Miss Alice NZ the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Miss Alice NZ, 28 y.o.

Location: New Zealand

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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Miss Alice NZ

Miss Alice NZ live sex chat

Date: October 2, 2022

3 thoughts on “Miss Alice NZ the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. She had cheated on a past boyfriend

    And here yet again she's done it. You are a fool if you stay with her, or at the very least green lighting her fucking other people whenever she feels like it.

    However, on Christmas Eve her dad was diagnosed with late stage cancer. Doctors have suggested he has around 3 months to live, though it could be less.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with her infidelity and you are under no moral obligation or other to stay with her or support her through this time. You still need to leave her. This is not your fault that the timing is bad. It's her fault she fucked some dude behind your back.

    she has been my best friend for like 7 years now.

    Well clearly those feelings aren't mutual, otherwise she wouldn't throw your relationship away for a fuck in a hotel room.

    I gave it a month to test the waters. I now want to break up with her, but her dad is actively dying and she has become his full time end of life carer. Should I be waiting for 'the right time', or just rip off the bandaid?

    Bandaid – Off. She's made her bed (And fucked someone else in it). This isn't even a one time thing. This is the second (That you know of). Time to boot her to the curb.

  2. Why are you subsidizing your bf and his dad? You’re but wrong but you do deserve someone who is your equal

  3. If you're already planning to have sex with someone after two weeks, you need to stop thinking with your crotch.

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