the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Date: September 20, 2022

61 thoughts on “ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He’s an amazing person and very kind. But he has some issues with anger that he’s dealing with in therapy already. It’s not by choice but that’s just a small part of him.

  2. I get what you’re saying, but this isn’t “cutting off your nose to spite your face”. I’m not sure that means what you think it means.

  3. I'm making some assumptions here so correct me if I'm wrong

    The fact the good time together was on daycation where her role as mother was forgotten about for a while. Is she the one doing all the child responsibilities? It sounds like she certainly feels that way. It might be worth asking her which child chores you can do to help her out and then her head has some time to itself.

  4. It's only going to get worse momma… Dump him, and get into therapy to get to the bottom of why you gravitated towards someone like him in the first place so you don't repeat that mistake again.

  5. I’m going to bring it up with her later, that doing what she did brings that factor into the bedroom. I think she’ll understand this though, we’ll see the response

  6. Just call it off. You two have conflicting priorities and values, that is not something you can resolve with an ultimatum.

    You both are in the clear for wanting what you want, but when you give an ultimatum, you're being manipulative. Set your boundary but don't coerce her.

  7. I'm married, and don't wear a ring, when I talk to anyone, guys or girls, I always find a way to bring up my husband .

    Depending on the topic, I would be like my husband likes this or that, or my husband did this

    You don't have to be I'm sorry I got a husband just because someone talks to you, but there are ways to let them know. Especially if you want them to know.

    She is hiding you OP, and she is leading this guy on.

  8. If they initiated the break up, don’t let them play games with your head. I’d suggest ignoring the texts if they come in again.

  9. Whaaaat that's wild. I just remember the recent one (somewhere in Europe?) where the statue was supposed to represent working peasant women or something, and the artist chose to use sheer material and make her “modern day hot” and then defended it.

    She was certainly a model over an every day laborer

  10. I'm sorry but she definitely is lying about where she was at. Firstly, there is no bigger give away than when the accused gets overtly angry or disproportionately upset concerning the specifics of the lie. Secondly, she clearly left the house so that she could delete any and all evidence of said wrongdoing. If you want absolute confirmation then wait til she suggests that you go through her phone so that you can see she's not hiding anything (right after she erased any evidence off her phoneHave you driven by the place that snapchat said she was at so you can get a better idea of whether it is a house or something else? I'm sorry but she was definitely there, the snapchat map does not make that big of mistake as to your location. We know she lied about where she was, now the question is why was she lying about that? She's cheating is the most obvious answer unfortunately, but that doesnt mean that is the case

  11. Please don’t ruin him with your annoyance. Many others would welcome good d and someone who at least tries to be a friend.

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  13. You are trying to get closer to your faith by cheating 3 times and you don't understand why your girlfriend can't just forgive you and everything can go back to normal? You need to earn trust so keep working on it…and don't worry about how she dresses…never tell a woman how to dress.

  14. ??? He knows that he is hurting you, he knows that it's not funny, he says that he's sorry, but he keeps doing it over and over. He is doing it on purpose. He is chipping away at your self worth. Get out now before you start to believe that you don't deserve better.

  15. Hello /u/user_name060,

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  17. Yeah ik people’s fat/muscle ratios are often very different but I’m 5’0 and 105lbs and would be a little concerned for my health at that stage. And I don’t look chunky but I definitely don’t look thin either.

  18. Yeah ik people’s fat/muscle ratios are often very different but I’m 5’0 and 105lbs and would be a little concerned for my health at that stage. And I don’t look chunky but I definitely don’t look thin either.

  19. Yeah ik people’s fat/muscle ratios are often very different but I’m 5’0 and 105lbs and would be a little concerned for my health at that stage. And I don’t look chunky but I definitely don’t look thin either.

  20. Nothing here makes sense… Just be glad you have less dead weight to carry around with this irresponsible trash bag. Build your life, get a good lawyer for custody agreements and be done with his sorry ass. What a trashcan ?

  21. He honestly needs to get over it. These are his insecurities and you’re not responsible for them. You weren’t talking about him and why would he want to be so big he hurts you? That’s insane this is all his gross ego, you reassured him as much as any person could, you made it clear you love having sex with him but for some reason h s not believing you. That’s his problem.

  22. He honestly needs to get over it. These are his insecurities and you’re not responsible for them. You weren’t talking about him and why would he want to be so big he hurts you? That’s insane this is all his gross ego, you reassured him as much as any person could, you made it clear you love having sex with him but for some reason h s not believing you. That’s his problem.

