low self-esteem? You're putting your horse before the cart here. This is your first relationship and you are young. You may do a lot of dating, don't stress out on things that may happen.

  30. You’re gone for half of the year and the half that you are there you blow in and try and rush through things when she probably has a set order and pace for doing stuff.

    She’s a full time mom, a full time worker and a full time house keeper and you’re not, sometimes you think you’re helping when you’re just stressing her out.

  31. What does it matter? Being gay is nothing to be ashamed of, although perhaps the way the friends said it, they thought it was bad or at least abnormal, something to make fun of. Making fun of someone's sexuality is pretty nasty don't you think?

    You are what you feel you are, so if you only feel attracted to women, you're straight.

    What they're really saying is that your GF is very masculine. Again, there's nothing wrong with that, although perhaps the way the friends said it, they thought it was bad or at least abnormal, something to make fun of. Making fun of someone's looks is pretty nasty don't you think?

    Pegging and whatever kind of consensual sex you have with your adult partner/s is OK and also none of anyone's business except those involved, although perhaps the way the friends talked bout it, they thought it was bad or at least abnormal, something to make fun of. Making fun of someone's sexuality is pretty nasty don't you think?

    TL/DR anyone who makes fun of you like that is pretty despicable and you should stay with your awesome GF, stand up for her, say you're proud of her and you love her and they're to keep their nasty remarks to yourself. If they don't apologise and knock it off, you may have to find better friends who don't make fun of people for their sexuality or their looks.

  32. No extra empathy will change the result. You made the emotional decision and got this continual problem.

    You don’t want advice but support for poor decision making.

    ?‍♂️. Okay. Wait longer and get the same result.

  33. 6 months and he's an abusive alcoholic.

    He's not going to crawl out of that bottle for you.

    It's not going to get better over time.

    You're just goin g to sink further down this hole, and it will get harder and harder to crawl out of it.


    You're not going to save him.

  34. If you were never having sex that’s one thing but if it’s just a case of him wanting it more than what’s realistic that’s another

    If he doesn’t care how you feel and about your opinion/reason it might be time to rethink a few things

  35. That’s the goal. She can have the house since I bought and paid for a new one. Feels good not to have a mortgage.

  36. Most people, including people in happy monogamous relationships, experience attraction to more than one person. If you're considering practicing polyamory, you need to consider how you'd feel about your partner dating other people, that's a big part of what we do.

  37. Yes, this is definitely cultural as a first birthday for me means family/close friends as the baby is too young to be aware of what’s going on. When those people get together it typically is a longer event and I would definitely expect there to be beer at the least.

  38. I agree the additional context changes things a lot. Just going to talk about the post.

    But based on the post alone, I definitely think the boyfriend refusing to go is doing a good thing. He shouldn't want to go if this woman will be there. We can agree on that much, right? OP seems to have wanted him to be subtle about avoiding Mary Ann, but I don't agree that that's the best approach. I think he should be open with his friends that Mary Ann was flirting with him and asking for shit that harmed his relationship. I think he could have been a little more graceful about begging off, but it's a minor complaint. I am sensitive to people throwing their partner under the bus about this kind of thing, but it doesn't read to me as fully that.

    Like I do get what you're saying, but it also just feels like your real complaint (even without the additional context) is that OP stayed with this guy at all.

  39. How are the top comments missing the age gap? She is a teenager dating a full-grown adult, and they are engaged so either they've been dating since she was underage or they rushed into an engagement and we can probably guess who wanted that.

    Someone who is actually faithful is not going to cheat with someone's sibling just because they're accused of it. I'm guessing that there was a reason she looked at his phone and she's beating herself up because she's barely out of adolescence and thinks she's crazy for being insecure that he's fucking her sister.

  40. He said you feel lose? I would have been replying with: honey you just have less of a girth than my previous partners.

  41. Good. Absolutely the right move.

    Block those abusive people.

    With sending out that thing you have done everything that is needed for them to continue whatever it is.

  42. He doesn't love you and everyone here can see that plain as day. Someone who loves you does not speak to and treat you the way he is.

    This isn't even debatable. He has no love or respect for you.

  43. Tbh if you work part time and he full time,you should take care of majority of the housework. Let him be the “bread winner” and carry the finances,while you keep the house in order and take care of eventual children in the future.

    Listen,im a man myself who do my own chores in the house eventho i work full time and its ok,but if i have a gf that works part time id expect her to take care of the majority of housework,because well thats fair and thats how proper relationships work. You either 50/50 everything (doesnt work mostly) or you give more in 1 area(house) and less in another (finance) – like a real symbiose would work.

  44. You’ve sacrificed an awful lot for this guy. He hasn’t done anything to help accomplish any of your goals. He’s not interested in getting married. He’s stringing you along so you don’t leave. Why would you give so much to someone who’s willing to give so little, actually nothing.

  45. How could he sue you? You haven't done anything wrong from what you said in your post.

    DO NOT let him stay with you. He will not leave I guarantee it. He can go stay in a hotel. Once someone makes your place a residence for themselves, it becomes very difficult to evict them.

    I would tell him immediately he is not welcome at your place. Block him everywhere and call the police if he shows up. If you have reason to be scared of him file a protection order to try and keep him away from you, and that way he is not even legally allowed to contact you.

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