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IAM_18TEENlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


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Room for online sex video chat IAM_18TEEN

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Birth Date: 2003-04-18

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityIndian

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Date: September 4, 2022

57 thoughts on “IAM_18TEENlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. I’m not really sure. If it was me I’d probably have a serious convo one time and say the usual he’s only into you because he can manipulate you easily etc and then never say anything about it and then stick to making a face any time he’s brought up.

  2. Feeling betrayed makes sense here. Feeling upset that people hid this behind your back makes sense here. Feeling uncomfortable that the two of them were raise from infants in the same household now are dating is fair and makes sense here.

    You are feeling very valid emotions, that are all appropriate and sensical in this situation.

    Now, you need to understand also that everyone else involved doesn’t feel so harsh about this and that they may never feel as uncomfortable as you.

    Also, they are now adults, unrelated by blood, have been raised by the same parents so probably have a deep connection on a multitude of facets, are attracted to eachother, and most importantly liked by you and your husband (assuming you like sage and your kids). Relationships can go all sorts of ways, but a the very least you know they both have good hearts and aren’t abusive and toxic. Let them learn and grow from eachother and if they end up together then do be it.

  3. i don’t have advice but sorry about this commenter, they’re completely wrong, an asshole, and their username indicates just what type of person they are lol. you deserve to follow your dreams and not let your husband control you anymore 🙂

  4. This seems like a red flag. Are people missing that OP said she has enough money for a down payment? OP buy your own house and stay in it until he fully commits, they you can rent it out.

  5. Other ideas on how to spend the christmas:

    voluntary work: many ppl find satisfaction on helping out homeless ppl at christmas. the communities organizing these things are often full of nice ppl make a advert as a Santa. the demand for (sober non-criminal) Santas is very high at least where Im from, and you get paid really good and get to meet some families as well

  6. If you guys are exclusive, doesn't that technically make you girlfriend and boyfriend? Being exclusive means that you are for each other, and no one else, which should indicate gf/bf.

    I know I need to talk to him about it but not sure how to approach it without sounding clingy

    Just ask him. “Hey, so I noticed you addressed me as your “girlfriend” at the weekend trip.. but I wasn't sure if we were officially gf/bf” etc.

  7. She has to pay half of EVERYTHING. So her bills will add up quickly to where she can’t afford it and has to move out.

  8. Might she have a medical issue, if this has gotten worse (smellier and more frequent) over time?

    Alternatively, maybe she’s just immature on this issue. You say everything else is going great, so you might just have to decide if this is worth ignoring for the sake of everything else… or if this just means you’re not compatible at this point in your life. You’re not married, you’re only 20, you’re totally allowed to break up if it’s just too much. She’s being really inconsiderate of your requests and comfort, assuming she’s physically able to do something about it.

  9. I agree with your husband that this is not cheating.

    Why do you think it is? Is he not allowed to have friends?

    I do, however, believe it sounds like you guys have a communication issue. And that apparently makes you very suspicious of him. You two might have to discuss how you share information with one another, what you tell each other, etc.

  10. Hello /u/ThrowRAyelpan88,

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  13. I’m sorry you’re going through this. To be honest, from everything you’ve said here, it would be a great idea to break up now and just be done with the situation. She is throwing up red flag after red flag and it’s only going to get worse. Also, it was a good move to tell her mom to check on her, that’s exactly what you should have done.

  14. Good on you for being open to constructive criticism, its truly refreshing to see! Please follow through with working on your issues though. Its obviously leading to a lot of turmoil for yourself, and it will cause you to hurt others/relationships unnecessarily. You deserve to feel better and your partners deserve you to be at your best

  15. I don't know what kind of world you on-line in, but I've never been skinny dipping with a woman I wasn't having sex with – or about to.

  16. Omg. Okay. Here’s the thing about these meds. Some of them create weight gain that you simply cannot exercise or diet out of. A lot of us have had to make the calculation along the way, is our mental health more important than anything else? Often we go through every med out there and the only one that helps is the one that causes weight gain. In the end, we will come back to the thing that helps because nothing, NOTHING is worse than your own brain attacking you. Diet and exercise do NOT address med related weight gain and our cultures obsession with it does significant damage to people. Your reply is getting downvoted because it’s incorrect and damaging.

  17. If he doesn’t wear rings he doesn’t know what size he would want to wear. Propose with a fake ring and tell him you have the real ring in mind but he has to figure out the size.

