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kuttekclive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


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Subculture: subcultureStudent

Date: September 12, 2022

37 thoughts on “kuttekclive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Oh, I agree it was not socially polite/correct. But that doesn't mean he wanted it to be awkward. In fact, unless he was lying, he honestly believed that he was doing exactly what OP wanted. You might pity the man for his social ineptitude, but you don't hate him for honestly trying to please his lover.

  2. You break up. It’s my shallow.

    You can not have sex with lots of people. Don’t choose that in a monogamous relationship.

  3. Hello /u/Mission_Wall6014,

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  5. She’s gone bro. This relationship is OVER. It’s very very clear because she doesn’t even want you to join for any of it. Save yourself some extra heartache and rip this bandaid off now.

  6. I get that she likes this but it should be expected for adults to contribute to chores. I don't know that this will fully satisfy her craving for acts of service. Just my opinion and others on here as well.

  7. he didnt tell u before cause he knew it would be a deal breaker for you. hes telling u after cause he knew he could convince you to forgive him. that foesnt sound likesome one i want to date

  8. Talk to partner, be gentle about it. Talk more about small apt and lack of privacy. See where that goes. ( and do it before she shows up not while ).

  9. This is a great perspective, makes the whole incident feel not as shitty anymore. I felt very, very bad about what happened, so it’s nice to have something good come out of it lol

  10. But the whole thing is that the baby should be celebrated as they come, there shouldn't be any preference for either a boy or a girl. Celebrating the baby's genitals is completely inappropriate, unless you believe that penises are better than vaginas or vice versa.

    Imagine if a future parent is unhappy at the colour inside the cake and it gets posted and the child comes across it at some point in the future? They'll literally see their parent looking crestfallen at the first moment they learn something central to the person the baby is becoming.

  11. It used to be a self preservation thing when normies or rednecks went to bars to beat the shit outta you if they could get you alone.

    Now it's self preservation in a less harmful way, but still ingrained in us to notice. If you're not part of the flock, the flock is going to notice.

    And the flock will notice.

  12. Get on the waiting list now. You will have 6 months to look for a new job and whichever comes first you go with your kids.

    Keep your head down and try to start disengaging. Attending Al-anon (since his mom is a drunk) is not a bad way to learn some skills for living with an active alcoholic, plus if you put in some time people there do help each other out- with jobs, rentals, resources etc. At the very least you can go to a meeting and escape the house for a bit.

  13. The big problem with the future is that it isn't happening now. And you can't make it. You're either willing to risk wasting time in the hope that it won't be wasted, or else you're not. You should remember, though, that many of the people who make big promises about the future are just liars.

  14. Of all the ways to cheat this is what he does? And then has the audacity to suggest couples therapy? Girl, no…

  15. He wants to know about the relationship being the relationship to consider in its uncertainty and complications.


    Meanwhile what is up with these posts? They're almost daily and it's just repetitive nonsense. I don' see the point.

  16. Exactly what I was thinking. People put up with too much shit just for the sake of staying together. So ugly and toxic to even go through this…I would have just ended it when things weren’t getting better! Of course, try therapy but if that’s not working just move tf on…and go be happy. Happy people make the world better

  17. I don't think he will ever be ready. He may actually want kids, but allows fear to hold him back. Not knowing him I can't say.

  18. So you’ve never met in person? You guys are larp-ing a relationship and she is losing interest. Focus on meeting people you can actually see irl.

  19. My husband and I compliment each other everyday. It’s one of my favorite parts of our relationship. Makes me feel secure and desired.

  20. I am under a strong feeling that your BF only ant to marry for the public image. I would have report the wedding myself if it happened to my wife. who in its right mind could think a wedding can cancelled a death ? he doesn't seems very affected by the lost of the child.

  21. Been with my wife for 13 yrs. Till death do us part was not in our vows. Is if they matter anyway lol

  22. Congrats! Tell don’t worry about missing the game, take your doctoral mentor or a good friend. Tell your present to yourself is to break up with him. Congrats he has a roommate not a boyfriend.

    Also, did you turn in your thesis paper yet? The lady who accepts for our Uni is a stickler.

  23. As someone who's been through 4 back surgeries and taken enough muscle relaxers for a life time I can now see why he was likely passed out.

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