My [26M] wife [28F] walked out because I wouldn’t sleep with her while she was pregnant


My wife and I have been together 5 years, married 2, and expecting our first child. We've been trying for over a year so we were over the moon when we found out she was pregnant. She was a little nervous about her body changing but I assured her that I would always find her beautiful inside and out.

During her first trimester she felt sick all the time and as a result intimacy was almost non-existent. I didn't complain about the lack of intimacy during this time because I knew she couldn't help it. A few weeks into the second trimester things turned around though and she started trying to initiate sex.

This is where problems arose. She was starting to show at this point which made it impossible to deny that there was a little baby in there. I couldn't stay hot because I felt like we were doing it right in front of the baby. She was understanding at first (I have had ED issues in the past and she has always been kind and never shamed me for it) and she suggested we do hand stuff and oral instead. However I explained I didn't feel like doing anything sexual with the baby in the room. She said the baby was the size of a grape and didn't have a brain yet but I told her it wasn't about logic, I just felt gross and I couldn't enjoy it.

Over the next few weeks she kept trying to initiate sex and I kept turning her down. I started to get a little annoyed by the second week of this because she knew very well how I felt about it yet kept asking.

Last night when I turned her down for sex once again she blew up at me and said she never would have married me if she thought I was the kind of guy to lose attraction to his pregnant wife while she's carrying his child. I tried to explain that I'm still attracted to her but she didn't listen, she packed a bag and went to her parents' house.

I got a text from my brother in law a few hours later asking if I'm ok and what happened so I guess at least she hasn't been spinning a negative story about me to my in laws. I haven't responded to the text though. I'm confused and heartbroken our marriage might end over something so trivial.

How can I get her to understand that I really am still attracted to her?

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Date: July 13, 2023

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