  23. You need to remove yourself from the situation, full stop. You're going to get hurt, she's going to get more hurt. I assume you care more about your friend's marriage than you do about maintaining any type of contact with her husband. It doesn't matter if you have a connection. You need to bow out.

  24. You make your cousin delete the existing video, re-edit it so it isn’t deceptive, and post the correction along with an abject apology for being a video liar. Let it be her turn for the internet to savage her, and maybe she’ll be a little more empathetic about not subjecting someone to that for personal entertainment.

  25. You need therapy because although he may be a mama's boy you're depend on ppl so you don't feel lonely. Get to know yourself, date yourself for a while. If not you'll just keep ending up in relationships that go no where.

  26. Honestly, no it shouldn’t have. It’s his company, he can decide who he offers to sell to. However, husband should have told his wife.

  27. Love point 1, 3 and 4. I agree with the second sentence in the second point. However, I feel the first half is subjective and is different for every relationship. Thank you!

  28. Yes. I saw in another comment you said it was a UTI which honestly isn’t even a big deal and if anything it probably just made him uncomfortable you even mentioned it. Again though, it sounds like what you want is more serious than what he wants so be honest with yourself about continuing this sitationship when it’s likely going to lead to disappointment for you.

  29. Maybe not for you, but you are not everyone.

    For many people, the idea of marriage is deeply rooted in emotional bond and the feeling of perpetual security.

    People thinking marriage isn't any different than being in a relationship is the reason divorce rates skyrocketed. Before, marriage was a means to live out the relationships that are now common (mostly due to religious reasons); living together, sex, sharing finances, kids, etc. All fairly commonplace among non-marital relationships now. Things that can help you identify true compatability (except maybe the child one). So, to the younger generations who are getting married much less frequently, marriage has adopted a much deeper meaning than simply a means to an end like it used to be.

    You see a piece of paper. I see my wife, an unbreakable bond that cannot be expressed through the word “girlfriend” or “partner”.

    Not to mention the legal and tax related stuff. Super nice for this upcoming April.

  30. This woman pulled out a knife last time he tried to break up with her in person. She held it to her arm, but she is quite capable of going after him with it too, especially when he calls her bluff. I would agree with you about in person break ups with normal people. This is not one of them. In this case, his safety is far more important than ideologies about the perfect break up methods, which will mean nothing if he’s dead. This bitch is some one dangerous enough for him to high tail it safely far away from her and leave a note. Safety is always priority as leaving an abuser is considered the most dangerous time.

  31. Assuming your version of events is how they happened. (Devil's advocate maybe, but I'm a counselor and doctor so must consider the other version)

    You can't handle all this and more for a lifetime. You either walk away from her, or you walk to a therapist's office and get her sorted out. Then work on both of yourselves and other issues.

  32. Eh. 8 billion people on this planet. It's easily believable that something this stupid could happen.

  33. He's clearly going to be one of those middle-aged men who swear up and down that he can still “bag” a college coed and tells himself that it's because he's “still got it” and deny that any 20yo girl would see him purely in a sugar daddy capacity

  34. Yeah but I don't want to tolerate this inconsistent behaviour.

    I have anxiety issues due to my previous relationship.

    So I told him we stop texting completely, just call me whenever you feel like talking. Don't know if I did the right thing but whatever better than inconsistency.

  35. Wrong question. It's not about you.

    You need to help your life partner and mother of your 3 kids to find a hobby.

    And failure (or blaming her) is not an option.

    If not for her – do it for your kids.

  36. This is the worst analogy ever.

    Going to disneyland compared to getting hurt by your husbands pursuit of new pussy.

    I can't believe this is the hill you're willing to die on.

  37. Reach out to your local bar and get a referral to a family lawyer. Most will do free consultations. Go talk with one to see what would happen if you broke off the relationship.

    It's not gonna be easy, but you do need to leave. Children learn relationships from their parents. Do you think yours is a good example for your daughter? And it sounds like you're the responsible parent here. If you can sort out living arrangements, you have a shot at custody and bring the residential parent. Go talk with a lawyer, and talk to anyone who will support you: family, friends, etc.

  38. My friend, I think the trust left the minute you posted this. I’d save yourself more heartbreak at this point…

  39. Let’s get this straight your fiancé and your mom stole this dress on purpose and withheld it hoping to force you into submission about what they wanted you to do. Take this as the giant red flag it is and break it off with your disgusting fiancé. I would also go no or very low contact with your mom too. Hopefully, they will give you back the dress though.

  40. Don't bail out your boyfriend especially if he's going to be irresponsible with his money. It may be the kick in the ass he needs to learn not to spend money on non essentials when he's about to be kicked out.

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