  18. Yeah I’ve had on some rose tinted glasses looking at a piece of shit. Is it worth confronting her and am seeing what her reaction is… a part of me wants this is be repairable but that seems insane

  19. One thing you should consider is who is paying for all of this? What will be the timeline of her staying with you guys if you say yes. Don't agree to something solo and don't make promises you can't keep. You're going to have to talk to your husband because it is his home too. Also, you will want to see what your sisters future plans are. Are you ready for her and her newborn to be permanent residents?

  20. I'm sorry, I just want to know why adults I. Their 30's and 40's were using the pull out method? I knew that was a crap method in high school. When I got off birth control due to health reasons, my husband and I used condoms. We weren't ready to have kids yet and we never got pregnant during this time. We used condoms successfully for like 2 years.

  21. Nude disagree. This is down to the demographic you're around and exposed to. My entire circle of friends and family are big supporters of men being treated fairly. It's also something that has come up many times, because it's such a salient issue to discuss.

    The entire “toxic masculinity” phrase and movement is exactly because people are aware of these problems and are trying to change them. (One of the toxic expectations of masculinity is that you can't be sexually assaulted by a woman, or that you're not taken seriously when you are.)

    If it's barely mentioned, then why is toxic masculinity so prevalent as a discussion? It never would've become a mainstream term at all if people weren't talking about men being allowed to be human beings.

  22. Most couples that survive infidelity only do because the cheater takes responsibility, confesses, and does everything they can to repair the relationship.

    You didn’t cheat and there’s nothing you can personally do to fix this, he has to want it himself and be willing to to work for it. Which does not seem like the case, honestly. I’m sorry.

  23. Was this not evident when you first started dating? I can't imagine that changed.

    I think it's one thing to hear that your partner is thrifty and wants to retire early and another to find that they expect you to eat rice and beans and avoid getting child safety equipment in order to maintain a savings rate higher than the average household income.

    It's also not unreasonable to expect that changing life circumstances would alter how someone handles their money. My best friend was incredibly thrifty when he was single and early in married life while his wife was a bit more of a spendthrift. He even talked seriously about moving into a tiny house and going fully minimalist at points with varying levels of seriousness. But each of them moderated their own impulses in marriage and struck a balance that worked for them (and once he had a kid, he quickly opened up to spending more and ended up buying a regular suburban house, increasing lifestyle spending, etc., while still adequately funding long term savings goals). It sounds like OP's husband hasn't gone through that kind of introspection.

  24. Stay away from that friend. This will destroy your marriage faster than anything. If you do truly love your wife you will not go there. She will pretend not to know that you are fucking your friend while this woman smirks and rubs your wife's nose in the fact that she is taking her man. That is NOT within your wife's guidelines!

    However It's pretty obvious you want this friend since you've already discussed it with her. Do the right thing and leave your poor wife, the love is gone.

  25. You don't want to talk about his addiction but those two things can't be separated – you are living with an alcoholic. Even if it's not impacting you now it will. Being strict and honest is necessary.

  26. She?

    Also, yes, that is what I meant in so many words by suggesting he get the landlord involved. Maybe I need to edit my comments for clarity. by “hold the power.” I meant that OP has an established relationship with the LL as a Tennant and thus has the power to initiate a conversation/eviction process.

    I wasn't literally saying just kick him tf out, and the bit about changing locks is a last resort/example of actions that a LL could take depending on the situation.

  27. You realize we’re advocating for the same exact thing, right?

    Only my way, the way of communication, gets it all out of the way early on in the relationship. You can find out incompatibility within a month.

    Would you not rather figure that out and move on so much quicker?

    Your way, the wait for three major holidays to see how gift giving goes without talking about it. (Aka fuck around and find out) Takes about a year to discover if you’re on the same page.

    I’m not advocating for teaching someone how to give gifts. I’m advocating for you straight up telling someone your expectations with gift giving.

    My wife had high expectations that she could never put into words. Since I tend to hate the mandated gift giving rituals of consumerist society, this left me approaching every major gift giving holiday with dread. In general I did sweet things for her, but forced gift giving made it feel like a school assignment and took much joy out of the occasions. And then her disappointment took it out for her.

    So now I talk about things. The new gf and I are incredibly enough on the same page, but I wouldn’t know it had I not had a conversation about expectations and desires.

  28. My ex did this our entire 10 year relationship. It’s an insecurity that he needs to work out himself. Don’t become his punching bag, leave him now before you get in too deep and it becomes harder

  29. I have tactics that might work against Mom, but your STBXBF needs to be all in. Instead he's all “Game Over” – and to a lesser degree, so are you. That final argument must have been explosive. Things said that can't be unsaid.

    I grant you, family pushback is a powerful force that has destroyed strong couples and solid marriages. Both of you must really wanna see if you can beat the odds. Otherwise, it's just a question of how to end it: his way, or the “let's get this over with and move on” way. On that, I have no tactics. Purely an emotional decision.

  30. Sounds honestly pretty messy. I feel like you both ought to just separate until you're both ready to pursue what you really want and those wants match up more.

  31. Well thank you for being patient with my illiterate butt and I wish you the best on your mission to get that recording

  32. I understand what you mean, kinda feels like whichever decision i make isnt the right one, and dont get me wrong im not perfect and can cause a whole lotta stress and confusion and frankly im not too bright when it comes to stuff like this, yet whenever i preach communication she tells me that it “ always ends up back to me “ when i express how I felt about something that she said

  33. How long have you been dating?

    Either way, yes, it's concerning. It's not the fact that it's 20 years on its own; it's because of your ages specifically. Yes, you're legally consenting adults. But you're logically in vastly different life stages.

    As such, you need to ask yourself why a 42 year old would pursue a 22 year old? It's generally due to the inherent power dynamic due the presumed immaturity you might have. To be perfectly clear, that's not a judgment or an insult; it's simply a reality. We only know what we know at the age we're at.

    Just be careful. If something seems off, it's almost always because it is. Good luck.

  34. Thank you. Im gonna work on making new friends for sure. Sometimes I value people who are fun more than people who are good people..I need both qualities in 1 ?

  35. Lol, “pulling out” is not using protection. You had unprotected sex and you got pregnant twice because you're irresponsible.

  36. Wow. I don’t understand how someone can be in a relationship for 5 years and really consider leaving them when they got sick. If you can’t do it just leave her now. Don’t waste more of her time.

  37. He could have been trying to do better this whole time but why did it take her 4 years to finally say “hey babe you suck at fingering and i have never liked it all those times you thought i liked it i was faking it”

  38. This is what I was thinking, “are these conversations really happening?”

    I’d tell him if he can’t stand up for me and the relationship then not sure why you are together. Seems he’s more worried about not causing a conflict with his family than making you feel badly about yourself and the relationship.

    Doubt I’d stay in a relationship in which I am so blatantly disrespected.

  39. Left one abuser, and only 4 years later already married and in another awful relationship, and got an abusers name tattooed permanently on their body. OP does not seem to be good at making long term decisions or considering their outcomes.

  40. Tell her you're breaking up with her and give her 30 days notice to find another place, that should give her enough time to save for another place to rent. It's up to you how long you allow her to get out but 30 days is standard.

  41. They obviously aren’t stupid enough to make explicit promises, but if I watched that happen to someone I would never trust that company to reward my effort

  42. A boundary is when you say “you do this, I will react ike this.” What you want is a rule, which you can't get him to follow if he doesn't want to. (I'm guessing that he's reacting this way because he has poor motives and wants to browbeat you into accepting them.)

  43. They've been together 8 months. They haven't been fighting for 8 months , for all we know it's been a month , you ever heard of effort in a rs..I mean seriously.

  44. If your picture of a year ago is anything to go by, youre a completely normal weight / size. Do you know your BMI?

  45. Lol, well, I havnt gotten upset at him if you actually read what I wrote. I’ve been cool about it and avoided showing my insecurities about it bc I know I can be too codependent & try not to be, i do give him his space. I was having a bit of an internal conflict & came to the internet to voice my insecurities and ask others for their opinion. I have not at all gotten upset at him for not bringing me. I’m fully aware he can not invite me and not be mean, which is why I wanted an outside opinion bc like I said I know I’m too codependent sometimes, so just cuz I feel hurt by it doesn’t mean what he did was actually hurtful .. I understand and want to respect his boundaries and space like I said. If my partner was as passive aggressive and rude as you it would be a total dealbreaker .. ?

  46. That definitely sounds illegal. You should look into this. Seems like the brother is stealing from your boyfriend.

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